cablecopulate wrote:
You die too? I must do something right. Here's I go about it:
When he's circling around, I line myself up to the way he'll be coming from. He'll usually orient himself up to my level. When he's close enough, I'll drop flares and lift up, nose down. Pay attention the crosshair and horizon line so you know where your shots will go. Then I just fire as many as it takes, but usually I just end up firing them all. The jet wreckage always goes under me.
Sounds like a pretty good way of going about it. I usually get all the missles off in their direction when they're off a ways, tehn pull off to the side. If it's a ranked game I'm either usually doing it to scare the jet off or as a last ditch because my gunner's tv is reloading, so I'm not really heartbroken if it doesn't take him down.