This game is pretty awesome, although very very hard as you need to use real life tactics to not get your face shot off.
It's a must for anyone who enjoys realism shooters, because you don't get much more realistic than ArmA ^_^
It's basically the unofficial sequel to operation flashpoint, or as some have said 'OFP 1.5'.
It's got absolutely HUGE enviroments to play on, which leaves room for large scale battles. (They are talking about having 70v70 multiplayer battles on a certain tournament site)
Realistic weapon penetration, ballistics e.t.c, which makes it feel a lot more rewarding killing someone as it takes 
significantly more skill than point and shoot that we are used to in bf2.
The vehicles are pretty damn decent, Aswell as having all the realistic equipment / weapons in them, but flying jets and helos is a LOT more complicated than bf2 aircraft.
Just been recently released in UK and Europe, Soon to have a release in the US which i'm sure is being highly anticipated.
This is pretty much your game to buy if you are looking for something that actually feels rewarding when you 'pown' someone on it.
People are already getting the heads down modding and making add ons for ArmA, even though the updated tools haven't been released yet, Expect to see some amazing user created content in the near future.

Oh and the clans (or 'Units'), I've been seeing a lot of realism heavy clans who play ArmA, and seeing videos from them playing ArmA's predecessor - 'Operation Flashpoint' and they are absolutely amazing the way they bring real life military tactics into the game, and boy does it work. ^__^

If you are interested you might want to sign up here:
It's at the moment a small community but they would be happy to welcome new users, as they are in need of a bit more activity.  - official site

Last edited by pebblebash (2007-03-05 19:18:33)

+1,452|6707|The Gem Saloon
+85|6868|An Hour North of Indy
I played the demo, it was pretty sweet, but it seemed like it sucked up a lot of my resources. The servers would have to be pretty dominant to handle 70v70 with the size of the maps that i have played.
bad touch

Meh. Its better than America's Army, but that isn't saying much. The learning curve for everything is steep enough to drive a lot of people away.

I did however get to fly the Little Bird with an adaptive movement setup, it was hard as shit but fun.
Scratching my back

Parker wrote:

Pfft americans and the 'Links', they always need a sodding link, cant you guys be happy with what he provided?
+69|6702|USA, MICHIGAN
that game looks bad as hell.  when will it be available in the U.S.??!!
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

hate&discontent wrote:

that game looks bad as hell.  when will it be available in the U.S.??!!
I hated it.
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6988|Florida, United States

usmarine2007 wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

that game looks bad as hell.  when will it be available in the U.S.??!!
I hated it.
Agreed.  Since your cursor moves everywhere, the pings are unbearable, and servers were hard to find, yea, I hated it too.
+1,452|6707|The Gem Saloon

ELITE-UK wrote:

Parker wrote:

Pfft americans and the 'Links', they always need a sodding link, cant you guys be happy with what he provided?
no, im not as "elite" as you.
good effort though.
Hey guys i havent felt motivated to post in these forums over the past year or so until this thread.  Those who are getting burnt out on BF2 or 2142 and want a military game that is a refreshing change really should give ArmA a chance.  I used to play BF2 and only BF2 everyday.  But once I tried Armed Assault, man, i cant even fire up BF2 anymore. 

Its not for everyone and some may not like it.  Its realistic. No stats.  No jumping and takes a fairly beefy system to run smooth.  And it also takes practice to be a good soldier.   But if you get it set up and tweaked to your liking, its one amazing game.  Ive started playing in the free tourny over at  We have huge battles each sunday.  Its a freakin blast. 

The game will be out in the US in May, published by Atari.  You can currently download the full English (UK release)  version here, … page=index .   Don't be put off by the single player mode.  I almost was.  Then I played with others in MP and Coop.  Wow. 

I made 2 video's to help show my buddies what they were missing out on.  Here's the links.

I also run a dedicated ArmA server that allows people to practice on various stuff and attack the AI bots.  Fun stuff.  If you have the game or end up grabbing it, set your MP filter for "Super" and look for "Super's ArmA Sandbox". 

Ok, i know Ive sounded like an advertisement for that game.  But I just hate for people to hear one person say "oh it sucks" and then no one gives it a chance.  You dont know what you're missing.  For me, gaming is fun again.

Carry on, soldier.

Last edited by super64 (2007-03-07 12:18:15)


super64 wrote:

Hey guys i havent felt motivated to post in these forums over the past year or so until this thread.  Those who are getting burnt out on BF2 or 2142 and want a military game that is a refreshing change really should give ArmA a chance.  I used to play BF2 and only BF2 everyday.  But once I tried Armed Assault, man, i cant even fire up BF2 anymore. 

Its not for everyone and some may not like it.  Its realistic. No stats.  No jumping and takes a fairly beefy system to run smooth.  And it also takes practice to be a good soldier.   But if you get it set up and tweaked to your liking, its one amazing game.  Ive started playing in the free tourny over at  We have huge battles each sunday.  Its a freakin blast. 

The game will be out in the US in May, published by Atari.  You can currently download the full English (UK release)  version here, … page=index .   Don't be put off by the single player mode.  I almost was.  Then I played with others in MP and Coop.  Wow. 

I made 2 video's to help show my buddies what they were missing out on.  Here's the links.

I also run a dedicated ArmA server that allows people to practice on various stuff and attack the AI bots.  Fun stuff.  If you have the game or end up grabbing it, set your MP filter for "Super" and look for "Super's ArmA Sandbox". 

Ok, i know Ive sounded like an advertisement for that game.  But I just hate for people to hear one person say "oh it sucks" and then no one gives it a chance.  You dont know what you're missing.  For me, gaming is fun again.

Carry on, soldier.
There is a problem that a lot of people on here like straightforward gameplay that doesnt require you to think too hard, and there will be stubborness about people who play bf2 maybe giving ArmA a try.
In my opinion, I think that even if it takes a few minutes longer to travel somewhere because of a large map, or you get killed because you got shot over the long view distance in ArmA, The gameplay and how rewarding it feels beats all the practically CS style gameplay of bf2 when compared to ArmA.
It does need some fixing for bugs and stuff though

pebblebash wrote:

There is a problem that a lot of people on here like straightforward gameplay that doesnt require you to think too hard, and there will be stubborness about people who play bf2 maybe giving ArmA a try.
In my opinion, I think that even if it takes a few minutes longer to travel somewhere because of a large map, or you get killed because you got shot over the long view distance in ArmA, The gameplay and how rewarding it feels beats all the practically CS style gameplay of bf2 when compared to ArmA.
It does need some fixing for bugs and stuff though
Well for one, i was a person who only played BF2.  I think there many others out there who finally just get burnt out on this type game.  I just got so sick of the bunny hopping and classic run & gun.. it was ruining gaming.  As far as bugs in ArmA go, after this last 1.05 patch things are MUCH better.  Its ready for prime time now.  People really should try it out.  Although im not expecting much from the BF2 crowd.

ELITE-UK wrote:

Parker wrote:

Pfft americans and the 'Links', they always need a sodding link, cant you guys be happy with what he provided?
You know, complaining about Americans only feeds our self-importance. Say "sodding" again, that sounds so cool. Like a BBC production.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-03-09 19:04:41)

+4|6691|Berlin, Germany
ArmA is great on single player and multiplayer coop but i dont like the "pvp".
its all in all a nice game but really disappointing were the helos for me. the controls are just stupid and has nothing to do with realism imo. the blackhawk and the little bird is ok but the cobra is a pain in the ass. could have been done better.
ArmA is a must for ppl that like to create their own maps.

dirtsA wrote:

ArmA is great on single player and multiplayer coop but i dont like the "pvp".
its all in all a nice game but really disappointing were the helos for me. the controls are just stupid and has nothing to do with realism imo. the blackhawk and the little bird is ok but the cobra is a pain in the ass. could have been done better.
ArmA is a must for ppl that like to create their own maps.
Have you flown it since they patched it?  Its a piece of cake to fly, with a few minutes of practice.  And its practically a flight simulation compared to BF2's Uber choppers.

Saying "the controls are just stupid".... that sounds.. well, stupid.  What didnt you like?  Did you know if you go into options you can customize EVERY function and remap things?
+4|6691|Berlin, Germany
patched? nope havent played for a pretty long time now. i have it for some months now and when it came out it was stupid. what version is it now? ArmA was released at the end of 2006 if i remember correctly (in germany that is). and u couldnt customize every function u wanted! thats what it made it so painfully.

btw on a german arma forum was a real helo pilot that plays this game and he said it wasnt realistic just uncontrollable in some situations. not that im a fan of extreme realistic games or so but it was just nearly impossible to fly this thing how u wanted even for a skilled player. but nice to hear they changed it.

Last edited by dirtsA (2007-03-09 19:48:27)

Yup, at first they were almost uncontrollable.  Now, its MUCH better.  Im sure a real helo pilot wouldnt say its realistic.  But its much better and pretty good for a mil-sim.  Great thing about ArmA is I use the editor to create my own battles.  Like CTF, or deathmatch, or just coop.  You can make it as fast paced or slow and realistic as you like.  Ya, grab the 1.05 update or newest version and try it.  Better graphics, and game performance.
Proud Infantry Whore

usmarine2007 wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

that game looks bad as hell.  when will it be available in the U.S.??!!
I hated it.
Marine have you tried the new patch? They changed the aiming and stuff like that, and now i think it feels natural to aim where before it was all messed up. I feel that with the 1.05 patch they actually took what people are saying, and put it in the game. It now shows a lot more promise than before.

P.S. I think it is going to be published by atari in may in the US
+4|6691|Berlin, Germany

super64 wrote:

Yup, at first they were almost uncontrollable.  Now, its MUCH better.  Im sure a real helo pilot wouldnt say its realistic.  But its much better and pretty good for a mil-sim.  Great thing about ArmA is I use the editor to create my own battles.  Like CTF, or deathmatch, or just coop.  You can make it as fast paced or slow and realistic as you like.  Ya, grab the 1.05 update or newest version and try it.  Better graphics, and game performance.
ya the editor is really great. i dont know how many hours ive spend on just creating a map for myself and see what you can do. at the end i came out with a map where it makes more fun to watch the AI at work than playing by yourself ;-)

it would be a real perfect game if you could enter all structures and let the AI land on top of a building with a little bird. but i cant have everything :-P
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6988|Florida, United States

Leprechaun56 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

that game looks bad as hell.  when will it be available in the U.S.??!!
I hated it.
Marine have you tried the new patch? They changed the aiming and stuff like that, and now i think it feels natural to aim where before it was all messed up. I feel that with the 1.05 patch they actually took what people are saying, and put it in the game. It now shows a lot more promise than before.

P.S. I think it is going to be published by atari in may in the US
If they did change the aiming system (which was complete balderdash before), then I'll give it a second chance.  But I'm gonna do more research first.  First impressions are long lasting.
Yes aiming has been re-worked.  The entire ArmA community is happy about it.   And correct, Atari releases the game in May.  I have the Czech version, but since the 1.05 patch it allows you to set it back to English. 

If any of you guys reading this thread want to pick up the game and give it another chance, lemme know.  If you want to get involved over at, stop by the forums.  Tons of guys, ready to start a game at anytime.  Everyone is friendly and since the game is fairly new, most are starting out at the same level of skill.  Sundays we meet on the battleserver and have a huge day long battle. 

Like i mentioned before, i used to be 100% BF2.  But i got too burnt out.  ArmA has been refreshing and a total blast.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
The game sux.... it feels more clumsy than battlefield has ever done....
if the games is anything like the US demo it sux bigtime!!!
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
For those of you that have this game or are thinking about getting this game, I can tell you clearly it DOES NOT suck.   Also, keep an eye out because in the next few days a huge patch is going to be released.  Its 600mb of fixes and improvements!  So if you tried the demo a while back, you can pretty much forget that experience. 

The key to having a good time in Arma is first, toy with the graphic settings to find a good balance for your PC.  Yes the game is a beast to run, but im able to run almost everything on High to Very High settings with my 7900GT, 4800 X2 cpu and 2gb mem.   Secondly, play it with people on TS.  Team work in this game is the difference between standing in the middle of nowhere, confused.  Or working with your team in a huge firefight.    There are tons of communities welcoming in new players.  Personally, I play over at  Great group, friendly to the games newcomers.  Like me, since i was not an OFP player. 

If you only prefer the run & gun, bunny hopping world of BF2 then you'll might not have a good time in ArmA.  But if sometimes you like a change of pace and want to play more of a 'military simulator', give Armed Assault another shot after this 1.08 patch comes out.  BF2 is a great game for what it is.  But its like comparing apples to oranges with ArmA.  Its a different category of game completely.

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