for thoes lEEt players, dont bother reading...

this is ment for thoes who are average and just need some hope.


The Road to Valor…..

I have reached my goal of Valor.

It was a long, but hugely fun road, and I dare say, that this has been the most fun I have had in a long time with BF2.

For those perhaps getting,  shall I say, bored with the game?, I challenge you to come take the adventure of Valor.

Valor, in my opinion, is the hardest or one of the hardest medals to get in BF2. it requires Time, it requires team points, it requires combat defense in the form of flag defends, it requires those elusive Driver Special Ability points. But the most important, clearly evident, fact and truth, it requires TEAMWORK. Isn’t that what BF2 is all about?

My road required me to step beyond my means, to achieve this goal of Valor. It required me to plan better, to play better, to shoot better, and to become a better communicator.

This was my road to Valor….

First and foremost, I wanted to be the first to get Valor in our group. It didn’t matter how I got it, I just wanted it first. Then came the realization, it will require skills that I don’t have, and fine tune skill I have. Then came the biggest realization that teamwork is THE ONLY way to get this honor. Then finally the realization it will take time. I no longer wanted to be the first, but only just to get Valor.

Lets break this down….

First, what is the Medal of Valor?

The Medal of Valor is Awarded by many governments and organizations around the world including Police Officers, Firefighters and Military. The Medal of Valor is recognized in many countries with the same Honor, Reverence and Dignity as is the Medal of Honor and the Medal of Freedom is in the United States. The Philippines Award the Medal of Valor as the highest Military Honor that it can bestow. We Shall Do No Less... 

The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is awarded by the President to public safety officers cited by the Attorney General and recommended by the Medal of Valor Review Board.

The Medal of Valor (O't Ha'gvora, Hebrew: עיטור הגבורה) is the highest Israeli Military decoration.
The medal was established in 1970 by the Knesset in an act of law and was also awarded for actions prior to 1970.
Recipients of the medal receive several privileges such as tax reduction and invitation to official state ceremonies. They are titled "Hero of Israel" and every soldier, regardless of rank, has to salute them.
To this day, 40 medals have been awarded: 12 during the Independence War, 5 during the Sinai War, 12 during the Six-Day War, 8 during the Yom Kippur War and 3 others awarded on other occasions. The first 12 recipients also won the Hero of Israel decoration.

….so basically BF2’s Valor has nothing to do with the real Valor’s. Isn’t that unlike BF2? 

Second, lets break down how to get each req for the Valor…

•    250 hours total time played: basic, simple. Whoops I have a ton more then the 250. in fact I could have this 3 times over. PLANNING is the key word here. Early on, I didn’t plan on going for this. I spent countless hours making my stats look bad, and I did it very well. Everything needed for Valor can be done in the 250 hours if you plan your course.

•    1000 Flag Defense Points: This is easy for most people. Most that are combat orientated and front lines minded. I, on the other hand,  had a tough time. I am team orientated. I play medic, engy, and support. I am there to help out and not to be front lines. This is one area I needed to be creative and make new skills. Some may not like my tactics, but it is what i had to do. I got the majority of points from being sniper and engy. For some reason, people in armor and buggy’s don’t watch where they are or what is around them, same goes for ground pounders when your about to cap a flag. The time you should be most aware, your not. A simple placement of claymores near any flag does wonders. I even placed them out in the open so they can be seen, and they still get triggered. As long as that flag is still your side, each kill will be a flag defend. Engy disks of love, what is up with vehicles that don’t watch around a flag when coming to cap. A simple placement of a disk or two around flags will result in most always multi flag defends. Key, know were that ring is around the flag so you can get the flag defend. Other easy points come from nade’s tossed when you see that flag going down. Bombing runs at spoted troops around a flag, tv and mini gun kills. Common cense yes, but not for me, cuz im stupid. I have learned. Thanks to CDH who taught me not to be a team/ squad player when battles are intense. You can get a ton of defend points by simply hanging back at the flag you just took. You know someone will be coming to get that flag back. You will be there to defend.

•    30,000 Team Points: this came easy for me. I am a team player. Most of the time, these points don’t come easy for front line players as they are busy killing. Each resupply bag, medic bag, and revive equals team points. It goes beyond that, but ill get to that later. These 3 are the fastest way to get team points. In order to get Valor, I had to pour on the team points. To do this, you have got to work for them. Most all people have a very hard time with this concept, especially leet front line people. I have tried to help two very good players get some big team point rounds, and they couldn’t handle it. The HAD to fight. If team points is what you want/ need then only go for team points. I got a good chuckle out of the teaching. Here is what you do. Be Medic or Support and ONLY do your real job. Heal, Revive, Ammo. Go find a Jahalabad IO 64 server, all the way full. Get in a squad, only for a spawn point. The more you have to run, the less points you will get. KEEP YOUR SQUAD ALIVE/ FULL OF AMMO ONLY. Remember that others will be doing the same, so you have to out think them. Its easy! Most all people will toss random bags. You toss strategic bags. Make sure that bag is right at a person, so if they move a finger, they get healed or supplied. If they are prone toss it so its at there arm. If standing, toss at feet. If they are nade spamming, toss on in front of them and one behind them. Most nade spammers run forward and backwards to avoid the return volley. ALWAYS drop your packs, but always keep one pack on you held out. If a medic, always keep a pack for yourself, or your paddles out. Never a gun or nades. Get a routine going. Stake your territory and keep it. If someone else is in your area, out work them, they will leave. If you out work them, most of there packs will be to far from a body to be effective. Keep your packs closer. Believe it or not, snipers are your best friends. ALWAYS toss packs at snipers. Learn how they play. If they move all the time, spread your packs out. If they don’t, toss two on them. Move out, and let them do there job. At the start of the round, drop packs at advanced area’s for the start of the nade fest and then get back and watch for the chance to do your job. Have your sound up!! Listen for medic/ ammo calls or someone dying. Get to them, get back to your area. Keep dropping packs. If you have extra packs, toss them in high probability walk/run ways. ONLY engage the enemy if you have to, if your about to heal someone and the enemy is close, or have your area already covered and have a moment to toss nades. If the nade fest is done, and teams are actually capping flags, take care of your squad. Get ahead of the push and drop bags. If you die, use the SL for spawn point. The push will be better off if you get ahead to get bags dropped. Yes this may mean sacrificing yourself and your kdr. Oh well, your doing your job and getting points. When you have a good drop down then hang behind and do your job. The funny part is front line people can only handle so much of this tactic, they feel compelled to cap flags, kill people, nade fest, regetting flags.. you CANT worry about that! You must do your job one! This tactic will yield you the following; Medic = an average of 60 to 70 team points a round. Support = an average of 50 to 60 team points a round. If you are not getting this, you came in late in the game or you’re a front line person. LoL.

•    Driver Special Ability points: these are a bitch and took a long time to get. But I have to tell you, they have been the most fun of them all. In short, if your driving something, and a passenger does something good, you will get a DSA. You really have to hang your neck on the line to get these. Because this means getting into something that requires to keep yourself alive AND your passenger. This as well means getting good at something to be able to keep yourself alive and your passenger. This also means being good and getting into situations to allow your passenger to do good while remaining alive. If you want DSA’s in a hurry, forget it. Its going to take practice. A ton of it. But if you want them faster then “normal” here is what you do. Learn to fly the bomber extremely well, and learn to fly the helo until your good. In both, you have GOT to learn to evade to perfection. If not, your dead, if your dead, you got no points. If you got no points, your gunner will loose patients and call you a nOOb. In a bomber, evading is key. You are a slower bigger target. Learn your evade. Learn to line up, and listen to your gunner. Listen to his needs and make it good for him. Work only for him. Your bombs will not get you DSA’s, only his TV’s. I choose the helo path. I am so glad I did. I have learned so much from flying with great tv’ers and bad tv’ers alike. I am far from a great pilot, but I know I can keep up with the best of them. Your sole objective its to line them up and stay safe. Repair often, and LEARN TO EVADE! COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR GUNNER. Know YOU have the final say, but know your gunner can see better. Know what to go after first with multi targets. Go after as soon as possible, spotted targets. The more you do that, the more gets spotted. Your primary objective should be to have your gunner be gold. Anything else is a loss. This is also huge, KNOW YOUR HELO! They all have different targeting points. Search BF2s files, they have a great section on this. Your gunner cant shoot tv shots if he cant see the target. Each kill is a DSA. If your gunner is a engy and you hover over a something that needs repair, that’s a dsa. But it’s the kills that will add up and fast. Know also that each kill is a dsa AND a team point!! Fly anyone anytime. But it is best to have someone you know and trust. Id like to take time to thank Isurus for all his time and help for achieving Valor. I am forever indebted. I also would like to thank Majorminor505, Dirka, Copenhagen, and Yosh for your great times and great rounds. You made those DSA’s bleed off fast! Other ways to get DSA’s, but I don’t recommend, tank/apc driver. I don’t recommend this, as the primary reason it to have your passenger make the kills. Since you have the main killing gun……well you can put two and two together. Here is a fun one…. If someone is in a 50cal of a buggy of some sort, get in the driver seat. DON’T move, just sit there. Don’t want to make them mad taking them away from there spot, but you will rack in the DSA’s. kinda boring but…

This road to Valor has bought back the fun of the game. This medal is the epitome of teamwork. Teamwork is what makes this game #1 in my book. I have raised most all of my stats. And where my stats were at the start of this, this a way hard thing to do. I have received tons of gold/silver/bronze medals. I have given the chance for my gunner to get countless medals and awesome kdr. Most of all, it was the learning and relearning of finer details like, hit boxes, heal rate, reload timing, tv missiles count, the art of the evade, learning your enemy, learning all the maps and everything about the maps, communication, listening, and doing your job.

As I stated in my prepatch Expert knife post, if I can do it, anyone can do it!!

Thanks again to all those that helped me get Valor, and sorry to all those on the receiving end….


Last edited by Pappy2 (2007-04-20 11:42:25)

+6|6786|Indiana USA
HOLY CRAP that was a lot to red but hey some good points in there for everyone to learn from.  thanks
=VTA= Muncan
Venting That Aggression
Very nice post +1 for you

insanchef711 wrote:

HOLY CRAP that was a lot to red but hey some good points in there for everyone to learn from.  thanks
yeah sorry about that, im married and have two girls. i am a manager and have 10 ladies under me.....

i have pent up man energy, and use writing and bf2 to let it out... 

supporter of mindless violence
all i need is 1,200 driver points, and atm they are only trickling in

but good read anyway +1
Missing, Presumed Dead

Pappy2 wrote:

i am a manager and have 10 ladies under me.....

Good guide. I got them driver points quite easily actually. Learn how to chopper whore on Gator as MECSF and you can get LOADS of them. That and the bomber jets - especially on Daqing, Oman and Taraba. Learn to use the LGM gunner (and not just the bomb payload) and you can rack in 30+ a round without a sweat.
Germans did 911
+427|6992|Disaster Free Zone
Firstly well done on getting the medal of Valor. I'm currently going for my second, only 3000 DSA and 9000 teamwork points to go .

I'm a little disappointed in your support stats, In the 'teamwork' section you talk a lot about ammo bags, yet have only 1400 from 105 hours... It should be double if not triple that for someone trying to gather team points (and help your team). I personal record is 64 ammo points in a round (64 player Iron Gator), which incidently was my entire score which also earned me the gold medal. 20-30 ammo points is kind of standard for me in a round of karkand if I play as suppport, they are just that easy to get.

Also the quickest way to get DSA points is heli piloting sharqi, wake or dalian as MEC/PLA, but you must have a competent gunner who can hit choppers with the TVs, otherwise your going to spend the entire round flying around in circles or dead.

I consider myself a good pilot (and many people have commented in game that I am), but when you have average gunners you can really tell the difference. My advice to any gunner, is look forward. See what you pilot sees because that is probably what he wants you to shoot and is lining you up for. If hes good he'll fly circles around targets and you wont have to move your gun.

Now only 400 repairs for meritorious Service medal GL with that (if your trying for it)

DrunkFace wrote:

Firstly well done on getting the medal of Valor. I'm currently going for my second, only 3000 DSA and 9000 teamwork points to go .

I'm a little disappointed in your support stats, In the 'teamwork' section you talk a lot about ammo bags, yet have only 1400 from 105 hours... It should be double if not triple that for someone trying to gather team points (and help your team).

Now only 400 repairs for meritorious Service medal GL with that (if your trying for it)
Thank you kindly, and good luck on #2!!

as i suck .   i make no move to hide that fact. im a medic at heart. i only played support just to get to 100 hrs and qualify for the experts. i have a very hard time with all 3 guns. when they changed the PKM a patch or two ago, it was done done for me.   when i go for #2, i will work on this.  thank you

Yes, right after Helo Combat Medal, 400 to go! 

thank you
imbad @ bf2
damn i play too much that i didn't even notice that i earned that medal 2 days ago without noticing, fsck that was my only medal that i was going to brag about and i didn't take a screenshot!!!!!

lxcpikiman wrote:

damn i play too much that i didn't even notice that i earned that medal 2 days ago without noticing, fsck that was my only medal that i was going to brag about and i didn't take a screenshot!!!!!
dont feel bad ma man, i believe this medal only just shows up in stats, as i was not able to SS either.
supporter of mindless violence
yeh it only shows in the stats

just go on BFHQ and take a print screen from there! i did for my meritorious service medal

DrunkFace wrote:

Firstly well done on getting the medal of Valor. I'm currently going for my second, only 3000 DSA and 9000 teamwork points to go .
You cannot earn more than one of this medal, I don't know why.

Last edited by yUP|Patriots (2007-04-20 15:12:47)

Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6888|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
Could be great to do...ill maybe stick on that if i ever get bored of 2142

And to quote "jord"  That block of text could stop a tank!.
I recently realized the best way to get DSA's is to ride atop the turret of a tank. Every kill the driver gets is giving a dsa to the gunner.
Since day One.
Tell EA/DICE about this
+188|6468|Anaheim, Mexifornia

venom6 wrote:

Tell EA/DICE about this

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