The Iraq War was caused by....
Bill Clinton | 4% | 4% - 3 | ||||
Hillary Clinton | 3% | 3% - 2 | ||||
Saddam Hussein | 24% | 24% - 15 | ||||
"Faulty Intelligence" | 17% | 17% - 11 | ||||
Colin Powell | 1% | 1% - 1 | ||||
Liberals | 3% | 3% - 2 | ||||
Osama Bin Laden | 14% | 14% - 9 | ||||
Nancy Pelosi | 3% | 3% - 2 | ||||
Timothy McVeigh | 3% | 3% - 2 | ||||
All of the Above | 24% | 24% - 15 | ||||
Total: 62 |
Where's the option for me?
wtf gtfo
wtf gtfo
The radical Islams believe in this guy called Allah, and Allah doesn't like the American pigs, so Allah endows several key people to head terrorist devisions that recruit men, women, pregnant women, and children, to strap bombs to themselves, and blow up the Americans.ELITE-UK wrote:
this war would be over by now if the terrorists actually stop bombing the allies
Until they all kill themselves, they're never going to stop attacking. If the Americans leave, they're not going to stop attacking, they're just going to keep blowing themselves up anyway and if you think differently your just ignorant.
According to Bush it was god that told him to invade Iraq...LMFAO.CloakedStarship wrote:
The radical Islams believe in this guy called Allah, and Allah doesn't like the American pigs, so Allah endows several key people to head terrorist devisions that recruit men, women, pregnant women, and children, to strap bombs to themselves, and blow up the Americans.ELITE-UK wrote:
this war would be over by now if the terrorists actually stop bombing the allies
Until they all kill themselves, they're never going to stop attacking. If the Americans leave, they're not going to stop attacking, they're just going to keep blowing themselves up anyway and if you think differently your just ignorant.
Dayum, thats a new one. They just keep coming every day ya know.PBAsydney wrote:
According to Bush it was god that told him to invade Iraq...LMFAO.
He did but the Democrats voted for it. So both Bush and God say the democrats. Im still sticking with Nancy Pelosi I think. She just smells of "war mongerer".PBAsydney wrote:
According to Bush it was god that told him to invade Iraq...LMFAO.CloakedStarship wrote:
The radical Islams believe in this guy called Allah, and Allah doesn't like the American pigs, so Allah endows several key people to head terrorist devisions that recruit men, women, pregnant women, and children, to strap bombs to themselves, and blow up the Americans.ELITE-UK wrote:
this war would be over by now if the terrorists actually stop bombing the allies
Until they all kill themselves, they're never going to stop attacking. If the Americans leave, they're not going to stop attacking, they're just going to keep blowing themselves up anyway and if you think differently your just ignorant.
Oh and FYI- God is Republican.
Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-01-05 14:01:24)
I think that you are an idiot. ( directed to the poll maker )
Last edited by CC-Marley (2007-01-05 14:03:30)
didnt no sorry :'(, its kinda hard to sense saracasm over thr web, you need the tone that goes along with itMason4Assassin444 wrote:
Hey buddy. WTF part don't you understand about s-a-r-c-a-s-t-i-c p-o-l-l?Robbie77 wrote:
to be honest you got rid of the sole reason and casue how can you say it was not bush
WHy do you think its in the junk drawer?
At last i think money and political reasons.
ONce Bush is through, you won't be able to have an opinion on anything. YES!CC-Marley wrote:
I think that you are an idiot. ( directed to the poll maker )
Hail King Bush.
Here here!!Entertayner wrote:
*puts on protective clothing*
*hides in bunker*
Ooh, how DARE we use MORALS. How DARE we choose NOT to give murderers a position in anything important. Guess we should have thrown morals out the window to POSSIBLY prevent something that NOBODY could ever predict happening. [/sarcasm]
Honestly, 9/11 was NOT any American's fault (except for idiotic foreign policy), but the IRAQ war, which is totally unrelated to 9/11 was pushed through by the Administration.
People here seems to assume that the terrorists actually BELIEVE the US when we say we will leave when the fighting stops. Since they don't believe we will EVER leave, they fight us. That's all, plain and simple.
Now the civil war (closest accurate phrase) will not be solved by us leaving, but we're not going to help by staying.
Honestly, 9/11 was NOT any American's fault (except for idiotic foreign policy), but the IRAQ war, which is totally unrelated to 9/11 was pushed through by the Administration.
People here seems to assume that the terrorists actually BELIEVE the US when we say we will leave when the fighting stops. Since they don't believe we will EVER leave, they fight us. That's all, plain and simple.
Now the civil war (closest accurate phrase) will not be solved by us leaving, but we're not going to help by staying.
And while ur building u pass all the oil to Israel, so the poor countries gets poorer and poorer, weaker and weaker. And ur country + ur allies get stronger and richer. THATS TOTAL BS abut rebuilding. Is america really bothered abut rebuilding a country like IRAQ..... erm let me think... NO!ELITE-UK wrote:
bush obviously, but this war would be over by now if the terrorists actually stop bombing the allies..and the terrorist always say they are on our land we want them to go away, WELL WE WOULD HAVE FUCKiNG GONE AWAY BY NOW IF YOU LAME ASS CUNTS STOP ATTACKING THEM FOR NO REASON WHAT SO EVER!
Just let us rebuild and we would be on our way!
Or possibly saudi arabia, inciting things to make the Americans run their tanks a whole bunch. I mean, Abrams tanks get just under 2 gallons per mile. (No, not miles per gallon, gallons per mile.) I mean, one trip across the desert and they're quids in.
Or possibly saudi arabia, inciting things to make the Americans run their tanks a whole bunch. I mean, Abrams tanks get just under 2 gallons per mile. (No, not miles per gallon, gallons per mile.) I mean, one trip across the desert and they're quids in.
Are you capable of anything other than bitching? I agree with you posting in the junk drawer as that's what most of your posts are.
BTW Stephen Colbert is much better at being a fake republican. You're just a dickhole.
BTW Stephen Colbert is much better at being a fake republican. You're just a dickhole.
Last edited by Ajax_the_Great1 (2007-01-06 03:06:19)
I heard it was Nessy, you know, the Loch Ness MonsterCloakedStarship wrote:
Dayum, thats a new one. They just keep coming every day ya know.PBAsydney wrote:
According to Bush it was god that told him to invade Iraq...LMFAO.
Where is the option for Ghandi, God damned liberals hehehehehe just wanting peace all the time.
BTW who is this Nancy fellow
BTW who is this Nancy fellow
It was actually Bill Clinton's son. When he was young, he refused to sit on Saddam's lap. so saddam went mad a started the war. true story. mum told me!

I love how people go on about that, and yet we still pay 1.30 a L
It was Nancy P's fault of course.
Bush always wanted Freedom and Democracy for Iraqi people; Always!
Bush always wanted Freedom and Democracy for Iraqi people; Always!
Bush can't go to war just if he feels like it dumbass, congress has to agree. SEEMS THEY DID EH? We went to war because terroists killed 3,000 of our people. Now, if you guys start going ZOMG THOSE PLANES WERENT PLANES THEY WERE CRUISE MISSLES, please shoot yourself.rabee2789b wrote:
BS that is.... He's the only one responsible!Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
No. No Bush. Its not his fault.joker8baller wrote:
No Bush?
No 'Illegal Mexican Immigrants' option?
It was crab-people who started the Iraq war. And Al Gore too.
of course bush!
I thought you were banned.