My new"masterpiece".
Enjoy or flame it to death.
Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2007-04-26 21:59:30)
But it's not an "art'sy" Video..Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:
you can´t appreciate "art"....
I don't get it! It looks like something my cat ate last night after she threw it up and then the dog ate it and threw it up. But besides that, nice job.Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:
you can´t appreciate "art". im "conceptual" now....
Last edited by LividBovine (2007-04-26 22:03:39)
He's Mexican.EnemyOfAllkind wrote:
Excelent video !! I'm sick of all those l33t frag fligs...
But Mexican Radio ?!!?!??!??!??!?!?!!!?!!!?!?!?!? veeeery confusing...
Last edited by Phrozenbot (2007-04-27 00:41:52)
those are new screenies. i still have that infinite loop........DonFck wrote:
The song was really confusing.. sounded like Primus on Acid. The video wins in originality, although you're recycling your screenies of the Meritorious Service Medal bug. +1