can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7085|Cambridge (UK)
I think the line:


SettingsManager.stringSet GSPlayerName "[pt] KEIOS"
should give even the dimmest of lights a clue that these are not all server-side settings...

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Open up the console ingame ( ` ) and enter the command. Remember to use the same capitals!! if it worked you will see a 1 under your line, if it didn't either a zero (check it again for minor mistakes, or make sure you haven't already set it to that value) or a whole bunch of crap meaning you completely f*cked up.
whats the command?

Last edited by thareaper254 (2007-02-08 18:31:14)


joleonline wrote:

Hmm strange.
I checked my server files and there is no usersettings.con ?
Just : banlist.con

Where can I add 'settingsmanager.boolset GSUseClientSidePrediction 0' ?
Simply create usersettings.con in /mods/bf2/settings/ and paste the lines you can find on one of the previous pages - afterwards, add 'settingsmanager.boolset GSUseClientSidePrediction 0' and give it a try. I promise, you'll definately notice the difference if you're hosting a dedicated server

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

I think the line:


SettingsManager.stringSet GSPlayerName "[pt] KEIOS"
should give even the dimmest of lights a clue that these are not all server-side settings...
Set this cvar to anything else than the playername you defined ingame, then join a server and see what happens. Supposedly nothing, because this cvars is used for sure if you're hosting a local, non dedicated server.

As I already pointed out - these cvars are generally valid on server side, in which some are bound to dedicated ones while others are only valid on ingame hosted servers.

Last edited by redilS (2007-02-08 23:36:29)


redilS wrote:

Simply create usersettings.con in /mods/bf2/settings/ and paste the lines you can find on one of the previous pages - afterwards, add 'settingsmanager.boolset GSUseClientSidePrediction 0' and give it a try. I promise, you'll definately notice the difference if you're hosting a dedicated server
Tnx for the info !
Just another thing...
Are the values in both usersettings.con [PC and server] somehow connected ?
I mean , do they both need to have the same values or something ?

Like if I put on the server SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 100 , do I need to have the same value also on my pc or it can be changed on my side ?

I also noticed some ppl put in extreme values so when you shoot them , half of the hits aren't registered and they own you like with two bullets o_0.

Thanks again for the input !
Hi all,

I find the info that redilS posted very interesting.  We tried it on a server for Project Reality Mod, and it didn't work.  Yes it was a dedicated server.  Maybe we did something wrong, but I don't think so.  I sent redilS a PM but I haven't heard from him on this.  Has anyone been able to test this out to determine if it works or not.

Replied to PM

redilS wrote:

Replied to PM
K, Thanks I got it.

I responded.

Thanks again mate.  I mean that in a non-gay way:)  lol...
Well, at this end - ever since the famous 1.41 patch or there abouts (1.40 ?). I will admit that I had lost interest in the game as it seemed that as people were getting more and more expereince, I on the other end was getting worst on a daily basis.

Simply put, total frustration playing a game at which I did not totally sucked at in the past. Gave up and moved on - recently decided to try again - no luck still cannot hit with a full PKM clip a TANK at 10 pace , (figure of speech of course) - but definetly no fun to play as hitting anything is not consistent: lead , lag or straight in the face and HOPE someone will die, before me !

Last night after 2 hours of total frustration getting owned on a pretty good server ( ping = 15ms) - I decided it was time to look into things for getting owned that bad with one stip dudes was quite frankly, not only insulting but simply put definetly confirming something is wrong somewhere.

So here I come, back to this thread and read all posts - arguments and counter arguments alike , even the suggestion that more then likely it's a Placebo effect.

Well even if it's a placebo I said to meself - the heck with it - try it , or place the BF2 DVD on ebay never to play it again!

Bottom line?

Changed the ping settings which was at default : 0.10000 and put in 0.45

Changed the interpolation which was at default 100 and put in 40


Went back to the exact same server - and luck would have it most of the previous players - including one stripe dudes were still there. So now I could compare to same server and same players with their ping(s) being the same.

Long story short, one stripe dudes - all of them were dropping like flies right left and center and from being in the TOP BOTTOM 3 previously, I enjoyed another 2 hours of playing of now being in the TOP Three players.

Did I mention, ENJOY! Finally, seems like my shots are now hitting and obviously doing good damage, far from me to suggest 100% accuracy but a darn drastic improvement over what was happening before.

Placebo effect you say ? Euuhhh....sorry for actually when I went back I was tired and if anything else probably less responsive and sharp in the game compare to a few hours before the con tweaking.

Not going to argue with anyone over this, but will extend my sincere thank you to sarge for bringing this matter up , to the original owner of such a find/evaluation of impact of modifying this file - and I for one, will keep an eye on tweaking this a tad more if at all possible. Given time I will explore which of these 2 tweaks is the real performance fixer ( I said fixer for in my view something got broken somewhere in all the various patching - and these/this tweak brings back previous performance)

Bottom line, there is in my opinion something going on and this tweak, in my case anyhow has suddenly brought back the accuracy I used to have. So having fallen to 18%, hopefully I can now go back to the 20% ish of the past and improve from there.

Once again, thank you for suddenly making this game fun to play again.

Last edited by BlindBat (2007-03-23 08:48:28)

1. Where did you learn all this information your are offering?  Are u guessing or did it come from official sources/experimentation?
2. Just because something has a GS and stands for Game Server doesn't exactly mean that it only works servers side or anything else. I have seen plenty of variables named something that has nothing to do with their actual usage.
3. rico, did your experiment work with the pm that redis sent you?


Last edited by tacoturtle (2007-03-23 11:10:17)


I just sent you a PM on this.  Kind of a mixed bag of results for me.  It's kinda hard for me to test on clientside cause I play on lots of servers.  I couldn't test out the serverside suggestions cause I don't have a dedicated server of my own.  I did get a server admin to try what Redils suggested, but it didn't work so good.  Then the admin told me that next day that he forgot to reboot, so now it seems like that test was all jacked up.  Not had a chance to go back and try again.  Some servers it's real easy to see that there is hitbox lag and on others it's not so easy to see.  Not sure why, my pings are in the mid to low 30s on each server I play on.  So ping times by themselves don't seem to have a direct effect.  At least not that I've seen.  I won't play on a server if I can't maintian a low ping of say 40 or less. 

Hi there

I figured this information out on my own and did a good amount of testing with a few ppl. on my dedicated server (strafing side-by-side just like in that "famous" youtube hitbox video). As for the prefix - most of those 'GSxxx' vars directly reference server settings, so what's the deal?

Even if those vars were not bound to server settings, then how would you explain 'GSDefaultLatencyCompensation' can do it's work though 'GSUseLatencyCompensation' defaults to '0' (off)? (open console, type: settingsmanager.boolget GSUseLatencyCompensation)

I'm willing to setup an additional dedicated server for testing purposes but there's a drawback - the server is located in frankfurt/germany whereas only french, british and german players (maybe spanish, too) would get reasonable ping times and therefor adequate results.

I'll bring it up this evening at about 8:00pm (GMT+1) - Connect data will be as follows:

Last edited by redilS (2007-03-27 06:19:32)


Towelly wrote:

Ok, possible problem, can somebody go and check the folder that UserSettings is meant to be in, unless it's just me I think 1.41 might of stopped us from doing it.
if u just installed, i believe the game creates the usersettings file the first time it runs. but if u have one lying around you can just paste it in yourself with whatever settings you like.

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

What about extrapolation
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.070000          <<<<means u have avg. ping of 70
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 1
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 90
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 30

It sounds like some of you are missing out on the values that you want to be changing.

you want to change extrapolate frame from 0 to 1.

and the last two, extra and inter, can be messed with until you like the hit reg. the pictured setting should give you good hitreg but you will also take a lot of hits.

i have also gotten good results using crazy high numbers. I find that using higher numbers is better against CAL baddies because they all have their settings tweaked in secret heinous ways. For whatever reason they take my bullets much better if my extra and inter value is well over 1000.

You can call it a placebo, but I get great reg with tweaked settings that I honestly can't explain. Its not a bad idea to mess with the usersettings file until it works.

Remember: If you want these settings to also work in bf2pro and in other mods, you have to go to
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2pro
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\xpack
and any other mods you want
and paste in the usersettings.con file from your mods\bf2\settings directory into their respective settings folders.

That is if you want to compete. B/c honestly con-tweaking is pretty much ruining CAL. now it comes down to what team has the best settings (or sneakiest hackers).

@redilS - Compelling, but everybody playing in BF2 leagues right now believes that editing that file helps. Maybe nobody knows BF2 well enough to evaluate changes in its gameplay? I sort of doubt that.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-03-27 18:29:52)


Marinejuana wrote:

SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.070000
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 1
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 90
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 30

It sounds like some of you are missing out on the values that you want to be changing.

you want to change extrapolate frame from 0 to 1.

and the last two, extra and inter, can be messed with until you like the hit reg. the pictured setting should give you good hitreg but you will also take a lot of hits.

i have also gotten good results using crazy high numbers. I find that using higher numbers is better against CAL baddies because they all have their settings tweaked in secret heinous ways. For whatever reason they take my bullets much better if my extra and inter value is well over 1000.
What does the ExtrapolateFrame do?
Are you finding success on every server?
When u say CAL baddies, how do you know it's them. Are u on bf2 pro only servers or in matches?
So you just change them randomly to see what fits for you?

I think assuming GS is server side only is logical. No slam there from me. Just throwing out thoughts and playing devils advocate to see if we can all put this baby to rest. I dont know how 'GSDefaultLatencyCompensation'  is used in the game so I cant say. I wish ea would tell us something. Pretty sure they wont.

I was told that servers can be set to check md5 checksums on these files. Is this true?

tacoturtle wrote:

What does the ExtrapolateFrame do?
Makes BF2 work good? i was just told to do it by a player that got much better hitreg than me and mine has been better ever since. (though i changed multiple settings at once so i dont know how much this particular setting changed things).

tacoturtle wrote:

Are you finding success on every server?

tacoturtle wrote:

When u say CAL baddies, how do you know it's them. Are u on bf2 pro only servers or in matches?
i scrim with random teams, sometimes the top teams in cal. i also play in pubs against good players if i notice they are on.

tacoturtle wrote:

So you just change them randomly to see what fits for you?
yep, and it absolutely works for me and many others that know the game well.

its possible that it wont fix problems for people that have hitreg problems related to their crappy internet connection or computer. So if your reg is horrible to begin with, then these settings might not make enough of a difference. i could already own people before changing settings, but changing settings has made those weird dust generating individuals start taking damage.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-03-27 18:25:12)


redilS wrote:

Hi there

I figured this information out on my own and did a good amount of testing with a few ppl. on my dedicated server (strafing side-by-side just like in that "famous" youtube hitbox video). As for the prefix - most of those 'GSxxx' vars directly reference server settings, so what's the deal?

Even if those vars were not bound to server settings, then how would you explain 'GSDefaultLatencyCompensation' can do it's work though 'GSUseLatencyCompensation' defaults to '0' (off)? (open console, type: settingsmanager.boolget GSUseLatencyCompensation)

I'm willing to setup an additional dedicated server for testing purposes but there's a drawback - the server is located in frankfurt/germany whereas only french, british and german players (maybe spanish, too) would get reasonable ping times and therefor adequate results.

I'll bring it up this evening at about 8:00pm (GMT+1) - Connect data will be as follows:
Thanks Redils for you efforts on this.  You seem to have gotten further than most.  Any other info you could discover and pass on to us for a server side fix would be most appreciated.  I've had a server admin experiment with the settings you posted and we didn't seem to have much success.  He told me the next day that he restarted the the service, but he didn't reboot the server itself after he modded the usersettings.con file.  He also stated that he made another usersettings.con file with only the info that you posted inside.  That didn't seem to do anything either.That may have been part the problem, I'm not sure on that.   Would it be possible for you to post a full copy of your usersettings.con file so we can determine where we may have gone wrong?

Sure rico, here you go...

usersettings.con wrote:

rem Settingsfile automatically saved by bf2
SettingsManager.boolSet GSClPunkBuster 1
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.100000
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 0
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 1200
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 100
SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount 30
SettingsManager.stringSet GSPlayerName ""
SettingsManager.boolSet GSShowNetGraph 0
SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1
SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseClientSidePrediction 0
First, I've shut down my server completely (using remote-desktop functionality for direct access to my server) and modified (the already existing) <ServerInstallDir>\Mods\Bf2\Settings\usersettings.con. As you can see, all other settings remain unchanged and all I did, was to add an additional line which in turn disables clientside prediction. I saved that file, set it 'read-only' and restarted the server.

There will be no additional message or indication that the setting has been changed. All you can do to verify if the procedure has been successful, is to execute 'SettingsManager.boolGet GSUseClientSidePrediction' from the servers' console. The return value should be '0' (watch out, retval will also be zero if you mistyped the command).

Afterwards, I ordered four of my buddies to join the server and we did some "strafing side-by-side while shooting at each other" testing. As already stated earlier:

- Before the mod was done, one had to shoot slightly (about half a models' width) behind (correct word?) the opponent to get a hit registered, while shooting the model directly would only generate smoke-puffs.
- After the mod was done, one can shoot the model directly while the clients' HUD indicates that the hit has been registered.

All tests were done on my own ded-server and a ping of about 45-65ms (depending on line/connection speed - I'm playing with 60ms most of the time). The biggest difference i noticed was, when playing as sniper and engaging enemys from long range. Before, i wasn't able to hit an enemy at all whereas afterwards I almost instantly came up with an accuracy of about 50 percent.

One more thing that needs to be mentioned: The issue with rockets which keep flying through choopers/vehicles from time to time did not get solved by this mod.

Last edited by redilS (2007-03-28 08:49:08)


redilS wrote:

One more thing that needs to be mentioned: The issue with rockets which keep flying through choopers/vehicles from time to time did not get solved by this mod.
Thanks alot Redils for posting that I'm sure it will be a big help to me and others.  The thing about the rockets and stuff has more to do with a clipping issue I think.  Not so much to do with hitboxes.  Thanks again for you help on this.  I'll pass it along and see what happens.  Or as they say in the Military," we'll run it up the flag pole and see who salutes".  hehehe....

Ok folks, I think i have to admit that i made a false statement.

At least my conclusion about those 'GS' vars can be seen as a big pile of BS. I just tried setting GSUseClientSidePrediction on client side (while beeing connected to my ded) and found player-movement getting fu_cked up completely...

Sorry 'bout that. Bring on the deathsman -.-

Last edited by redilS (2007-03-28 20:17:14)


redilS wrote:

Ok folks, I think i have to admit that a made false statement.

At least my conclusion about those 'GS' vars can bee seen as a big pile of BS. I just tried setting GSUseClientSidePrediction on client side (while beeing connected to my ded) and found player-movement getting fu_cked up completely...

Sorry 'bout that. Bring on the deathsman -.-
I'm confused now.  Are you saying that when trying to use GSUseClientSidePrediction on client side is when it messes up player movement?  So does that mean "GSUseClientSidePrediction"should only be used on the server side usersettings.con file, and not the clientside?  Please elaborate a bit more will ya, cause now you confused me.  Which is very easy to do now a days:)  lol....

LoL guess what, I'm confused too

This setting definately gave me a positive result after changing it on serverside, while on client side everything gets fu_cked up ^^ So does GSDefaultLatencyCompensation (set it to 0.5 and 1.0, ping is 50ms) as soon as GSUseLatencyCompensation is enabled XD  I'm constantly getting stuck on boxes, stairways, fences ...

Glad to see that only one of my statements was wrong

Last edited by redilS (2007-03-28 12:49:19)


redilS wrote:

LoL guess what, I'm confused too

This setting definately gave me a positive result after changing it on serverside, while on client side everything gets fu_cked up ^^ So does GSDefaultLatencyCompensation (set it to 0.5 and 1.0, ping is 50ms) as soon as GSUseLatencyCompensation is enabled XD  I'm constantly getting stuck on boxes, stairways, fences ...

Glad to see that only one of my statements was wrong
Sounds like you don't wanna screw with that on the clientside huh?  Guess we all should be careful messing with the clientside stuff, cause it may make the situation worse.  Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's worse or better simply cause stuff is happening on screen at such a rapid rate.  That is unless you record it somehow, then you could play it back in slow motion (like the famous you tude video) to see for sure it what you changed made things better or worse.  I'd like to assist with the testing, but I live in the states so my ping times may be terrible when I try to connect to your server.  Probably cause more harm then good I think.


redilS wrote:

LoL guess what, I'm confused too

This setting definately gave me a positive result after changing it on serverside, while on client side everything gets fu_cked up ^^ So does GSDefaultLatencyCompensation (set it to 0.5 and 1.0, ping is 50ms) as soon as GSUseLatencyCompensation is enabled XD  I'm constantly getting stuck on boxes, stairways, fences ...

Glad to see that only one of my statements was wrong
If you ping is 50 then it should be set to 0.05 not 0.5 ...1.0 means you have a ping of 1000...WOW thats a shitty computer

Shiffdaddy wrote:

If you ping is 50 then it should be set to 0.05 not 0.5 ...1.0 means you have a ping of 1000...WOW thats a shitty computer
I know...  I've been chosing those values to make sure I'd definately notice the difference   Well, I noticed a difference, but only _after_ I set GSUseLatencyCompensation to 'enabled'.

Using 0.5 kept the game almost playable, whereas 1.0 had horrible effects... more than once i've not been able to trigger the chute when jumping down the tv-station building on sharqi XD

redilS wrote:

Shiffdaddy wrote:

If you ping is 50 then it should be set to 0.05 not 0.5 ...1.0 means you have a ping of 1000...WOW thats a shitty computer
I know...  I've been chosing those values to make sure I'd definately notice the difference   Well, I noticed a difference, but only _after_ I set GSUseLatencyCompensation to 'enabled'.

Using 0.5 kept the game almost playable, whereas 1.0 had horrible effects... more than once i've not been able to trigger the chute when jumping down the tv-station building on sharqi XD
Lol ok, just wondering.  How do you "enable" the latency compensation?
Open console, type 'SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseLatencyCompensation 1' and hit return

Last edited by redilS (2007-03-28 21:13:31)

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