+244|6999|arica harbour
with all these morons here hacking one of the best online FPS games ever, reason me and my best friend do not play battlefield 2 anymore.

i got my friend to play battlefield 2 last year, everything was fine, he loved the game, then a exodus of hackers, morons, admins, and so on ruined it for him, and finally for me.

clans like |TOP|, lost soulz, GFX, HBD, AVD, and so on pissed me and my friend off once to many times. and i will leave it at that.

i never ever commanded when i play Bf2. i wanted to but i saw all teh commander exploits and i said " i am not commanding anything in this life time" aside from commanding, i have done it all in Bf2. i worked very hard to be at the top of my game.  i played mostly as the silent assasin spec ops player.. and retired with me being in the top 200 in the world.   

and from what i have heard from others, the crap that goes on in Bf2 now is no different than what goes on in 2142.
I hate HBD. One of their members, although he will not admit it, kept asking me if I hacked, and then I was playing in game one day, and on xfire got a message, and it was a link to MSX. I minimized, removed friend, never talked to him again. I don't want anything to do with hackers / glitchers. I've been tricked twice...once by the lovely blackkoala (that was a pretty damn good one koala) and once by Maranello Hahahah.

The HBD memeber is CoolChris...I duno if he plays anymore...but yea, he prolly uses MSX.

keyoshi wrote:

The HBD memeber is CoolChris...I duno if he plays anymore...but yea, he prolly uses MSX.
What you talking about? HBD is a good clan chris is a nice guy i dont think he hacks if he does then it's news to me. Btw biggie is a nice guy and so it Ro they good players fun to talk to aswell. The only problem i ever had was with this one member(Who shall remain nameless) Threatened to ban me off all HBD server for cursing out the commander when he tk's me 3 times on hotel with arty.
Chris is......wierd. Maybe he hacks, maybe he doesn't. I'm just sayin he sent me an xfire with a link to the MSX homepage in it, and invited me to a chat room where him and 2 other people were talking about hacks.
What the hell! I joined Rock Head Clans 24/7 Ghost Town, and was shiping on a building near convoy. I get hit by a sniper, there are none of the roofs around me, so I assume, uncap. I look into uncap with my pwny M24, and BOOM, right there, a guy. I shoot, headshot, dead. !k Keyoshi<sYn> ATTACKING UNCAP! WT?F! The guy I shot was =RH=Robmp11. I GET KICKED, BECAUSE A MEMBER ENGAGES ME!!?! Can't I report this as Admin abuse to someone! Thats BULL SHIT! I join, try and get an explanation, BOOM, kicked for attacking uncap last round..

So this clan get's pissed cause someone outsniped one of their members.....?
Typical white person.
+389|7070|San Antonio, Texas
Welcome to BF2 with 10 year old admins!
99 Problems . . .

Looks like this is the best place to Post this.

I was playing this AM as Commander/SAS on Warlord.  Game was going well, was looking forward to getting my SAS Special Service Medal.

We start losing, not badly but the bleed is on and prior to that we had them pinned down to 1 flag.

So I notice BOTH members of squad 3 camping in the uncap behind the shed.  At first I figure they were just protecting my assets.  So I zoom in and here these two are just shooting each other with Tear gas & re-supplying each other.

OK, so they're padding.  Probably padding for one of the easiest & worthless badges but padding none the less.  Three times I TYPED (they weren't on TS)  "Squad 3 WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE?"  Followed by LOTS of exclamation points so they would be sure to see the message.

Three times I asked them to stop.  After that I tpyed "You are padding knock it off or you'll get kicked!"  --> Not an ADMIN but can get one on TS.  Warned them twice more before I asked an ADMIN to kick them.

Ironically just as they started to stop it and head back to the fight they were Kicked, might have been banned not sure.

Anyway I just wanted to Vent.  Would you have done what I did or just let them go?
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6942|New Hampshire, USA

You tell me?  Does nothing for the team except lay claymores.  I have never seen anything so pathetic.

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:


You tell me?  Does nothing for the team except lay claymores.  I have never seen anything so pathetic.
Weird ...... wonder if some test account by EA.

Notice that general without even required veteran medals.

Check out KDR of  370,174.0000 !!!

Claywhore to the max, eh ?

Last edited by XISIX (2007-04-14 12:38:30)


XISIX wrote:

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:


You tell me?  Does nothing for the team except lay claymores.  I have never seen anything so pathetic.
Weird ...... wonder if some test account by EA.

Check out KDR of  370,174.0000 !!!

Claywhore to the max, eh ?
Server side glitch that makes you have tons of points and kills.

The_Killer wrote:

XISIX wrote:

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:


You tell me?  Does nothing for the team except lay claymores.  I have never seen anything so pathetic.
Weird ...... wonder if some test account by EA.

Check out KDR of  370,174.0000 !!!

Claywhore to the max, eh ?
Server side glitch that makes you have tons of points and kills.
More like gaining FTP to a box with a ranked, and modding some core files.

docnutz wrote:

Btw this guy has an aimbot!


i/o karkand the other day and i couldn't even show my ass for one second without getting shot in the fucking head repeatedly before i could even spot the fuker!

I had to quit the server!  Usually i make it interesting and chase a good sniper down but this was ridiculous!!!

........end rant

Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield

specialistx2324 wrote:

with all these morons here hacking one of the best online FPS games ever, reason me and my best friend do not play battlefield 2 anymore.

clans like |TOP|, lost soulz, GFX, HBD, AVD, and so on pissed me and my friend off once to many times. and i will leave it at that.
Hackers are ruining all games, not just BF2. Thats the reason people have left other games in the dust, we are out to have fun, and hackers are there to destroy the fun. Dont blame the game, blame the hacking people. When Crysis, QW:ET comes out - expect the same thing. The only thing they arent ruining for me is The Boxhead Games. But we live with it.

How come our community isnt up there?
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6985|Florida, United States

Has anybody noticed that the top 10 scorers...with the exception of firestarter are all american wanks with huge scores and 12 minutes of play time.

I bought this game when it first came out and after a short period playing went overseas for a year. I came back to find the whole thing up shite creek without any paddles.
Although i dont encounter hackers playing on Gamearena and Internode (thankgod) when i play on any other server its just pathetic.

I work hard to try and get better, and then all these freaks who hack jump to the top in half an hour. I havent got a clue who is good, how they did it and to be totally honest no role models in this game. You can only get better through practice, practice and a bit of playing with better players and listening to their advice.

I played with some members of OSU today and they were fantastic, allowed me in their squad and taught me plenty.

It gives me the heebie jeebies to not see someone like them at the top instead of the Pizza Hut Hackers from all over the world. Doesnt admin do anything about this, surely they have something like PUNKBUSTER to run on all servers??
+40|6589|L-town MA
It was a good run. I got pranked kicked randomly from my own server, "LOL AIMBOT," and "ROFL AIMBOT." When i was the only one that had admin rights to the server. About ten minutes before this. some random guy came into our friends ts and typed this
---->Monday 16th april this Dude came in to ou're ts. Ea~Violet.
He wrote alot to us. This is what he said to us:

[17:26:24] *all* EA~Violet: is shadow owns your leader?
[17:26:44] *all* EA~Violet: because i work with EA
[17:26:57] *all* EA~Violet: you are in serious trouble
[17:27:33] *all* EA~Violet: dude

would a dude call himself violet?
[17:28:56] *all* EA~Violet: but anyways, tell shadow owns that he is the last of those hackers along with cassie....this time we will do a lawsuit against this clan
[17:29:21] *all* EA~Violet: as i stated before....you are in serious trouble
[17:30:14] *all* EA~Violet: no i rather stay Anoimous with this kind of things
[17:31:05] *all* EA~Violet: we will set in a investegation of whom is innocent and who is responsible for this act
[17:32:06] *all* EA~Violet: i wont do anything to your teamspeak, but you have to tell shadow this

we took him down earlyer with screenshots of Knife and pistol on a ranked server programm
[17:32:49] *all* EA~Violet: you have only CA, its nothing and its to make a wake up for you all
[17:33:33] *all* EA~Violet: lord of weed is this person still in this clan?
[17:33:47] *all* EA~Violet: we are trying to contact with him
[17:33:58] *all* EA~Violet: in DSF then
[17:34:35] *all* EA~Violet: ok, ty for your time i will be going to DSF , Weed will be getting his stats back
[17:35:11] *all* EA~Violet: i wass never in this matter did you know why he was reseted

Then I get an email saying, You tricked us, now we trick you. haha I don't get this silly joke. But, then i go to join a server again and get this sad kick message.
http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … hahkt1.png

But, it was deffently worth it.

http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … hahkt1.png
gg EA

Last edited by gCASEy200 (2007-04-16 14:33:08)

your going to prison dude
I know fucking karate

gCASEy200 wrote:

It was a good run. I got pranked kicked randomly from my own server, "LOL AIMBOT," and "ROFL AIMBOT." When i was the only one that had admin rights to the server. About ten minutes before this. some random guy came into our friends ts and typed this
---->Monday 16th april this Dude came in to ou're ts. Ea~Violet.
He wrote alot to us. This is what he said to us:

[17:26:24] *all* EA~Violet: is shadow owns your leader?
[17:26:44] *all* EA~Violet: because i work with EA
[17:26:57] *all* EA~Violet: you are in serious trouble
[17:27:33] *all* EA~Violet: dude

would a dude call himself violet?
[17:28:56] *all* EA~Violet: but anyways, tell shadow owns that he is the last of those hackers along with cassie....this time we will do a lawsuit against this clan
[17:29:21] *all* EA~Violet: as i stated before....you are in serious trouble
[17:30:14] *all* EA~Violet: no i rather stay Anoimous with this kind of things
[17:31:05] *all* EA~Violet: we will set in a investegation of whom is innocent and who is responsible for this act
[17:32:06] *all* EA~Violet: i wont do anything to your teamspeak, but you have to tell shadow this

we took him down earlyer with screenshots of Knife and pistol on a ranked server programm
[17:32:49] *all* EA~Violet: you have only CA, its nothing and its to make a wake up for you all
[17:33:33] *all* EA~Violet: lord of weed is this person still in this clan?
[17:33:47] *all* EA~Violet: we are trying to contact with him
[17:33:58] *all* EA~Violet: in DSF then
[17:34:35] *all* EA~Violet: ok, ty for your time i will be going to DSF , Weed will be getting his stats back
[17:35:11] *all* EA~Violet: i wass never in this matter did you know why he was reseted

Then I get an email saying, You tricked us, now we trick you. haha I don't get this silly joke. But, then i go to join a server again and get this sad kick message.
http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … hahkt1.png

But, it was deffently worth it.

gg EA
How old are you?
It'll just be our little secret
yay for EA~Violet.
+40|6589|L-town MA

Simon wrote:

gCASEy200 wrote:

It was a good run. I got pranked kicked randomly from my own server, "LOL AIMBOT," and "ROFL AIMBOT." When i was the only one that had admin rights to the server. About ten minutes before this. some random guy came into our friends ts and typed this
---->Monday 16th april this Dude came in to ou're ts. Ea~Violet.
He wrote alot to us. This is what he said to us:

[17:26:24] *all* EA~Violet: is shadow owns your leader?
[17:26:44] *all* EA~Violet: because i work with EA
[17:26:57] *all* EA~Violet: you are in serious trouble
[17:27:33] *all* EA~Violet: dude

would a dude call himself violet?
[17:28:56] *all* EA~Violet: but anyways, tell shadow owns that he is the last of those hackers along with cassie....this time we will do a lawsuit against this clan
[17:29:21] *all* EA~Violet: as i stated before....you are in serious trouble
[17:30:14] *all* EA~Violet: no i rather stay Anoimous with this kind of things
[17:31:05] *all* EA~Violet: we will set in a investegation of whom is innocent and who is responsible for this act
[17:32:06] *all* EA~Violet: i wont do anything to your teamspeak, but you have to tell shadow this

we took him down earlyer with screenshots of Knife and pistol on a ranked server programm
[17:32:49] *all* EA~Violet: you have only CA, its nothing and its to make a wake up for you all
[17:33:33] *all* EA~Violet: lord of weed is this person still in this clan?
[17:33:47] *all* EA~Violet: we are trying to contact with him
[17:33:58] *all* EA~Violet: in DSF then
[17:34:35] *all* EA~Violet: ok, ty for your time i will be going to DSF , Weed will be getting his stats back
[17:35:11] *all* EA~Violet: i wass never in this matter did you know why he was reseted

Then I get an email saying, You tricked us, now we trick you. haha I don't get this silly joke. But, then i go to join a server again and get this sad kick message.
http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … hahkt1.png

But, it was deffently worth it.

gg EA
How old are you?
I am all that is MOD!

gCASEy200 wrote:

Simon wrote:

gCASEy200 wrote:

It was a good run. I got pranked kicked randomly from my own server, "LOL AIMBOT," and "ROFL AIMBOT." When i was the only one that had admin rights to the server. About ten minutes before this. some random guy came into our friends ts and typed this
---->Monday 16th april this Dude came in to ou're ts. Ea~Violet.
He wrote alot to us. This is what he said to us:

[17:26:24] *all* EA~Violet: is shadow owns your leader?
[17:26:44] *all* EA~Violet: because i work with EA
[17:26:57] *all* EA~Violet: you are in serious trouble
[17:27:33] *all* EA~Violet: dude

would a dude call himself violet?
[17:28:56] *all* EA~Violet: but anyways, tell shadow owns that he is the last of those hackers along with cassie....this time we will do a lawsuit against this clan
[17:29:21] *all* EA~Violet: as i stated before....you are in serious trouble
[17:30:14] *all* EA~Violet: no i rather stay Anoimous with this kind of things
[17:31:05] *all* EA~Violet: we will set in a investegation of whom is innocent and who is responsible for this act
[17:32:06] *all* EA~Violet: i wont do anything to your teamspeak, but you have to tell shadow this

we took him down earlyer with screenshots of Knife and pistol on a ranked server programm
[17:32:49] *all* EA~Violet: you have only CA, its nothing and its to make a wake up for you all
[17:33:33] *all* EA~Violet: lord of weed is this person still in this clan?
[17:33:47] *all* EA~Violet: we are trying to contact with him
[17:33:58] *all* EA~Violet: in DSF then
[17:34:35] *all* EA~Violet: ok, ty for your time i will be going to DSF , Weed will be getting his stats back
[17:35:11] *all* EA~Violet: i wass never in this matter did you know why he was reseted

Then I get an email saying, You tricked us, now we trick you. haha I don't get this silly joke. But, then i go to join a server again and get this sad kick message.
http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … hahkt1.png

But, it was deffently worth it.

gg EA
How old are you?
14-16.  No more, maybe less.
+40|6589|L-town MA


gCASEy200 wrote:

Simon wrote:

How old are you?
14-16.  No more, maybe less.
+40|6589|L-town MA
On 16/04/2007 23.56.40 ADMIN wrote:     
this is from EA games we disabled your server

It has come to our attention that the below server (IP and Port) is currently in the act of exploiting the Battlefield service. This exploitation is in direct connection under your control. At this time the IP range has been de-listed and will remain de-listed until EA|Dice can review this further. We recommend that you fully investigate the current access to your servers as we were told last week by you that this was resolved.

Current IP which is creating the violations
Ip: port: 29940 at and around 4/16/2007 2:01:24 AM GMT
Thank you for your cooperation
CS Lead Spada
Player Relations
Electronic Arts
Sorry haven't read the full thread, but 3.000.000 Pt's. in 30 minutes play...... nice play gCasey200.
BF2s Frat Brother

RoosterCantrell wrote:

ok, LORD# got reset. Fine. No big deal. But does anyone know why?

Nade Spamming is against ROE or what?
I heard he was using the Command exploit.

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