MikeBlades wrote:
i play violent games just like the rest of you and watch movies that contain violence (i do play and watch non-violent stuff too) and have noticed that i tolerate real life violence and display aggressive tendancies in real life situations to a higher level than i used too.
do you believe that your exposure to violent games and other violent media increases your real life aggression and decreses your emotional response to real life violence.
here an phycological observation:
http://www.youngmedia.org.au/mediachild … derson.htm
yes i agree, because i can be honest that video games have made me more violent and more tolerable to seeing violence. Nothing seems to affect me, any of you who have ever seen "faces of death" will prob agree that it is the most gruesome thing to watch, yet it has no effect on me
For those of you unfarmiliar with the title. "faces of death" is a collection of footage of real-life deaths that include amateur video of accidents resulting in deaths, currrent war time footage, executions like the ones in iraq where the victims are beheaded. it is definitley not for the faint-hearted.
As for games, i do get angry easily (unfortunatley), such as someone calls me a name or something- i make it my mission to continually hunt down the individual so i can feel better knowing i have got 'revenge'.
so you can imagine that bf2 is a game that makes me quite angry, i dont know how many times ive punched the keyboard or swore at the monitor, i feel like if i dont do this then the anger will just bury itself in me.
In real-life, im actually a nice guy, just that i can 'snap' in some situtations. If im in a fight, the idea of getting any sort of weapon and attacking does not register as a bad idea in my head.
The reason i believe its gaming thats the cause. well i have a pretty good life and i dont have much to complain about. But when im playing games i can become physically angry. I guess some people are affected by games and others it does not. i wouldnt agree on some ban on violent games as u may often read about, its really down to the player to know when the game is becoming more then just a game and stop.
Now id like to finish on a light note
http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=327im not this bad thankfully, but if theres people like this out there, then video games must def be causing something...