This is a poll for all you gun owners out there.
I couldn't imagine trying to go through the whole process of fumbling through the gun safe combination unlocking the ammo box loading said firearm racking a round in the chamber all the while hopeing the armed intruder who just burst through your window will wait for you to do this so you could draw a bead on him and pop some rounds into him.
So I pretty much keep my Sig220r Carry locked, cocked and ready to rock with a round chambered, crimson trace grips and weapon light mounted ready under my pillow. If I have a women overnight(s) I'll move it to the bedside dresser in top drawer.
My Grandfather said it best "What good is an unloaded gun?."
Just wondered if you fellow gun owners keep your firearm of choice ready to go and in easy reach while you sleep, or if you keep it locked up in a safe or gun box?
I would imagine/hope/it's manditory/ those of you with small children would have your gun(s) locked up only understandably.
So all you peace activists/gun haters who choose to try and talk and reason with the armed intruder who has just broken into your bedroom while you are sleeping please, STFU! Thank you . And if you think you can call the police in the time it takes the intruder to reach you in the small area of your room.... ahhh good luck with that.
I couldn't imagine trying to go through the whole process of fumbling through the gun safe combination unlocking the ammo box loading said firearm racking a round in the chamber all the while hopeing the armed intruder who just burst through your window will wait for you to do this so you could draw a bead on him and pop some rounds into him.
So I pretty much keep my Sig220r Carry locked, cocked and ready to rock with a round chambered, crimson trace grips and weapon light mounted ready under my pillow. If I have a women overnight(s) I'll move it to the bedside dresser in top drawer.
My Grandfather said it best "What good is an unloaded gun?."
Just wondered if you fellow gun owners keep your firearm of choice ready to go and in easy reach while you sleep, or if you keep it locked up in a safe or gun box?
I would imagine/hope/it's manditory/ those of you with small children would have your gun(s) locked up only understandably.
So all you peace activists/gun haters who choose to try and talk and reason with the armed intruder who has just broken into your bedroom while you are sleeping please, STFU! Thank you . And if you think you can call the police in the time it takes the intruder to reach you in the small area of your room.... ahhh good luck with that.