Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6758|King Of The Islands

What's with the horde of Zombie Threads today?
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
404 - Not Found
If you disconnect before the round ends do you still get your points?
+0|6632|The MIA
Do u get the unlocks if u skip master sgt  for first sgt and master gunnery sgt for sgt major?
+46|6846|Middle of nowhere, California
i ranked up 2x once... i was playing and it said i "Youve been reccomended for a promotion" and i went to get my unlock, and it wasnt there..... the next day i was playing and got promoted again, and went to get my unlock, and it was there..... idk what happened but i was phsycked when i finally got it
+46|6846|Middle of nowhere, California

Smitty5613 wrote:

i ranked up 2x once... i was playing and it said i "Youve been reccomended for a promotion" and i went to get my unlock, and it wasnt there..... the next day i was playing and got promoted again, and went to get my unlock, and it was there..... idk what happened but i was phsycked when i finally got it
i didnt really rank up twice, i just got promoted to the same rank 2x
i have a question regarding the RANKING UP process,,  the orginator of this thread is 100% correct,  however, on the higher ranks,  ie ranking up from Colonel to Brig Gen,  etc etc,, the point system doesn't seem to be correct.  Its says 180,000 points to become Brig Gen.  (excluding all the requirements, for those that have them all completed).  I don't see people ranking up at the proper time. 

Perhaps there is a different point system for ranking up in the General's ladder?

Colonel - Brigadier General

Brig Gen - Major Gen

Mjr- Gen - Lt Gen

Lt Gen - Gen

if one has all the requirments, how do they rank up then?  What is the point value for each?  Anyone?
the answer is that you have to spam more nades
Or revive the sh*t out of the server. Quite easy....
+26|6764|Queens, NYC
I thought EA picks the ones to promote to General?
yeah DivineMomentofTruth,, the Hypocrit,, MEC AK MED WHORE, tis all you do,  MENTAL MIDGET , and talk about whining, so many times you cry and whine in the server, now you bring it to this forum,  sigh*  KIDS!

Stats - XFire
Karma: 62
Registered: 2006-09-07
E-mail  PM Re: The "Ranking Up" processthe answer is that you have to spam more nades

ps Mental Midget,,  check your nade stats,  21k kill 2k death...   NADE WHORE!! lol,   Grow up KID, you cry like an  8 year old.

Last edited by em*Arsenic (2007-03-02 14:20:14)

can anyone answer me questions. ive been playing for about 2 or 3 months now and im getting quite a few kill. ranking at least 5-last after every game. but every time i check my ranking stats they have moved. and it seems like i havent played a game at all.

1. why arnt i ranking
2. how can i fix it

both servers. i tried on both just in case i fucked up somewhere

got any ideas

Last edited by rheden1 (2007-03-09 22:37:45)

+63|6945|Los Angeles, California
Are you playing Ranked servers?, And not unranked?.
+5|6520|in the woods of maine
i was ranking up like crazy until now i need 9.743 i think to rank up
+2|6736|Center of the US
Just would like to say thanks for stickying this. I was gettin' peeved that I wasn't getting my Sgt stripes, this put me at ease.. Guess I'll take a nap or something and play a round when I get up. *shrug*

em*Arsenic wrote:

i have a question regarding the RANKING UP process,,  the orginator of this thread is 100% correct,  however, on the higher ranks,  ie ranking up from Colonel to Brig Gen,  etc etc,, the point system doesn't seem to be correct.  Its says 180,000 points to become Brig Gen.  (excluding all the requirements, for those that have them all completed).  I don't see people ranking up at the proper time. 

Perhaps there is a different point system for ranking up in the General's ladder?

Colonel - Brigadier General

Brig Gen - Major Gen

Mjr- Gen - Lt Gen

Lt Gen - Gen

if one has all the requirments, how do they rank up then?  What is the point value for each?  Anyone?
If you 180,000 points, 1080 hours playing time and the following:

Veteran Armor Badge, Veteran Transport Badge, Veteran Helicopter Badge, Veteran Aviator Badge, Veteran Air Defense Badge, Veteran Ground Defense Badge

You get one star. However, if you get to 180,000 points, 1250 hours and the following as well as those listed above:

Veteran Knife Combat Badge, Veteran Pistol Combat Badge, Veteran Assault Combat Badge, Veteran Anti-tank Combat Badge, Veteran Sniper Combat Badge, Veteran Spec Ops Combat Badge, Veteran Support Combat Badge, Veteran Engineer Combat Badge, Veteran Medic Combat Badge,

Then you get the second star.

It is therefore possible to leapfrog over one star, but unlike the either/or of the Master Gunnery Sergeant/Sergent Major situation, you can still get the second star if you get the first one earlier.

Hope that helps.
hy all... i have this Q, currently my rank is Captain and last point i checked was 114881, few shy from 115000 to get the Major, the thing is, in game, i got message said that i've been promoted to Major, but after game-session, there's none, this been like 2 weeks, at first, i thought EA server took some time, but after two weeks? somebody clear me up please, any idea?

here's some SS i did took this morning, FYI, this is 2rd promoted notification i got... but still, i'm on Captain's rank...

Last edited by sniper69aka101 (2007-06-17 21:53:57)

I think there is an issue with BF2 ranks right now. Mine have not been getting credited (points etc.) for the last few days. I saw something on EA games about it. Anybody else noticing a problem?
+2|6736|Center of the US
EA has put out a statement. They're not discontinuing stats or anything. Here's the link: … aqid=14853

And for those of you who are too lazy to click it, here's the quote:
June 15th Ongoing Battlefield 2 Stats Outage

EA Customer Support is currently aware of a stat outage which is affecting several players. We are working extremely hard to pinpoint the cause of the issue and correct it. EA|Dice, EA Customer Support and all the Battlefield Partners are dedicated to making sure that your game play experience remains exciting and that your hard work is recorded while playing Battlefield.

While every effort will be made to include stats gained during the outage, there is a possibility that those earned during this brief period will not be reflected in your final stats total. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and apologize for the inconvenience.

Update: As of 6-22-07 we are still working on this issue and appreciate your continued patience. We will update this FAQ again as soon as we have additional information.
EDIT: I just noticed this reads "affecting several players." I think that's a wee bit of an understatement now...

Last edited by StormsGathering (2007-06-24 09:36:00)

I have had a bit of trouble with ranking up too, and it's not because of the server issues (I think).  The other day, I was playing on several ranked servers, and gathered somewhere around 120 points.  I played all the way through all the rounds that I was on the server for.  When I logged into BFHQ this morning, some 9 hours after I was done, I saw only a 17 point difference from my previous global score, and the two awards I was given were not there.

Has the fix for the stats been off-and-on, or do I need to wait longer to have what I earned get updated?

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7066|The United Center

RotatorSplint wrote:

I have had a bit of trouble with ranking up too, and it's not because of the server issues (I think).  The other day, I was playing on several ranked servers, and gathered somewhere around 120 points.  I played all the way through all the rounds that I was on the server for.  When I logged into BFHQ this morning, some 9 hours after I was done, I saw only a 17 point difference from my previous global score, and the two awards I was given were not there.

Has the fix for the stats been off-and-on, or do I need to wait longer to have what I earned get updated?

Keep waiting.  The stats servers are backlogged with all the stats earned while they weren't updating.  You'll get your stats, but it may take a while.
Okay, that's what I figured.  It's just reasuring to have it confirmed
bunny hopping nade spammer
i dont rank up much anymore   
Can somebody help me!?

i play in servers (ranked of course) but my score don't grow :S ... for example i played and i collect 60 points in one round, but only ten points came to my account ?! wtf .... what do you think is the problam??

(actully i played all evening but i collect only ten points :S)
yea, mine is not increasing either
Is it in order to wait for about 1,5 month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next Rank: Major General
Score: 189,452 of 180,000. At your historical rate, you should earn in days (or 00:00:00 straight).

or should i seek some support for my stat problem!!!!

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