Do you actually think that the majority of the civilian population of the US would support ANOTHER military operation in Iran? HONESTLY? So a handful of people on a WAR GAME MESSAGE BOARD say, "BLOW THE FUCK OUT OF 'EM!" That's a fantastic sample. Excellent research. And us having the most nukes is a pointless in this discussion.BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:
I don't know why so many people here (especially from the US) always want to bomb something which they are afraid of... Yes Ladies and Gentlemen... those who cry the loudest for bombs have the greatest fear of that they don't understand. So honestly: how much do you know about Iraq and Iran (media propaganda and Discovery Channel does NOT count).
By the way: someone said here, that Israel was a strip of land nobody wanted... If nobody wanted it, then I wonder, why the Palestinians are so pissed of over decades... and why they say, that this is their land (wonder why it was called Palestina in the first place)?
You see... Nuclear Weapons are always fright inspiring... but who in the world has most of them? And which population seems to support a military solution to problems most? I give you a hint... 3 Letters, first one is a U, last one an A and of the three guesses two do not count...
By the way... why complain? US helped Saddam Hussein to grasp power in Iraq... US deposed of the Shah in Iran which made way to the Ayatolla rule, US helped Gaddafi to power, US supplied the Mujaheddin with weapons and training in Afghanistan, US had the CIA train Osama bin Laden... It is really highly interesting that nearly everyone that the US sees as terrorist (aka enemy) was formerly strongly supported by them... Which brings me to the question: Isn't this a strong sign, that the US created their own enemies by themselves? Who can be so naive to believe that by helping a dictator on the throne that guy will give eternal thankfulness? Come people, get real....
The possibility that an Islamic fundamentalist government with their, "Holocaust never happened" wack job of a president having the capability to produce weapons grade nuclear material should scare the living piss out of you. And governments around the world are starting to see that. The US, UK, Germany, Russia, China...all major players on the UN Security council see the danger, why can't you? It's ludacris that you can so easily dismiss a nuclear Iran as a non-threat.
Ah yes...every country should practice isolationism then? Every government has done what you have said the US has done (I'm not denying it), China w/N. Korea, Russia w/N. Vietnam are just some quick examples that come to mind. As the old saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Every government conducts business with other governments when it benefits them, (Hello oil for food. Germany is not so innocent).
What's it going to take for you to realize that one of the most oil rich countries in the world wanting nuclear technology is odd? Not only odd, but extremely dangerous. Does someone have to set off a dirty bomb or nuke in the US for you to open your eyes? Probably wouldn't matter though becuase it's not in Germany, right? London? Moscow? As long as it's not on your doorstep, you couldn't care, right?
NOTHING good comes from a nuclear Iran.