i would like to have my vintage l96 to the rifles are sh** thats what i know from what i have herd so far
Last edited by GR34 (2006-08-26 18:56:58)
Last edited by GR34 (2006-08-26 18:56:58)
so why did you send me a PM asking for a Beta key if you already have one?GR34 wrote:
i would like to have my vintage l96 to the rifles are sh**
lol, busted!spawnofthemist wrote:
so why did you send me a PM asking for a Beta key if you already have one?GR34 wrote:
i would like to have my vintage l96 to the rifles are sh**
That may be because one of your teammates is near your APM when it blows up an enemy; hitting both the enemy and your teammate.Proxus wrote:
I think the FF off feature is bugged, because im trying to stay on FF off only servers and my APM's are still TK'ing and im STILL getting punished lol...
What? The breathing movement is drastically reduced even with mild zoom, and it appears to be large at high zoom, but it's actually much smaller of an effect than it is when completely zoomed out.. It's so useful for getting headshots from even just 40m that it's totally worth using. And frankly, if you're getting headshots past 80m without using the zoom, it's luck, not skill.Proxus wrote:
honestly i think its quite useless lol.
basicly, when you hit shift a the little bar below your reticle charges up, when it reaches full, your rifle is perfectly still for like 1-2 seconds tops and then it has to recharge before you can do it again. the problem is by the time the stupid bar charges up and you get your 1-2 second window, the head bob nonsens has already thrown off your aim or the target has moved on.
The improved scope is also trash, because when you use its higher level zooming power, the head bob or breathing bob... whatever the fuck... its insane lol.
HeimdalX wrote:
Equip it.
Hold down shift when you're zoomed in.
There's a bar below the crosshair for it.
It's allows you to make pinpoint shot. My record is 225 meters.the.ub3r wrote:
it doesn't help much
i agree totaly...RoofusMcDoofus wrote:
What? The breathing movement is drastically reduced even with mild zoom, and it appears to be large at high zoom, but it's actually much smaller of an effect than it is when completely zoomed out.. It's so useful for getting headshots from even just 40m that it's totally worth using. And frankly, if you're getting headshots past 80m without using the zoom, it's luck, not skill.Proxus wrote:
honestly i think its quite useless lol.
basicly, when you hit shift a the little bar below your reticle charges up, when it reaches full, your rifle is perfectly still for like 1-2 seconds tops and then it has to recharge before you can do it again. the problem is by the time the stupid bar charges up and you get your 1-2 second window, the head bob nonsens has already thrown off your aim or the target has moved on.
The improved scope is also trash, because when you use its higher level zooming power, the head bob or breathing bob... whatever the fuck... its insane lol.
Zeller + Zoom scope + stabilizer = pwnage in the hands of someone good. Besides, the stabilizer fully recharges in the time it takes to re-chamber a bullet. You don't use it unless you've got a target in your sights already, it just helps a little. Personally, I think it's more useful to have either C4, APM or active camo, unless I'm trying for really long distances... But that's just me.
lolGR34 wrote:
woe i need a beta key give me give me
It doesn't require you to charge it all the way up, where did you get that from?Proxus wrote:
honestly i think its quite useless lol.
basicly, when you hit shift a the little bar below your reticle charges up, when it reaches full, your rifle is perfectly still for like 1-2 seconds tops and then it has to recharge before you can do it again. the problem is by the time the stupid bar charges up and you get your 1-2 second window, the head bob nonsens has already thrown off your aim or the target has moved on.
The improved scope is also trash, because when you use its higher level zooming power, the head bob or breathing bob... whatever the fuck... its insane lol.
Also, you have no choice but to unlock it if you want the rifle unlock. Every kit has 2 guns and 3 items below each gun. you must unlock all 3 items below the rifle to use the rifle.
If they just made it so the stabalizer activated as soon as u hit shift instead of charging up then needing to recharge, it wouldent be so useless imo.
but ill stop crying now
Last edited by haffeysucks (2007-01-04 12:36:51)
Last edited by Brizzzer (2007-01-04 12:43:46)