I saw this spanking new forum and thought I could contribute with a guide, haxing.Before you read and/or reply to this, accept the fact that people play other games!
If you learn anything from this guide you will most likely be whined/accused for cheating. Therefore, hax on your own risk.
What is "Haxing"?
Well, it comes from the word hack, therefore cheat. To be more precise, wallhack.
When we are talking about "haxing", it is usually you getting hit through a wall.
How to "hax"?
It's not just shooting at a wall. Think a little about where you would stand if you were behind that wall you're aiming at. In this guide I will show screenshots from haxing map #1, de_nuke.
Nuke is my favourite map for haxing. Almost the whole map is made of thin walls and good oppurtunitys for haxing.
Haxposions: As I already said, the enemy is most likely right where you would be standing, thereforem learn where you are going to shoot through to hit the enemy.
Shooting Height: Something many people don't consider when spraying a the wall is that it is favourable to shoot in about headheight.
Sound and IQ: Listen carefully after where the enemy is. Headset is definately favourable.
Also, press stopsound (bind "button" stopsound) when you shoot. That way the shooting sound is stopped, but if you press right after you shot, you easily hear if you hit the enemy.
Know the maps: Make your own server, spectate the maps and find out hver it is good to hax.
Pictures and Files: Here you get some posisjons from nuke, dust, and aztec.
Green means that is is better to hax from the side the picture is taken
Red means that is is better to hax from the other side the picture was taken from.
The arrows show what angle you should shoot from to hit best.
Here is a little movie that shows some haxing spots in dust2 (not made by me, duh)
Have fun with it.
Last edited by autopilot (2007-01-02 03:41:43)