
Is it worth the £5.99 to buy Armored Fury?

Yes, its only a quarter of the pocket money.21%21% - 12
No, there aern't enough servers to enjoy it fully.39%39% - 22
Your stats say your not an armor guy. Don't get it.0%0% - 0
The maps are brilliant! DO get it!16%16% - 9
You have BF2, SF & EF, why not complete it?23%23% - 13
Total: 56
Convince me to buy AF
Flamesuit essential

Don't.  Sorry, just don't.
Touches Himself At Night.
It's great if you are a good pilot or a fan of the Little Bird
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6867|Brisbane, Aus

The little bird and the A10 are truly great and all, but I'd first check how many servers near you that run it with enough players first..
+3,135|7048|The Hague, Netherlands

Not Anymore
I love that booster...alas,hardly any servers locally,shame really..(
So,my nswer is yes get it as the more people playing the more servers..)
POE2 can offer similar gameplay, but is free and is often more populated.
the "Commander"
+102|6833|the Netherlands
i would like to have it ....

i play Project reality...its got A10,littlebirds , APC ,Tanks ....

so im not so desperate to buy it ONLINE through the EA download

EF + AF in dvd version ..i'd buy it
get it if you want, but as your stats say it, you're not an armor guy at all so.. anyway I don't have AF but for what I've seen, maps seem to be cool. (play more EF ffs)
+34|6967|Devil's Perch

kptk92 wrote:

Convince me to buy AF
Why? I didn't even like it myself.
I was lucky enough to enjoy a number of rides with one of the best little bird pilots this game has ever seen and yes, that was fun. Beyond that, AF has some beautiful maps which are still not fun.
So, in the end, my advice is: If you feel like completing a collection of vanilla, SF and EF, go ahead and buy it. You will find an occasion to play AF every once in a while and might enjoy that.
On the other hand, you can count the number of servers that run AF using the fingers of one hand which means you will encounter pretty much the same guys over and over again which can get kinda frustrating if there's the kind of players that are just annoying.
Proud member of a dead community.

Enzzenmachine wrote:

(play more EF ffs)
Mmmkay ... later tonight I shall!!
+354|6568|Basel, Switzerland
Wake, krackland(for points) and warlord ftw.

I think there are not enough servers, I got it, but I can't play

PS: Dragon Valley for Chopper whoring btw.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Yes it is worth it. Im sorry, but £5 is not exactly a sacrifice.

There are about a dozen decent servers that are always populated. The maps are better and are just slick.
But still, if you dont like vehicles then dont get it. Go back to your wake carrier raping and endless nade throwing. As Im sure that that is so much more fun.

Snake wrote:

Yes it is worth it. Im sorry, but £5 is not exactly a sacrifice.

There are about a dozen decent servers that are always populated. The maps are better and are just slick.
But still, if you dont like vehicles then dont get it. Go back to your wake carrier raping and endless nade throwing. As Im sure that that is so much more fun.
... Just to prove a point, I'll get it.

I do not go on US Carriers and spam nades!!

Oh, and I'm trying to give up Karkand. Its like a drug, I can't stop!!!!
Missing, Presumed Dead

kptk92 wrote:

Snake wrote:

Yes it is worth it. Im sorry, but £5 is not exactly a sacrifice.

There are about a dozen decent servers that are always populated. The maps are better and are just slick.
But still, if you dont like vehicles then dont get it. Go back to your wake carrier raping and endless nade throwing. As Im sure that that is so much more fun.
... Just to prove a point, I'll get it.

I do not go on US Carriers and spam nades!!

Oh, and I'm trying to give up Karkand. Its like a drug, I can't stop!!!!
I wasnt directing it at you, but good man

Snake wrote:

I wasnt directing it at you, but good man
I need stop-playing-Karkand classes rofl.

I use the TV2 servers a lot to play other maps, I should start using armor ...
sophisticated slacker
+334|6633|Graz, Austria
Yes, get it.
The maps are really beautiful. Actually a nice substitute drug if you want to get off Karkand and all those dusty, yellow desert maps.

The argument with the servers isn't really valid.
There are a bunch of good AF servers in Europe, BF Gotland in Sweden for example, which should have a decent ping for you in London.
Besides, it seems to me that both EF and AF had a revival lately.
It'll just be our little secret
i tried to play yesterday but there were only 3 servers with anyone on them and the team i was on was getting constantly raped.
If you want it for the warthog, just download project reality. It's in there are far more balanced.
+34|6967|Devil's Perch

kptk92 wrote:

Oh, and I'm trying to give up Karkand. Its like a drug, I can't stop!!!!
For good reason. Karkand stands for quick and dirty fun, for a few recreational rounds of boom-dead-boom-dead-boom-dead. No endless travelling just to get bombed or have your FAV blasted by a tankshell inches before getting into flag radius... Karkand is good, because Karkand is simple fun. Easy as that. No one has to like it, but it's just fun to play it. You just shouldn't move around and say "OMG I love BF2 so much" if you have 500 hours total played and 480 of them on Karkand, because Karkand and the things you can do there only cover a small aspect of BF2.

AF (and EF, too) are fun, without a doubt. If you're willing to swallow the frustration that might occur in situations as described above. It is of course cool to move from flag to flag in a group of 3 or more tanks, covering each other while good pilots make sure you're not helping some 1337 p1l0tz0rz to improve their KDR in an unequal fight, a fight that actually is none. It is of course fun to race from flag to flag in 2 or 3 FAVs with a full squad of AT and medics and support, capping flags and fighting lone wolf tank drivers or enemy squads.
Yeah, all that is fun and especially the really good looking maps from AF offer some delicious fun like that.

However, I've had all that already, back in the days when BF2 was released. Some of my most excellent memories are based on situations as described above, mostly on the EA UK servers where for some reason 5 to 6 people from 4 different nations gathered almost every day or evening or night, playing all maps vanilla BF2 had to offer, even the unpopular ones like Operation Clean Sweep or Zatar Wetlands, simply because it was fun going through that shit together. If I had had similar experiences on random AF or EF servers, I guess I wouldn't be that disappointed, but unless I bring a few clan mates (or mates from my former clan), I usually just don't find much of that teamwork anymore.
Personally, I have way better experiences in Special Forces and on certain infantry only servers.

Also, it is no longer fun when the 2 tanks that roll with yours are not taken by engineers but by snipers, spec ops or assault peeps, who push the only engineer in the group - you - in front, making sure the first round of enemy tank shells hits you, so you will go *boom* and sooner or later them, too, because the enemy group consists of engineers in tanks only.
It is also no longer fun when your team has no skilled pilots around to ensure air superiority (or at least clear skies to that extent that you're not constantly being bombed or TV'ed).
It is no longer fun when of the 25 players on your team, 4 are idling all round, 8 keep teamkilling each other for planes and choppers and 5 decide to massively attack the enemies' morale by hardcore sniping/camping certain hills where no enemy will ever show up...
None of that is fun and yes, that's not just a phenomenon of AF.

Sorry, once again I couldn't stop talking. However, I guess after about 1700 hours of total BF2 ranked time, I deserve drowning in memories...
Proud member of a dead community.
Aspiring Objectivist
You know you want to play it for 30hours get your ribbon & then never play it again, come on!
The scout helos are worth it alone IMO & it was a nice change up at the time.
Missing, Presumed Dead

TrollmeaT wrote:

The scout helos are worth it alone IMO & it was a nice change up at the time.
And it still is
It's well designed maps, seems they've learned a thing or two since they created the vanilla maps.

Despite the name you can have a lot of fun running around as infantry on Midnight Sun and Operation Harvest, there are lots of cover and the darkness on those lights makes you less visible.

Furthermore, anti-air duty is more rewarding in Armored Fury. The AA vehicles are a lot more popular than on vanilla.
i havent played it, but i didnt get it since there was no servers here (well most of the time).

so unless u have plenty to servers play on, ur bored of the other bf2 games and u want all the ribbons then yeah get it. otherwise theres not much point. it doesnt unlock anything new.
It's true there are few servers but the OP is from London and get low ping on all european servers. I bet the  situation is a bit worse in Australia.

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