Proud Born Loser

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

Idd, =)HA(=FemaleDriver, he asked if some one needed anything, and you are correct he was idd commanding.
The proff is in the screenshot, I guess that "klassekock" is a good friend of David and is just protecting him.

klassekock wrote:

In there i see nothing even close to a proof he was commanding and fighting. Just another opinion from a power addictive admin. You stating he was fighting does NOT do as evidence to me. I'ts only your matter of opinion. I'm not convinced in any other way than that he was kicked too easily.
let my tell you something mate, I dont think you have ever adminned a server before, did you?

Well, when you are admin you will see that being admin is a big responsability and a hard job. The rules on our server are there to be followed, if someone breaks them, they wil be punished. David broke a rule and got punished. When we wouldn't punish rule violations, what kind of  example would we show the other players on our server? We have a very popular server, and 98% of the players that play on our server say =SFV= has good admins. That 2% that doesn't think we admin our server good, doesn't make the difference at all. Our server won't go unranked because we kick 10 fighting commanders in a round, on the contrary it will make place for other player who do folow the rules listed in-game. And those 10 slots will fill up faster than you think, almost immediatly.

Aslong as I, and the other admins pay for the server, we can kick anyone for breaking the rules. Our job is to keep the server clear of smacktards like David. And that is what we do.

I admit of never being an admin on any server, but i've played long enough to recognize a bad admin when i see one. You got pissed at him and came up with some bullshit reason to kick him in my opinion. I've seen it happen before and it will happen again. Your so called "evidence" is nothing more than a useless screenshot wasting the space of the internets.

And when you aasume i'm a friend of David, you're wrong. I've never even played the game with him, but that doesn't stop me for stating my opinion when i feel that someone got kicked for nothing. I'm glad i found this thread because now i know what server to never play on. Ever.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

its really easy to get over 100 points in io, ive been banned so many times cause im a "hacker"
I think you have the wrong thread?
Thank you Klasse Not for being on my side but actually seeing this in a neutral way. I wish they could have done the same instead of just calling me names and banning me.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Well it depends on the server when i go to any bf2 server i respect the admins and rules unless the admin is stupid or the rules are. Case partially closed.
Indeed, this is true.  However, you must realise that in game admins have to make quick decisions.  When I play, I find it a royal pain in the ass that I have to pause whatever I'm doing, find a quiet spot and try to bring order to what's going on.  We tend to administrate the server pretty hard, we don't spend too much time faffing about getting rid of players who we pinpoint that are breaking rules.  As for warnings, the rules are displayed and this is enough for us, and indeed the ROE (we have an exceptional relationship with them due to the number of padders/glitchers and hackers that we find and forward on to them), and while this may seem harsh to some players (possibly yourself in this case), other admire it and hence we have many many regular players.  If we make a wrong decision, then we apologise and get on with it.  It's the way of on-line gaming.  What annoyed us so much in your particular case is that the admin concerned is 110% sure that you was fighting and that you was also warned (see above).  If in the slightest chance that he did indeed make a mistake, then I apologise.  Though this doesn't cancel the fact that you (in my opinion here) have taken something so small such as a simple kick and blown it out of all proportions.  However you have stated yourself that you were making claymore kills as commander (unless I misread) so this is in fact an admission.  When we list the rule "Fighting and commanding is not allowed" we mean it.  This means don't sit around flags grenading the troops attempting to take it.  If you're a good commander then you would spot people and your team would take action on your behalf.  Once more however, we are talking about a simple kick here.  I respect what you're saying, but you must share my view that you've been somewhat out of order here?

David.Podedworny wrote:

I get kicked all the time it's either because of ping or i'm too good case in point look at this [url]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/dvdpiddy/BF22007-02-2621-04-24-00.jpg[/url] Next round i Next round was kicked for hacking. Funny if i was hacking would'nt my team have won? And hackers dont use the G3 that much anyway(From my Personal observations in karkand, they prefer svd) This thread is for venting, I'm 18 and if you dont believe me i really don't care, Allright i'll give it a rest on one condition you take into account that your clan members might not always be right, Case closed.(Btw bloodsport i used to respect you very much it's not a lie, On mash you helped me a long time ago, Mec capping hotel meet blackhawk)
Yes my clanmembers might not always be right, but on this occasion he was.  End of the day mate, you were kicked for breaking one of our rules.  If we had a swear filter in operations you'd also be banned for swearing, but since we give players the benefit of the doubt, we don't.

klassekock wrote:

I admit of never being an admin on any server, but i've played long enough to recognize a bad admin when i see one. You got pissed at him and came up with some bullshit reason to kick him in my opinion. I've seen it happen before and it will happen again. Your so called "evidence" is nothing more than a useless screenshot wasting the space of the internets.

And when you aasume i'm a friend of David, you're wrong. I've never even played the game with him, but that doesn't stop me for stating my opinion when i feel that someone got kicked for nothing. I'm glad i found this thread because now i know what server to never play on. Ever.
Any bad admins in our clan are stripped of their rights and booted from the clan.  We have a clan leader, a deputy leader and two senior admins, myself and McKenzy  McKenzy has been with us since the middle of last year.  If there has been a point where he has shown that he is a bad admin, either of us other three would have no hesitation in carrying out the above.  On a side note, you're basing this argument on opinion rather then fact.  Other players who use our server (who aren't in our clan but we know them well) have told us that he was commanding and fighting when we approached them about it.  I'm glad you'll never be visiting the server

David.Podedworny wrote:

Thank you Klasse Not for being on my side but actually seeing this in a neutral way. I wish they could have done the same instead of just calling me names and banning me.
If I recall correctly, you started with the name calling, attempted humiliation and threats.

Last edited by Bloodsport (2007-03-24 09:31:37)


Bloodsport wrote:

What annoyed us so much in your particular case is that the admin concerned is 110% sure that you was fighting and that you was also warned (see above).  If in the slightest chance that he did indeed make a mistake, then I apologise.  Though this doesn't cancel the fact that you (in my opinion here) have taken something so small such as a simple kick and blown it out of all proportions.  However you have stated yourself that you were making claymore kills as commander (unless I misread)
Answer me this if your being fired upon as commander would you run away or be killed? Simple Kick? Do you know how many times i've been kicked over simple stuff and let it slide? That was and i quote 2 rounds earlier in the plaza when sgt.todd was kicked, I put down some claymores and the applied, The round i was kicked i was spec ops.

Bloodsport wrote:

When we list the rule "Fighting and commanding is not allowed" we mean it.  This means don't sit around flags grenading the troops attempting to take it.  If you're a good commander then you would spot people and your team would take action on your behalf.  Once more however, we are talking about a simple kick here.  I respect what you're saying, but you must share my view that you've been somewhat out of order here?
I did'nt nade when mckenzy kicked me i was going to the northern part of hide out I wanted to get on the roof and spot enemy's at security office, On the way there a teammate was dead i took his kit and was just about to revive him when i got kicked. Out of order? I think not. If mckenzy had any balls he would be standing up for himself here instead of justing posting useless shit.

Bloodsport wrote:

Yes my clanmembers might not always be right, but on this occasion he was.  End of the day mate, you were kicked for breaking one of our rules.  If we had a swear filter in operations you'd also be banned for swearing, but since we give players the benefit of the doubt, we don't.
I only sweared after i rejoined for not getting a straight answer.

Bloodsport wrote:

Any bad admins in our clan are stripped of their rights and booted from the clan.  We have a clan leader, a deputy leader and two senior admins, myself and McKenzy  McKenzy has been with us since the middle of last year.  If there has been a point where he has shown that he is a bad admin, either of us other three would have no hesitation in carrying out the above.  On a side note, you're basing this argument on opinion rather then fact.  Other players who use our server (who aren't in our clan but we know them well) have told us that he was commanding and fighting when we approached them about it.  I'm glad you'll never be visiting the server
Yes other players may i ask who they were? And may i ask where were they? Also Mckenzy acted differently when another sfv member was on.

Bloodsport wrote:

If I recall correctly, you started with the name calling, attempted humiliation and threats.
Oh really? In your forum no after i was insulted then yes i started with the name calling here, Before you forget who called me a cock muncher? Lemony! Who acted all high and mighty? Your clan members did. Now bloodsport just because one clan member is bad doesn't mean the whole clan is bad i'll make an exception for you guys.

Btw why dont you show what mckenzy said to me earlier? I think it was shut up After i killed him. And what part of shut up dont you understand when i said lol. But my favorite was you think it's funny? 20 seconds later.
I can't be bothered arguing with idiots, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.  Seriously, get a life fella.  It's only a kick for breaking a rule.

Bloodsport wrote:

I can't be bothered arguing with idiots, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.  Seriously, get a life fella.  It's only a kick for breaking a rule.
Standard response after being beaten. Lets let the people on this site decide who won shall we?

(I aint done with you yet i'll come back. Porno! Clan shall live again!)

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-03-24 10:59:56)


David.Podedworny wrote:

Bloodsport wrote:

I can't be bothered arguing with idiots, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.  Seriously, get a life fella.  It's only a kick for breaking a rule.
Standard response after being beaten. Lets let the people on this site decide who won shall we?

(I aint done with you yet i'll come back. Porno! Clan shall live again!)
I think it is obvious who won here, we did. You lost and you just cant deal with it, you just have too much pride. And that pride is taking you down.

Your 18? Give me a break, you act like a 10 year old that lost his lollypop. Seriously, are you mentally retarded or something?

You are violating ROE, your a statpadder, nothing more in my eyes.

I'm behind bloodsport, he is right, you guys are idiots, you have just been kicked, why are you making a big deal out of this? What are you trying to proof with that? If you would have followed the rules, you wouldn't have been kicked, its as simple as that.

And as last thing, I am glad that I wont have to face you or that klassekock in our server anymore. Im not putting my money in a server so you can just come in there and screw up the whole game.


Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

I think it is obvious who won here, we did. You lost and you just cant deal with it, you just have too much pride. And that pride is taking you down.
I said let the people decide. If i lost do you really think i would be still here? Pride? We all have pride. but Your clan has only egotism because they cant stand it when one person bad mouths them on an internet forum(Seriously get over it i think your the first clan to actually argue back on this thread)

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

Your 18? Give me a break, you act like a 10 year old that lost his lollypop. Seriously, are you mentally retarded or something?
Yes i am 18 believe it or not. I dont like lollipops. I do have paranoid schizophrenia.

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

You are violating ROE, your a statpadder, nothing more in my eyes.
Ha... Did you see this thread? http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=66302 Thought not. In my eyes your just a  you know what nevermind. I could say alot of shit about you and your clan and hurt your pride even more but i wont.(Personal attacks are not permitted on these forums)

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

I'm behind bloodsport, he is right, you guys are idiots, you have just been kicked, why are you making a big deal out of this? What are you trying to proof with that? If you would have followed the rules, you wouldn't have been kicked, its as simple as that.
Because it was unfair thats why! I'm trying to proof that your an immature brat but i think you proved it yourself. Rules? How can you enforce them if are so easily pissed off? A good admin keeps his cool.

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

And as last thing, I am glad that I wont have to face you or that klassekock in our server anymore. Im not putting my money in a server so you can just come in there and screw up the whole game.

Allright but the internets a big place i might meet you again somewhere.(In another shape or form) You screwed it up yourself, KTHXBAI? Wtf can you please spell it out or are you too stupid?(Ok i admit that was low) It's Ok thanks bye.

Btw: Porno! Clan shall live again!

David.Podedworny wrote:

Bloodsport wrote:

I can't be bothered arguing with idiots, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.  Seriously, get a life fella.  It's only a kick for breaking a rule.
Standard response after being beaten. Lets let the people on this site decide who won shall we?

(I aint done with you yet i'll come back. Porno! Clan shall live again!)
This isn't a competition mate, if you thought so then you're seriously misunderstood.

Bloodsport wrote:

This isn't a competition mate, if you thought so then you're seriously misunderstood.
I'm laughing at you guys right now.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Bloodsport wrote:

This isn't a competition mate, if you thought so then you're seriously misunderstood.
I'm laughing at you guys right now.
Good for you.  Glad you enjoy making yourself look like a fool!

Bloodsport wrote:

Good for you.  Glad you enjoy making yourself look like a fool!
Should i keep replying and keep this idiot chasing his tail or? I dont know it's fun to fuck with morons.
Proud Born Loser

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Bloodsport wrote:

I can't be bothered arguing with idiots, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.  Seriously, get a life fella.  It's only a kick for breaking a rule.
Standard response after being beaten. Lets let the people on this site decide who won shall we?

(I aint done with you yet i'll come back. Porno! Clan shall live again!)
I think it is obvious who won here, we did. You lost and you just cant deal with it, you just have too much pride. And that pride is taking you down.

Your 18? Give me a break, you act like a 10 year old that lost his lollypop. Seriously, are you mentally retarded or something?

You are violating ROE, your a statpadder, nothing more in my eyes.

I'm behind bloodsport, he is right, you guys are idiots, you have just been kicked, why are you making a big deal out of this? What are you trying to proof with that? If you would have followed the rules, you wouldn't have been kicked, its as simple as that.

And as last thing, I am glad that I wont have to face you or that klassekock in our server anymore. Im not putting my money in a server so you can just come in there and screw up the whole game.

Get one thing in your head! I have NEVER visited your server and never will. I stated an opinion here and Bloodsport had good argument and polite reasoning. But you on the other hand are rude and very quick in your judgement.
Go to bed without a cookie because you've been a bad boy!!!!!
Biggest n00blet around!

klassekock wrote:

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Standard response after being beaten. Lets let the people on this site decide who won shall we?

(I aint done with you yet i'll come back. Porno! Clan shall live again!)
I think it is obvious who won here, we did. You lost and you just cant deal with it, you just have too much pride. And that pride is taking you down.

Your 18? Give me a break, you act like a 10 year old that lost his lollypop. Seriously, are you mentally retarded or something?

You are violating ROE, your a statpadder, nothing more in my eyes.

I'm behind bloodsport, he is right, you guys are idiots, you have just been kicked, why are you making a big deal out of this? What are you trying to proof with that? If you would have followed the rules, you wouldn't have been kicked, its as simple as that.

And as last thing, I am glad that I wont have to face you or that klassekock in our server anymore. Im not putting my money in a server so you can just come in there and screw up the whole game.

Get one thing in your head! I have NEVER visited your server and never will. I stated an opinion here and Bloodsport had good argument and polite reasoning. But you on the other hand are rude and very quick in your judgement.
Go to bed without a cookie because you've been a bad boy!!!!!
LOL im sticking with David, you kicked him for some bullshit reason, and by "trying" to argue with him, you just have broght more shame to your clan. have a nice day.

klassekock wrote:

Get one thing in your head! I have NEVER visited your server and never will. I stated an opinion here and Bloodsport had good argument and polite reasoning. But you on the other hand are rude and very quick in your judgement.
Go to bed without a cookie because you've been a bad boy!!!!!
See what i mean fellas? They cant take criticism,  They are so egotistical. And Klasse i think you should spank him!

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

LOL im sticking with David, you kicked him for some bullshit reason, and by "trying" to argue with him, you just have broght more shame to your clan. have a nice day.
Even he/she agrees with me. Lets check the scores now.

David|Sfv clan
    2  | 0

Round 2 start!

*Ding Ding Ding*

David.Podedworny wrote:

klassekock wrote:

Get one thing in your head! I have NEVER visited your server and never will. I stated an opinion here and Bloodsport had good argument and polite reasoning. But you on the other hand are rude and very quick in your judgement.
Go to bed without a cookie because you've been a bad boy!!!!!
See what i mean fellas? They cant take criticism,  They are so egotistical. And Klasse i think you should spank him!

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

LOL im sticking with David, you kicked him for some bullshit reason, and by "trying" to argue with him, you just have broght more shame to your clan. have a nice day.
Even he/she agrees with me. Lets check the scores now.

David|Sfv clan
    2  | 0

Round 2 start!

*Ding Ding Ding*
Wow, I didn't know you could count, seriously this aint a game. And if you think you can bring shame to me or my clan, then you are Uber stupid. If I would be ashamed, would I still post here? You should be ashamed about the fact that you are counting score here, how childish is that? If you think life is a game, well then I hope you fuck up your life some day or maybe you already did. Is this the only thing you do all day? Posting crap on public forums? Jeezes, get a life. Gaming is not the most important thing in life. I hope you realise that one day, for your own good.

You guys are just that 2% that just doesn't like the =SFV= clan, and to be honest, I dont give a flying f*ck about what that 2% thinks or does.

I still dont get why you are still whining about a kick. It is just pathetic. You are the only player who got kicked on our server and went this far to proof he lost. All the rest who posted a complaint on our forum, did it on a mature way, and is still welcome on our server, but you on the other hand are not. You just brought shame to yourself by falling so low. Oh and you showed you have no social life by posting at 02:49:43 am in this topic.

This is the last thing I post here, cuz i dont feel like wasting any more of my time on a topic that doesn't mean shit. I am just going to continue adminning the =SFV= server like I always do, to keep it clear from R-tards like you.

Have a nice day.
+70|6626|Newcastle UK

David.Podedworny wrote:

klassekock wrote:

Get one thing in your head! I have NEVER visited your server and never will. I stated an opinion here and Bloodsport had good argument and polite reasoning. But you on the other hand are rude and very quick in your judgement.
Go to bed without a cookie because you've been a bad boy!!!!!
See what i mean fellas? They cant take criticism,  They are so egotistical. And Klasse i think you should spank him!

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

LOL im sticking with David, you kicked him for some bullshit reason, and by "trying" to argue with him, you just have broght more shame to your clan. have a nice day.
Even he/she agrees with me. Lets check the scores now.

David|Sfv clan
    2  | 0

Round 2 start!

*Ding Ding Ding*
you fail at life go kill your self.

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

Wow, I didn't know you could count, seriously this aint a game. And if you think you can bring shame to me or my clan, then you are Uber stupid. If I would be ashamed, would I still post here? You should be ashamed about the fact that you are counting score here, how childish is that? If you think life is a game, well then I hope you fuck up your life some day or maybe you already did. Is this the only thing you do all day? Posting crap on public forums? Jeezes, get a life. Gaming is not the most important thing in life. I hope you realise that one day, for your own good.
I can count to 999,999,999,999,999. Bf2 is a game if you take people bad mouthing you this seriously online i wonder how you take it in real life? See what i mean egotistical as always, The score means nothing it was a ploy see how you would respond(And you did very stupidly) My life is already fucked up i played on your server, Really your clan posted crap on me so i'm just returning the favor, Gaming may not be a life(First smart thing you said bravo *clapping hands* Bravo!*) But life is a Game you play to win but always end up losing(It means you die Numb Nuts)

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

You guys are just that 2% that just doesn't like the =SFV= clan, and to be honest, I dont give a flying f*ck about what that 2% thinks or does.
Then why are you here? Replying to me and my thoughts on your clan?

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

I still dont get why you are still whining about a kick. It is just pathetic. You are the only player who got kicked on our server and went this far to proof he lost. All the rest who posted a complaint on our forum, did it on a mature way, and is still welcome on our server, but you on the other hand are not. You just brought shame to yourself by falling so low. Oh and you showed you have no social life by posting at 02:49:43 am in this topic.
Because it was an unfair kick. Lost? The egomaniac always loses in the end. I did too but you could'nt prove that i was commanding and fighting your screenies are BS. And your just a fucked up 17 year old who thinks everyone has to respect him cause he's the admin of a server. You equals power hungry idiot please fuck off. I may not be welcome there but i'll make sure you won't be welcome elsewhere, No social life? What timezone do you live in? I posted that at 12:49 after a round of PR.

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

This is the last thing I post here, cuz i dont feel like wasting any more of my time on a topic that doesn't mean shit. I am just going to continue adminning the =SFV= server like I always do, to keep it clear from R-tards like you.

Have a nice day.
Fine i dont feel like fucking with morons like you anymore it's not as much fun when they realize that they are moronic. Go right ahead but when people see your stupidity they wont play there anymore. R-tard? Well if you insist. But it won't mean anything coming from someone with an IQ below freezing(Thats an american expression for 32 or less for ya Celcius users)

Allrighty then i'm glad this is settled

@Oak Ya i admit that was kinda low but i had to put it down to his level. Please dont tell me to kill myself i already tried hell is not a nice place.

David.Podedworny wrote:

I can count to 999,999,999,999,999. Bf2 is a game if you take people bad mouthing you this seriously online i wonder how you take it in real life? See what i mean egotistical as always, The score means nothing it was a ploy see how you would respond(And you did very stupidly) My life is already fucked up i played on your server, Really your clan posted crap on me so i'm just returning the favor, Gaming may not be a life(First smart thing you said bravo *clapping hands* Bravo!*) But life is a Game you play to win but always end up losing(It means you die Numb Nuts)
WOW, you can count to 999.999 bilion? Is that supposed to impress me? Cuz it doesn't "Numb Nuts".
You really want to know how I take it in real life? Fine. When some one is bad mouthing me, I bad mouth then back or punch them in the face when the first option doesn't help, because they dont earn my respect. Just like you dont earn my respect. Your telling me that my clan posted crap on you!? Give me a break, you started posting crap about me, the only thing my clan did, was protecting me. That is what you get when people trust you. Protection is what they call it.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Because it was an unfair kick. Lost? The egomaniac always loses in the end. I did too but you could'nt prove that i was commanding and fighting your screenies are BS. And your just a fucked up 17 year old who thinks everyone has to respect him cause he's the admin of a server. You equals power hungry idiot please fuck off. I may not be welcome there but i'll make sure you won't be welcome elsewhere, No social life? What timezone do you live in? I posted that at 12:49 after a round of PR.
Well, maybe I couldn't prove you and some members of BF2S.com that you were commanding and fighting, but the other SFV admins could see it on the logs, which you obviously cant read.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Fine i dont feel like fucking with morons like you anymore it's not as much fun when they realize that they are moronic. Go right ahead but when people see your stupidity they wont play there anymore. R-tard? Well if you insist. But it won't mean anything coming from someone with an IQ below freezing(Thats an american expression for 32 or less for ya Celcius users)
Allrighty then i'm glad this is settled
You can call me names or whatever the fuck you want, I dont give a shit. It just proofs how immature you are.
I am maybe a year younger than you, but that doens't mean that you are more mature.
+250|6721|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Ok, after watching this fight evolve over the last few days, I feel compelled to intervene and tell you both to shut up.
This is the thread David made on their clan forum: http://www.sfv-clan.net/forum/showthread.php?t=352
Its blatantly shown that he was kicked because he a "fighting" commander. The "fighting" in this case is using claymores. He is never shown to be in active combat, actually firing a weapon.
It is your server, but this seems a bit iffy for grounds on kicking.
The clan started by acting civil towards David when he first brought up his complaint, but then became hostile and resorted to insults. This, I believe, is a fatal mistake.

Secondly, the purpose of this thread is to talk about hacking stats, stupid admins or resets. It isn't to show off your E-penises(as sad as it may seem, by coming here to defend your clan, that's what happened). If you wanted to argue, go do it through PMs or in the D&ST section.

Thirdly, let us be the judges of the events. If we feel that David's original post gave enough reason to avoid your server, then so be it. If it did not, then maybe we would have visited it someday.

I seriously hope that this idiotic argument ends as of now.
@Mckenzy thought we're ignoring me?

@Splinter Roger i'll stop i made my point (And dont need anymore spam or flames on these forums)
Biggest n00blet around!

David.Podedworny wrote:

@Mckenzy thought we're ignoring me?

@Splinter Roger i'll stop i made my point (And dont need anymore spam or flames on these forums)
so you noobs from the clan stop posting, you already look like idiots.

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

so you noobs from the clan stop posting, you already look like idiots.
And case closed. I love you guys.(In a brotherly/sisterly way)

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-03-28 19:20:22)

Wanna see abusive admins ?
Check WH clan server , admins start kicking for ridiculous reasons if their round kdr gets too crappy. (hihih)
They never kick people from same team , only from opposing team
The only admin that deserves some respect in there is Ttobsen

this is like a warning , so dont be surprised if anything happens to u in there

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