
Apologies if this is a repost or a repeat of many n00b topics...  but I searched and couldnt find anything.

Ive seen a few players recently using the SVD in rapid fire, but every shot hits its target.

Last night one guy (captain iirc) managed to get 95 kills and 7 deaths with it which was great...  maybe he is good, but I somehow dont think so...  he could also kill far outwith his viewing distance.

Anyways, quick one...

Cheat, Exploit or Just Good?

Anyone else seen this?
Touches Himself At Night.
Your question requires a litte common sense.

Rapid Fire SVD?
Every shot hits target?
95:7 KD?

I doubt hes that good and I dont think there is an exploit for this so....
Its called an aimbot
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6891|Melbourne, Australia.
If hes using the SVD, shooting veryy fast (like, all 10 bullets in 2 seconds) and still hitting people, most likley hacking. Doesn't come around much though, I've only seen one in the year ive played
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6680|QUT, GP.
I've had people do that to me, and done it to people, but since you're indicating he's really fast and still killing people... I agree with everyone else.
conservative hatemonger
guy in my clan went 60 and 3 with the SVD once, you just have to be good

edit: its possible its hacking, what shows him as a hacker is if he fires his entire clip really fast and takes out two or three people more than about 15-20 meters apart.  If they do take out people who are spread out then it is a telltale sign of railing/snapping.  Watch for the twitch in between kills...

Last edited by Blehm98 (2007-02-03 03:00:05)

+519|6932|Gold coast, Aus.
Aimbots rarely hit moving targets from my experience. So, i reckon it was a mixture of skill/bunny hopping medic rev whoring squad/luck.
+86|7047|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
The score is entirely possible with a squad on TS. Rapid SVD is a bit hit and miss for me as I have only recently started to enjoy using it but I would need a video to know for sure.
Lets just say for every million times you see someone getting accused of aimboting there is probably only 1 that is....

Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6701|Penrith,Nsw, Aus
Stop acting like hes really good its a hack from msx or someshit you all know it
Cheers guys.

Thought it was, but even though ive had 600hrs ive only seen it twice, and only in the past week.
+138|6817|New Zealand
From what I've seen aimbot users tend to favour sniper rifles, espically SVD. However having been twice accused of hax when using SVD - (Just happen to get lots of quick lucky head shots) I wouldn't be suprised if this guy was just good.

Do you remember his alias or get any Screen shots?
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
it is not one in a million, who is using hax. there are a lot more of these wankers out there. you just have to take a look on the punkbuster banlist - and these are only the idiots, who used old hax.
95:7 sounds more like a cheat, than skill.
Aimbotters always use the SVD, cause it can rapid fire and they get more headshots... If what you say is true he's definitely aimbotting.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7049|Great Wall
People accuse me of hacking everyday.. Oh well.. for me results 45-0 or 50-0 are nothing special.. There always will be whiners out there..people born to be a meat.

EDIT: 95-7 looks to me like a very long round.

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2007-02-03 04:58:24)

as good as me you never will be
i normally get a kill death around 6 or more with svd, so i dont thinks he's hacking
Parcel of ol' Crams
i always finish a round with 15-30 more kills then deaths, and i have been called a cheater many times

he was probably very good/lucky
prince of insufficient light
SVD is the ideal aimbot weapon, so it is possible he was cheating. However, I also imagine you were on Karkand IO, and I get those k/d ratios fairly often, so it could have been skill.

I'm pretty sure in over 700 hours I've only seen one hacker, and he was headshotting me with  the mp7 standing up from 100m.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7049|Great Wall
Axeboy.. could u tell me exact nick of that "captain iirc".. somehow I cannot find him and I'd like to see him playing.. I still believe there are good semi auto snipers out there.. we simply don't know them

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2007-02-03 05:11:30)


Axeboy wrote:

Ive seen a few players recently using the SVD in rapid fire, but every shot hits its target.
Cheat, Exploit or Just Good?
Could we get a little more detail please... the same target or different ones? With a little practice or skill you can definitely hit the same guy multiple times really quickly with the SVD, or Type 88, quickly enough that the target often won't be able to dodge, or get away, or shoot back and kill you first.

But if he's like getting headshots on 3 or 4 different guys at what sounds like the max fire rate for the rifle? Once, maybe he's good, and lucky. All the time throughout a round? Very likely cheating.

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Your question requires a litte common sense.

Rapid Fire SVD?
Every shot hits target?
95:7 KD?
Does 95:7 sound impossible to you?

n0sX wrote:

Its called an aimbot

B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:

Stop acting like hes really good its a hack from msx or someshit you all know it

churnedf0rtaste wrote:

If what you say is true he's definitely aimbotting.
Hang on a sec, we can't say that without a little more detail.

aLi3nZ wrote:

From what I've seen aimbot users tend to favour sniper rifles, espically SVD.
Yes, this seems to be common.
+138|6817|New Zealand

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

People accuse me of hacking everyday.. Oh well.. for me results 45-0 or 50-0 are nothing special.. There always will be whiners out there..people born to be a meat.

EDIT: 95-7 looks to me like a very long round.
Sniper Rifles      326:03:42      17,619      2,646      6.6587      45.42%

****ing hacker.

Last edited by aLi3nZ (2007-02-03 05:20:34)

Aiming for the head
+88|6860|EUtopia | Austria
Well, the SVD can indeed kick some ass, but not much beyond 250m ('cause on Karkand, for example, you don't see that much). And, of course, it's accuracy is not the best, especially when standing - I always tand to crouch when sniping, which leaves me the chance to get up and RUN.
Also, I've only recently had some success with the SVD, killing a medic and his revived buddy with 3 shots overall within far less than a second. I was very lucky.

So sniping far beyond sighting range (and hitting almost everything) is a clear sign of using an aimbot.
+86|7047|Somewhere near a shrub or rock

B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:

Stop acting like hes really good its a hack from msx or someshit you all know it
Ok, I get more cheat calls than is funny and I would never consider cheating ever.... Its pissing irritating that because someone else cannot do what you can they bitch and moan that you cheat.
Forgive me if I tend to the side of INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty.
You essentially have heard a story on a forums and know for a fact that its "msx or someshit"....

I have sniped for like 600 hours and have a pretty good idea of what is possible, what can happen when you get a slice of luck and what that looks like to other observers.

So please, unless you have vids or PB screens keep the "defo cheater wtf bbq" to your self.


P.S. I did not say there are 1 in a million people that cheat, i said one in a million cheat accusations is likely to be correct, think about it.
Cant remember his tag im afraid.

Just wanted to know for next time.
One person I saw that was kinda suspicious was this guy,

He had a ping of about 170 on IO and he had about 40-50 kills as sniper with only one or two deaths in the whole round, seems a bit fishy to me.
conservative hatemonger
Saying someone might be hacking because of kill death ratio is a no go, simply because i've seen people do it before and it means nothing

you have to have proof, such as positively identifying him twitching from target to target or watching him rail on someone through a wall (when the gun tracks someone with inhuman reflexes and a mechanical look...  trust me if you see it you'll know it, and watch for them lining up right before someone comes around a wall, it looks like this
The guy is either sitting or running.  Before he comes around the wall, he'll stop, and the gun will pop to a spot on the wall.  It won't stay, but they'll go around the corner and kill someone who was hiding there.  With sniper rifles its easy to see as well because they're so long, just watch them its very wierd seeing an aimbotting SVD tracking someone who is doing a lot of bunny hopping/dolphin diving

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