1996Pros : I was 7, life was sweet. Games like Street Fighter, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Sonic (to name but a few) were top of the list for games. It wasn't about the graphics, it was about the games.
Back then, you used to think you were hardcore for staying past your bed time of 10pm. Rock on, those were the days. Rangers were winning the league , going for their 9 in a row. I didn't have a PC (only mega-drive.. Not sure if PS1 was out then. Which means I actually went OUTSIDE... Something I don't do much these days, except at night. I suppose that was a good thing.
Oh and NEDs (chavs, townies, scum) weren't around yet, so life was peaceful. And "text-speak" was yet to be invented. SO we didn't get noobs running around going "wot r u doon 2nite m8??!?1/?11/!?!/11one". It was a good life.
Cons : As good as the naievity (sp) of a 7 year old is... I was still a noob, (show me a 7 y-o that isn't) and you couldn't enjoy the better freedoms of life, such as drinking...Driving (not at the same time)..and ofcourse, sex. Then again..is this really such a con? I'm fairly sure when I was 7 I didn't care about such things.
2006Pros : I'm 17. I've had my fair share of chicks. Games have better graphics. I can do all the things mentioned above, and have a great life with my mates. Graphics are good, PCs are great, and I don't have a 28.8k modem any more.
Cons : Games are too focused on the graphics than being a pwnage game. Drinking is bad. Very bad. School sucks, it's getting like...taxing, might start having to use my brain. I have to work now... Nothing is spoon fed and provided to me like before.
MAAAAAAAAAAN, bring back 1996... or even better...1994!
P.S... Teh winnar?
Last edited by Locarno (2006-01-03 04:07:00)