im wondering if i should get it because it's over 2 gigs and my internet is slower than a sloth's bowels
I personally say nay.
it looks ok but iv heard mixed reviews, o and im talking about the special forces version
I don't know, but the sloth's bowels part thats funny. + 1 to you
Quite possibly the most boring game ever.
welll i had it and its fun to play but you have to have teamwork on there to be able to do anything really...but sniping is more real
I don't mind it, and it is one of the games that I can play with my terrible internet.
my internet i downloads at 60-100 kb/s so for 2gigs thats like 20+ hours and sloths only go to the bathroom 1 a week
I say go for it if you have nothing to do for a day. Just put it on DL and take a nice dump. remember to take alot of magazines and such, 20 hours on the toilet is a long time.
2.6 was way better...
when i get pissed off with the claymores in BF2, i go play that, its pretty fun depending on what your tastes are, try it...... start the d/l when you go to bed so it will be done in the morning(its what i do), and if you dont like it, then get rid of it
I bought that game for X-Box and i took it out after the 10th minute cause it is so god dam boring.
Same speed my downloads were running at, so I would suggest trying it. I could play the CO-OP with little to no lag.<SharpShot> wrote:
my internet i downloads at 60-100 kb/s so for 2gigs thats like 20+ hours and sloths only go to the bathroom 1 a week
yeah its so boring. i almost punch myself in the face when i die cuz the waiting is so brutal.