I can appreciate the talent of the artist, and can understand why an artist would charge that obscene amount of money if there are people out there willingto pay it. I cannot understand what the F*** is going through the minds of the owners. Not only paying that much for it, but even doing it in the first place. I agree with most of those above, these people whould be shot.
some of those are HELLLA sick i wanna get tiger stripes on my orange cat
lol, try painting my cat and you're hand is a bloody stump. I dont know of many cats that would actually let someone do that. unless if they were asleep...N.A.T.O wrote:
Which raises the question how the hell do you get a cat to stand still long Enough to be painted that intricately. ? Ether it?Major.League.Infidel wrote:
I bet the Cat's love getting painted too.
I would be happy to put a tire track print on any of those cats for free.
Who wants to chip in $200,000 so we can invent a cat fur printer?
Aww, i was expecting trach cat.....N.A.T.O wrote:
O.....Jesus Christ…. The world has hit an all time low…
This cat IS NOT HAPPY.
I like this but most of the paintings are just plain ugly

Some are really cool, like the 3rd one, the skeleton one and the moon and stars ones. But some are just over the top and unfair on the cat.
Man imagine how scared some people would get if they walked down the road late at night and saw a skeleton cat!!! lol
Man imagine how scared some people would get if they walked down the road late at night and saw a skeleton cat!!! lol
ugly fucks
poor cats..
except that one:

except that one:

that is one of the dumbest things i have ever seen
g'damn ! MORONS !! poor cats indeed

i like my cat ... Deli 3 years old

i like my cat ... Deli 3 years old
Last edited by Tjasso (2007-02-19 00:44:42)
I want him to paint my cat.<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
ty, i want you to finance my cat paintingTy wrote:
People with enough money to be able to do this should be required by law to give me their money. They've obviously got so much that they don't know what to do with it so they do stupid fucking things like this.
I have worked two and a half jobs for roughly three months and I have amassed roughly 3.5 grand, (spent some of course.) If someone told me that painting a cat was the best way to spend that money, I can't be held responsible for what grevious wounds I inflict on them.
Course, she been in the garden for three years but I'll dig her out.