Member since 1984
+113|6998|Denver, CO
something is very wrong with the theater calculations... this is what mine shows:
USMC 174:56:46 345 372 105
MEC (Mid-East) 104:10:38 211 225 97
PLA (Far-East) 70:46:08 134 147 105
SEALs 01:21:18 4 2 22
SAS 03:14:23 10 6 44
Spetznaz 03:23:16 5 10 31
MECSF 01:21:18 4 2 22
Rebels 02:16:48 1 9 20
Insurgents 02:07:55 6 5 44

when in actuality i only have 181hours total gameplay... and only 360 wins/389 loss global... looks like it just about doubles everything.

i think the problem is that instead of splitting up the hours between each side on a certain map it adds the time to BOTH sides, this is supported by the BR stat duplication: my BR of 105 is PLA on Songhua Stalemate.  But if you look on time in theater it also shows up under USMC which is the opposing side on SS but unfortunately is not true.

Feel free to take a look:
That's why it's called theater time and not army time. It's the time you've spend in the army's maps regardless if you've played with that particulair army or the opposing force.

And those theater times are exactly what's needed for the army ribbons

Last edited by Fatbubba (2006-01-19 13:27:51)

The Karma Collector!
+233|7010|The Netherlands
INCSOC, try having a look at page one of this topic, you'll understand than...
What are the actual requirements for the ribbons in SF? I have seen a lot of talk about what they may be, but I haven't found anything on the sites that tells me what they really are. Does anyone know?
Member since 1984
+113|6998|Denver, CO

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

INCSOC, try having a look at page one of this topic, you'll understand than...
i've read the entire post... it still doesn't make any sense, it doesn't add up... lets make an example:

A person plays Gulf with an USMC for 10 hours, the time in theater will show 10 hours for USMC and 10 hours for MEC.  This is incorrect as it does not qualify you for the MEC time in theater.  If this was done correctly the total of time in theater time will add up to your total time, and would infact be identical to the regular Army stats.  These stats shown are useless.   

To do the time in theater correctly one would have to identify the ammount of hours PER map PER side.  For example Mr. X played 10 hours on the Gulf map, 7 hours for USMC and 3 hours for MEC.  then Mr. X played SS map for 20 hours 13 hours for USMC and 7 hours for PLA.  the army stats would show the following:

USMC 20h
MEC 3h
PLA 7h

but time in theater should show this:
Gulf: 7
SS: 13

GUlf: 3

SS: 7

you see what i mean?

INCSOC wrote:

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

INCSOC, try having a look at page one of this topic, you'll understand than...
i've read the entire post... it still doesn't make any sense, it doesn't add up... lets make an example:

A person plays Gulf with an USMC for 10 hours, the time in theater will show 10 hours for USMC and 10 hours for MEC.  This is incorrect as it does not qualify you for the MEC time in theater.  If this was done correctly the total of time in theater time will add up to your total time, and would infact be identical to the regular Army stats.  These stats shown are useless.   

To do the time in theater correctly one would have to identify the ammount of hours PER map PER side.  For example Mr. X played 10 hours on the Gulf map, 7 hours for USMC and 3 hours for MEC.  then Mr. X played SS map for 20 hours 13 hours for USMC and 7 hours for PLA.  the army stats would show the following:

USMC 20h
MEC 3h
PLA 7h

but time in theater should show this:
Gulf: 7
SS: 13

GUlf: 3

SS: 7

you see what i mean?
Time in USMC Theater would be the 10 hours on Gulf + the 20 on SS= 30.  It does NOT matter which side you play. While on SS (or any map) as USMC for those 13 hours you racked up 13 hours in a USMC theater map AND 13 hours in a PLA map.  Same goes for the 7 hours as PLA.  7 hours in a PLA theater map AND 7 hours in a USMC Theater map.  Basically, your time in theater totals for all 3 armies will always be double your time on BF2 Vanilla.  Repeat the process for SF.

If the game did what you suggested, all it would be doing is counting your time spent playing a given army (again!).

Last edited by DakkonBlackblade (2006-01-19 15:36:49)

+4|7147|Berlin, Germany
NO! Because somehow you talk.... well..... SHIT?! BECAUSE: 10 hours USMC on Karkand is 10 HOURS in the THEATER OF USMC and 10 HOURS IN THE THEATER OF MEC! GOT IT NOW?! IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU ARE IN THE TEAM! Its just fighting in the team, or fighting against it!

Apparently this is a very, very confusing concept.
Member since 1984
+113|6998|Denver, CO
so according to you if you play only for USMC this would qualify you for MEC Service Ribbon... to me that sounds ridiculus... its like saying 2+2 is 8 instead of 4

i still believe time in theater is per MAP
Member since 1984
+113|6998|Denver, CO

chuyskywalker wrote:

Apparently this is a very, very confusing concept.
i understand the concept chuy... the point is that it tells you nothing....

say the MEC ribbon has the recs of
Time in theater: 25h
TIme in service: 25h

if I played Gulf as a mec for 25h, your stats would show the following:
USMC time = 0h
MEC time = 25h

Time in Theater:
USMC = 25h
MEC = 25h

as you can see by THESE stats this "qualifies" me for the ribbon by the stats ... but it does NOT in the game because thats not what Time in theater IS...

to prove this, look at these 2 people:

Gerard_Tham - No MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 20:48 MEC TiT: 37:40

Huggy_Bear1234 - with MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 11:17 MEC TiT: 27:36

with your logic Gerard should have the ribbon a long time ago ... the logic is wrong

Last edited by INCSOC (2006-01-19 16:15:25)

good job man, keep up the good work
Infantry Whore
+42|6995|Kingswood Country
Dear god, why are people finding this so confusing? A theater is just the area of combat, regardless of which side you fight on - this makes some more sense if you look at just the original BF2.

On Kubra Dam, you can fight as either US or MEC - fighting as either counts towards your time in the desert (and the Middle East Theater ribbon). Similarly, time in China should count towards your China maps (Far East) time. Since all of them are also US maps, your time also counts as being in theatres the US fights in. So adding all your stats up across forces will be twice your actual (ie, 1hr on Kubra counts as an hour in MEC battles and as an hour in US battles - they are both in it). With the two original ribbons, this was obvious - whichever side you fought on, you worked towards the MEC map ribbon or China ribbon (with the US counting to either).

Where people start to get confused is looking at the SF maps - the round robin between the armies means that all 6 forces have a ribbon, and the time on map counts towards 2 requirements (ribbon for both forces). If you add all the separate stats up, this will obviously be twice your time, etc.

Does this make sense?

INCSOC wrote:

to prove this, look at these 2 people:

Gerard_Tham - No MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 20:48 MEC TiT: 37:40

Huggy_Bear1234 - with MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 11:17 MEC TiT: 27:36

with your logic Gerard should have the ribbon a long time ago ... the logic is wrong
Hardly. The ribbons also take into account the fact that Gerard there hasn't played all of the maps in the MEC theater -- a sort of hidden req. He could play for the rest of his life, but if he doesn't put some time in on  Oman, he'll never get the ribbon. This little peekabo is half the reason it's so hard to (programatically) determine if a person has met the reqs for these various awards.

midgetspy wrote:

Does "Flash" include Tear Gas Grenades?

i think so, because i rarely use flashbang since i hardly play assault. so my 99 deployments have to be mostly tear gar.

dunno if EA xml feed seperates flash bangs from tear gas - look at the "Basic Tactical Support Weaponry Badge", there counts flash & tear gas ...
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|7029|Gütersloh, Germany

Kobrakai wrote:

I think you should bring the vehicle stats up underneath the Weapon and equipment stats and where that was perhaps put the misc stats or something. I just think it would be better to group related information.
Maybe one day chuy will rewrite the statspages with DHTML so that you can move the boxes around your screen and close the ones you're not interested in. INCSOC then can close the Theater box because it's to confusing for him
I'd like to give you an example of what is possible with DHTML but unfortunately is down and I can't find another site

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

Yes, I found that out, I hoped I made that clear in my post, presumably i didn't...

But still, it is confusing information if you ask me, I don't really know what to do with it, it's not of much use...

BTW, call me a n00b if you want, but why is BF2 called BF2 vanilla? Is vanilla a word of "original" or something? I see it has been used often, and I know the normal BF2 is meant with it, but why call it vanilla?
It's not that confusing, I looked at it confused for maybe 30 seconds before I figured it all out. On the other hand, I'm not sure if it's useful info or not, but I don't really care, the more stats the better. This site really stands out as the best one to look at to get a detailed stats analysis.
Problem is it shouldn't be divided by team. Time in theater, obviously the categories should be theaters not armies. Just suppose a badge requires x time in the Far East theater, it doesnt matter if I play that x amount of time as China or USA, as long as the map is a Far East map, it will be time for that theater.

Instead of having all the sides listed it should have (for regular bf2)

Middle East    233:36:17    405    375    124   
Far East    154:43:05    267    274    119

Because theater time isnt about which SIDE you were fighting, its about WHERE you were fighting.

For SF i am not sure what the best implementation would be.

Last edited by he_who_says_zonk (2006-01-20 06:25:32)


chief-robertsan wrote:

What are the actual requirements for the ribbons in SF? I have seen a lot of talk about what they may be, but I haven't found anything on the sites that tells me what they really are. Does anyone know?
- Play all maps for that army.
- 50 Hours in theatre for that army.
- 5 Hours in service for that army.
Back in battle after 3-year break

Kobrakai wrote:

- Play all maps for that army.
- 50 Hours in theatre for that army.
- 5 Hours in service for that army.
This seems to be correct. I was going trough many stats now, from fellas who earned the Service Ribbons. Only the ones that have over 50 hrs in Theater have them...

...what also means, that these theater stats are usefull, regardless if some ppl don't like them ;-)

Last edited by [FB]Eraser (2006-01-20 09:38:17)

Code poet
+1|7064|Branson, MO, USA

[FB]Eraser wrote:

Kobrakai wrote:

- Play all maps for that army.
- 50 Hours in theatre for that army.
- 5 Hours in service for that army.
This seems to be correct. I was going trough many stats now, from fellas who earned the Service Ribbons. Only the ones that have over 50 hrs in Theater have them...

...what also means, that these theater stats are usefull, regardless if some ppl don't like them ;-)
I've heard that the Insurgent Service ribbon might have lower requirements than the rest, but all the others seem to hold by this requirement.

chuyskywalker wrote:

INCSOC wrote:

to prove this, look at these 2 people:

Gerard_Tham - No MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 20:48 MEC TiT: 37:40

Huggy_Bear1234 - with MEC ribbon
MEC TOTAL: 11:17 MEC TiT: 27:36

with your logic Gerard should have the ribbon a long time ago ... the logic is wrong
Hardly. The ribbons also take into account the fact that Gerard there hasn't played all of the maps in the MEC theater -- a sort of hidden req. He could play for the rest of his life, but if he doesn't put some time in on  Oman, he'll never get the ribbon. This little peekabo is half the reason it's so hard to (programatically) determine if a person has met the reqs for these various awards.
If you had a separate table for the map entity (map_id, map name, mec, us, china, seal, sas, spetz, mecsf, rebel, insurgent) and one for the player-map relationship (pid, map_id, time, wins, losses, br) it'd be trivial to accomplish with a query, and would probably facilitate other things as well. The same principle could/should be applied to other entities like classes, weapons, and vehicles - your queries would turn from pure ugly to things of beauty ;-P

Do you also have to have a B.R. score of 80 or greater?

midgetspy wrote:

If you had a separate table for the map entity (map_id, map name, mec, us, china, seal, sas, spetz, mecsf, rebel, insurgent) and one for the player-map relationship (pid, map_id, time, wins, losses, br) it'd be trivial to accomplish with a query, and would probably facilitate other things as well. The same principle could/should be applied to other entities like classes, weapons, and vehicles - your queries would turn from pure ugly to things of beauty ;-P

Actually, it is setup like that. I store map details in arrays, actually, that are cached as objects in memory. In the database, I have all that data just sitting there waiting to be id'ed to the appropriate map.

The problem comes in when evaluating success on award reqs. For something like kills I can just say "kills=300" and run that through a very simple algorithm that can figure out what data to compare.

I suppose, I could set the requirements to "mtm-1=60,mtm-2=60, etc, etc" (map time kubra, 1 minute, etc, etc) but that gets fugly when showing up in ubar. Hrmpf...
+0|7019|riverside, ca
GREAT job chuy. no matter wat sum ppl r saying, these stats are very useful/helpful. im sure when the ones that dont understand the whole theatre thing finally figure it out, they will thank u 2. Nice job on the zipline, flash, and grappling hook stats too, now i dont have to go to a completely different site to see how many i have. Thanks again.
Graet work man

Ppl, is it really hard to understand what time in theater means? English is my second language and figured it out by looking at stats for like 45 seconds. It calculates everything pretty accurately (I did not actually recalculate those numbers with a calculator, but it seem that the are).

Thank you for this upgrade and for the stats overall.

btw, I think it was better when medals and ribbons were in the old format, not like - its hard to see everything with a glance. But anyways its great.
Keep up the good work

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