Haven't bothered reading the entire thread here, but if 1.5 becomes anything like the first post wants, I'd lay down and cry.

Hurricane wrote:

-If hitboxes cannot be modified, then perhaps making the air-to-air missiles less effective. Not as bad as 1.12's, but not as good as 1.4's. The ground-to-air (Stinger, IGLA, Essex) should retain their current effectiveness against air targets.
You gotta be shitting me. AA as it is now is far from overpowered, how often do you see a heli go down by an AA?? AA's are fine, if something should have been done to them, they should have been more powerful.

-Improve the netcode (hit registration). Many compelling videos have been made (search on YouTube for "BF2 hit detection") that show how bad the hit registration really is. One can experience this first-hand by just going into any BF2 server. The hitboxes should match the models MUCH more closely, rather than trailing behind them.
FFS no. Do you even know what a netcode is? No, so don't whine about it. Changing the netcode by now would be creating a new game, adjust yourself to the game, not demand the game to be adjusted after your needs.  If it really bothers you, change the latencycompensation values, but none of the pros does.

-Improve the helicopter netcode. A missile going through the front of a helicopter is unacceptable. The hitboxes are very erratic on them. As stated, a missile going through the front will never net a kill, and a missile can go underneath a helicopter and kill it.
As said earlier, no, do not change the netcode. If you after almost two years of playing this game haven't learned to hit with the TVG, don't think you'll do it in the future either.

-Change the RIB so that MEC RIBs have an RPK-74, and PLA RIBs have the Type 95
OMG why? Is this really a big problem?

-Perhaps increase the TV missile distance to 450 or 500 meters. Less than their original, but slightly more effective than their current limit of 350.
First, TVG goes about 435 m now. And wtf, increase it? Make the heli as dominating as it were earlier? Hell no, leave the heli as it is.

-Random deviation should be lowered. Not to CS or BFPro levels, just a tad better than right now.
The battlefield series are made with a certain amount of random deviation, stop whining about it. As mentioned earlier, if you haven't learned to hit yet, you never will.

-Choppers should be heard from a longer distance.
No, in an intense moment with lots of stuff going on around you, you don't want to hear the flapping of a chopper 100 m away.

-Grenade launcher should be more powerful, maybe a SLIGHTLY larger splash radius
Hell no, you think the noobtube is underpowered now? Christ, the weapon is the worst thing you can face in a duel, and it's way overused public since it's as powerful as it is. I stop playing this game if the noobtube gets more powerful than it is now.

-The crosshair for TV missiles does not contrast well with the sky on Dragon Valley. This makes Chopper to Chopper combat very difficult for most players, as it's near impossible to see where the crosshair is. The sky should be darkened in TV mode.
Honestly, there are supposed to be some challenges in this game. Quite many has learned to master the sky at Dragon Valley by now, and I repeat my self, haven't learned yet, you never will.

Don't nerf bf2 more than it is by now, only thing I ask for is an improved battlerecorder, with a rewind function. If bf2 is supposed to live for another year, adjust it to match the clanscene, not the public. It's the clans who keep this game up and going.
I Hate Claymores
-Reinstate the night vision badge. (This oughto put Night maps back on the server list for those award whores.)
Missing, Presumed Dead

ShadowFoX wrote:

-Reinstate the night vision badge. (This oughto put Night maps back on the server list for those award whores.)
Ive always wondered what the requirements for that would be

But they should also put in the valour, courage and the third medal too. They are meant to be like the combat, marksman and sharpshooter infantry medals, but for the SF kit badges.
yeah basically even all weapons, and vehicles to make them even streangth, armor, etc... Like making the Unlocks Alternatives..
I Hate Claymores

Snake wrote:

ShadowFoX wrote:

-Reinstate the night vision badge. (This oughto put Night maps back on the server list for those award whores.)
Ive always wondered what the requirements for that would be

But they should also put in the valour, courage and the third medal too. They are meant to be like the combat, marksman and sharpshooter infantry medals, but for the SF kit badges.
They were suppose to be time requirements. Just wear night vision for sertain amount of time per round and globaly.
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn

ChrisHXZS wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

ChrisHXZS wrote:

There isnt going to be a 1.5 patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or so ive been told.
This is a wishlist, a compilation of what we'd want in a patch, regardless of whether or not one is made.

To tell the truth, I don't think there will be one.
Nope EA have annouced they aren't going to make another patch for bf2.
i dont think they would just not make another patch..
tomany people still play for them to not update the game. this game is still being sold in stores at 30 $
+250|6718|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
A new wall glitch has been found in Jalalabad.
The building in question is the one across from the hotel(the one you can enter on the east side)
I played on the =MVR= server and was surprised to find a volley of AT rockets flying out of the wall and annihalating my tank as I drove by.
The players showed up on the scans and UAVs but were not found when we inspected the roof or first floor. We could also see medpacks appearing inside the structure whenever a medic decided to toss one.

Add this to the fix list.

Life mode.  Such as in counter Strike.  You only live once in one round. Once you die you cannot respawn until the next round.  The last man standing wins it for his team and gets like a 15% bonus for the win.  I always wanted something like this even before i found out Cs had it. And the server can chosse which mode they want. Like COOP, Singleplayer, Life, and the other setting which i forgot the name.
Check out my new Modern Warfare 3 Website!  http://mw3network.com
Cylons' my kinda frak

K-milk wrote:

Life mode.  Such as in counter Strike.  You only live once in one round. Once you die you cannot respawn until the next round.  The last man standing wins it for his team and gets like a 15% bonus for the win.  I always wanted something like this even before i found out Cs had it. And the server can chosse which mode they want. Like COOP, Singleplayer, Life, and the other setting which i forgot the name.
I like the idea, though it should be Infantry only. Otherwise J-10 whores will just dominate.
+46|6915|DFW, Texas
*sigh* The TV guided missile range is 350... I'm sure, cause after spending 189 hours in one, I don't know the range of the TV guided missile... /sarcasm

It should be raised to 450 or something, so maps like Dalian, you wouldn't have to play the range game...

And I'm pretty sure you would be pissed when you know that last bullet should have hit the target but it didn't because of random deviation.

Directed at ullteppe.
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6677|QUT, GP.
Alright, tl;dr by about 8 pages.
If this has been mentioned before, I think it needs to be mentioned again.
My friend's and I have noticed something that has been of great annoyance, and we have confirmed it over and over again, whether it's just the seven different computers we used to try it on at home, or one of the fifty we randomly use at our cyber cafe, I don't know.

The problem is, when firing the SRAW or Eryx at a vehicle or infantry soldier, if you are killed before the rocket reaches it's destination, it seems that it just suddenly ceases to exist and never hits. For example shooting a rocket directly at a heavily damaged tank and then getting mowed down by the machine gun before the rocket reaches the tank results in the tank not taking any damage from the rocket, as though the rocket loses the will to go on after it's master has perished.

Haven't tried this with the grenade launchers because they're too fast, and grenades seem unaffected by your death and blow up anyway.
Cylons' my kinda frak

DK_Vision wrote:

Alright, tl;dr by about 8 pages.
If this has been mentioned before, I think it needs to be mentioned again.
My friend's and I have noticed something that has been of great annoyance, and we have confirmed it over and over again, whether it's just the seven different computers we used to try it on at home, or one of the fifty we randomly use at our cyber cafe, I don't know.

The problem is, when firing the SRAW or Eryx at a vehicle or infantry soldier, if you are killed before the rocket reaches it's destination, it seems that it just suddenly ceases to exist and never hits. For example shooting a rocket directly at a heavily damaged tank and then getting mowed down by the machine gun before the rocket reaches the tank results in the tank not taking any damage from the rocket, as though the rocket loses the will to go on after it's master has perished.

Haven't tried this with the grenade launchers because they're too fast, and grenades seem unaffected by your death and blow up anyway.
Yeah, I know what you mean.

The time I rarely go AT, I'll try to take out a tank but get killed when firing a rocket, the rocket doesn't even hit the tank! it just... vanishes.

On another note, i know this isn't bf2, but in 2142, it happens with grenades, if you die before your grenade hits the floor or the roof, it'll just vanish.
Leave the G36E alone, make other guns slightly better to be able to stand up to it...
+7|6813|St. Louis
i didnt see this addressed before, so sorry if it has.

the inability of vehicles to go up hills. dpv's may not have a big engine, but a 4 wheel drive 300(400?)-some-odd lb. ft. of tourqe hummer shouldnt stop dead on a 30 degree incline.

and how bout a us dpv/other light transport vehicle who's main gun has more than a 70 degree field of fire? the mec and pla vehicles both have 360, but the dpv's narrow field of fire severely handicaps it.

jihading in cars/atv's. ill admit its funny, and a very effective tool, but if someone sets off an explosion 9 feet away that destroys a tank, the jihader should be toast too.

vehicle damage over moderate terrain. for the tanks especially, why does a tank take damage and stop dead in its tracks when it hits a tree stump. the map is oilfields i think, when coming out of the us base and deviating from the beaten path heading towards the gas station, 3-inch saplings turn into impenetrable walls. kinda silly to me.

what about spec-ops getting more points for blowing up assets? to go to the usually opposite side of the map, sneak around/fight through the enemy all the way to the other base, and avoid fire long enough to blow something up, you only get one point out of it? at least 2 points per is my suggestion (maybe 3 for uav/sat trailers and 2 for arty masts?)

more claymores for snipers, but as noted earlier, make them removeable by wrench, grenade, c4, or (lots of?) gunfire.

i thought i read earlier that there will be no new weapons, but if there will, all i ask for is a more powerful pistol; something .40 or .45 caliber (for the us as least, i dont even know what caliber the mec/pla pistols are)

Last edited by REDARMYMIKE (2007-01-22 21:54:19)

+46|6915|DFW, Texas
Ugh, no more claymores for snipers, that is the LAST thing that should ever happen, I think mostly everyone here experienced the patch where ff was off for claymores and you could lay as many as you want, which led to the still idiotic claymore whores today. That was a horrible patch, I think it was 1.2, the same one that made the breed of support whores...

I was in a server that had ff on for claymores and a little nub asked in caps why claymores were killing friendlies, and that it should be turned off, he was kicked a few minutes later for too many tks...
Fix the server info in SF, when displaying server info while playing on a server it shows up empty..

And dear god do something about not being able to shoot after jumping. I don't know how many times I've jumped down from a wall or something and spotted an enemy. Haven't, naturally, been able to shoot in the air (because that's totally unrealistic in the BF2 world) and when I hit the ground it might fire a shot and then again blocks the firing for a couple of seconds. Enough to get killed at. You just get spotted by the one shot and is a sitting duck when you can't shoot for a while.

Make the gaymores destroyable.

And finally, make players that doesn't move over 1m for 30s turn into giant tents!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
will there be a patch 1.5??????
I hope so!
Give us 1 new map to play on ranked servers! Ideally China vs MEC!!
has anyone had a problem with making squads? Ive had that happen numerous times. no one could create a squad and the team lost because we didn't work together. or even joining squads. might be the same problem/coding. but sometimes i click to join a squad and it wont work. (i know you have to be alive, obviously)

HIT DETECTION. OMG. i already saw this on the list BUT. If any needs to be fixed, its this! I like to knife people. ALOT. I got a good kill death ratio with my knife. Yesterday, I ran at a guy (sniper) and knifed him 4 TIMES! WoW. I heard that ripping noise and that spec of dust come off his camo 4 times. it was insane! I also get the times where i sneak up behind an entire squad. I knife all of them except for the last medic. I have a video on you tube, except the last person was a Support. but you can hear me gut his face with my knife, but no kill for me
http://youtube.com/watch?v=eDRUjN9Gk18    <----- last guy was a support that killed me
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ob7_43ZCw-g    <----- I knifed a medic on the ground and he gets up runs away

Ive had times where climbing up a grapple hook with a buddy i would fall off. Like if both of us are at the same position on the rope and we both get to the top. the person slightly lower will fall off because he is pushed off by the other climber.

Maybe fix the zip line? I try to zip from a roof top and then keep getting stopped by the ledge. i would have to jump over the ledge and then press E to hook onto the zip line.

there's a ramp in Warlord by the mosque. the ramp that jumps over the wall to go to the back of the palace. well if you go really fast with the raider and you hit the ramp. BOOM you blow up. for no reason. you just die. i think it has something to do with the physics and the car just takes so much damage from going up the ramp.

fix AT mines. Ive seen this alot. Enemy runs over my mines and they don't blow up. what happens is, the enemy car pushes the mines in front of them. they like carry the mine along with them on their bumper and they don't blow up. this ALSO happens to people. If you are not driving fast enough and ran over a enemy, you'll just carry them and not kill them. while the enemy is being pushed by your car, they can shoot you while you are in the drivers seat.

and i think thats about from me. i wonder can claymores still be removed by an engineer? i remember than happening int he older patches, does this still work?
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7092|Anaheim, CA

Fix the glitch in Jalalabad where people can get into the walls between the Market and Hotel.
i want an option to remove that ghillie suit (or whatever it's called) for the snipers if i don't want to wear that thing (like on city maps)
This space for rent
+117|6884|Arlen, Texas

elte wrote:

has anyone had a problem with making squads? Ive had that happen numerous times. no one could create a squad and the team lost because we didn't work together. or even joining squads. might be the same problem/coding. but sometimes i click to join a squad and it wont work. (i know you have to be alive, obviously)

HIT DETECTION. OMG. i already saw this on the list BUT. If any needs to be fixed, its this! I like to knife people. ALOT. I got a good kill death ratio with my knife. Yesterday, I ran at a guy (sniper) and knifed him 4 TIMES! WoW. I heard that ripping noise and that spec of dust come off his camo 4 times. it was insane! I also get the times where i sneak up behind an entire squad. I knife all of them except for the last medic. I have a video on you tube, except the last person was a Support. but you can hear me gut his face with my knife, but no kill for me
http://youtube.com/watch?v=eDRUjN9Gk18    <----- last guy was a support that killed me
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ob7_43ZCw-g    <----- I knifed a medic on the ground and he gets up runs away

Ive had times where climbing up a grapple hook with a buddy i would fall off. Like if both of us are at the same position on the rope and we both get to the top. the person slightly lower will fall off because he is pushed off by the other climber.

Maybe fix the zip line? I try to zip from a roof top and then keep getting stopped by the ledge. i would have to jump over the ledge and then press E to hook onto the zip line.

there's a ramp in Warlord by the mosque. the ramp that jumps over the wall to go to the back of the palace. well if you go really fast with the raider and you hit the ramp. BOOM you blow up. for no reason. you just die. i think it has something to do with the physics and the car just takes so much damage from going up the ramp.

fix AT mines. Ive seen this alot. Enemy runs over my mines and they don't blow up. what happens is, the enemy car pushes the mines in front of them. they like carry the mine along with them on their bumper and they don't blow up. this ALSO happens to people. If you are not driving fast enough and ran over a enemy, you'll just carry them and not kill them. while the enemy is being pushed by your car, they can shoot you while you are in the drivers seat.

and i think thats about from me. i wonder can claymores still be removed by an engineer? i remember than happening int he older patches, does this still work?
Yes Engys can remove claymores (Friendly or Enemy).

Agree about the mines, too. Have seen Lav run over a mine, it explodes, and they keep on truckin'. And me chasing it down the road with a mine in my hands.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6946|Montreal, Qc, Canada
WE WANT THAT PATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make it happen fuck !!!!
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6710|Alberta, Canada

Macca wrote:

-Gunsmoke- wrote:

I wish Hurricane had the ability to delete posts such as #168.  Lag is your own problem. 

---Another issue: Sometimes players can hear the sound of healing someone even when they don't have an aid kit out.  It's a pretty quiet sound, but annoying when it goes on for the rest of the round.
Like when you pick up a Medic kit, heal yourself and pick you other kit back up which creates that constant healing sound for the rest of the round?

If so, yes. Thats now on my list. I hate it especially when I'm a sniper, the sound gets really annoying.
It's when you pick up a kit while healing. If you switch to the rifle before you switch the kits, the sound doesn't loop.

K-milk wrote:

Life mode.  Such as in counter Strike.  You only live once in one round. Once you die you cannot respawn until the next round.  The last man standing wins it for his team and gets like a 15% bonus for the win.  I always wanted something like this even before i found out Cs had it. And the server can chosse which mode they want. Like COOP, Singleplayer, Life, and the other setting which i forgot the name.
I dunno. I HATE it in CS because im not very good and i usually watch other ppl play 75% of the time.  I cant get better by not playing.  It would b cool as a optional change up now and then.  But only cause im alright at BF2.
+250|6718|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Here's a few other really annoying bugs:
When you rush down the stairs, you take massive fall damage(usually around 30hp) for dropping only a few feet.
The DPVs of death. Any vehicle on a slight incline is a deadly weapon. I dont know how they would fix this though:/ This is also a problem with active vehicles.
For example, A tank that was capping the Hotel flag seemed like a good target to jump on to put my C4. Unfortunately, upon landing I was immediately deep-fried.

Anyways, more stuff for the list.

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