Picked it and Rainbow Six: Vegas up at about the same time. Returned GoW within a week. It had all the elements of a FPS in it that I don't like. There was like no realism whatsoever in the combat (yes I'm aware it's set in an apocolyptic future, but I hope you know what i meant), it was just like playing Halo 2, CS, or BF2. I used to be good at all 3 but turned away disgusted because they're too arcadish. I will admit the chainsaw was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, but that was it's only redeeming quality. The cover system was too clunky, especially when compared to Rainbow Six. Also the fact that the first time I picked up Multiplayer, I massacred everyone of the little 12 year old's I met, which the game was full of. That was on Day 1 after finishing Campaign on Brutal or whatever the hardest difficulty was. Rainbow Six is a far superior game.
Horrible game. The only part I thought was cool is when you sprint and it goes into that cool camera view.
Fantastic game bought it the 29th of november and almost never took it out of my xbox since then, btw the online is intense and me+my clan are going for WCG and we are... 6 of the EU ladder on gamebattles and we ended 3th in an Netherlands,Belguim,Luxemburg competition, so yeah i have been playing this game pretty hardcore.