Cowboy from Hell
BF2142 Career Points Guide:

BF2142 has a new scoring system.  Now, you have two scores, the first one is your global score, what everyone is used to from BF2 (points you make by kills, teamwork, capturing flags, although these have changed a bit).  The second and new score system is the Career Points, which are based in the global score and the awards you get.

So if you make 10 global score in a round, that counts towards your career points. On top of that come the awards. Each award (with the exception of medals) give you additional career points. As ribbons and badges can only be gotten once, the pins get a very important position here. You can get most pins multiple times in one round, which can increase your career points extremely.

In this guide you will find the following:
-Ranks: here you have the Career Points you need between ranks.
-Global Score: here you'll find how the global score works.
-Awards and Career Points: this section has several tables with the Career Points you gain when you receive an award (remember only pins, ribbons and badges give you Career Points, and medals don't).


You can improve your rank by gaining points. Points are acquired by performing various actions within the game, such as scoring kills, driver assists, etc. Every time you gain a rank, you're able to unlock more weapons and items.

Rank                                            Points Required 
Recruit                                                              0 
Private                                                            40 
Private 1st class                                               80 
Gunner Silver                                                 120 
Gunner Gold                                                   200 
Corporal Silver                                               330 
Corporal Gold                                                 520 
Lance Corporal Silver                                      750 
Lance Corporal Gold                                     1,050 
Master Corporal Silver                                  1,400 
Master Corporal Gold                                    1,800 
Sergeant Silver                                            2,250 
Sergeant Gold                                              2,850 
Master Sergeant Silver                                  3,550 
Master Sergeant Gold                                    4,400 
Sergeant Major Silver                                    5,300 
Sergeant Major Gold                                     6,250 
Sergeant Major of the Army                           7,250 
Chief Petty Officer Silver                               8,250 
Chief Petty Officer Gold                                 9,300 
Warrant Officer Silver                                  10,400 
Warrant Officer Gold                                    11,550 
1st Lieutenant Silver                                    12,700 
1st Lieutenant                                             14,000 
2nd Lieutenant Silver                                   15,300 
2nd Lieutenant Gold                                     16,700 
Captain Silver                                             18,300 
Captain Gold                                               20,100 
Major Silver                                                22,100 
Major Gold                                                  24,200 
Lieutenant Colonel Silver                              26,400 
Lieutenant Colonel Gold                                28,800 
Colonel Silver                                              31,500 
Colonel Gold                                                34,200 
Commissar Silver                                         37,100 
Commissar Gold                                          40,200 
Field Commissar Silver                                 43,300 
Field Commissar Gold                                   46,900 
Field Marshal Silver                                      50,500 
Field Marshal Gold                                        54,100 
Brigadier General                                         57,700 
Major General                                                  ? 
Lieutenant General                                           ? 
Supreme Commander                                      ? 

Global Score:

The global score has suffered a few modifications, so you'll find that the average Score Per Minute in BF2142 is lower than the one you have in BF2.  But since the introduction of the Career Points, the SPM isn't important, because your rank is depending on the Career Points, not on your global score.  So if you make 10 points by normal playing as global score, and get an award worth 10 career points, you will have a total of 20 careeer points from that round. This way your rank will increase a lot faster (and get you more unlocks) if you get the awards.


Kill +1 points
Destroy of Strategic Object +1 points
Destroy Titan Weapon +2 points
Destroy Titan Core +2 points
Repair Titan Weapon +2 points

Team Score:

Kill Assist +0.5 point
Driver Kill Assist +0.5 point
Capture Flag +2 point
Neutralize Flag +1 point
Capture Flag Assist +1 point
Defend Flag +1 point
Revive (only Medic) +1 point
Resupply (only Support) +1 point
Repair (only Engineer) +1 point

Score Punishment:

Teamkill -3 points
Suicide -2 points
Team damage -1 points
Team Vehicle Damage -1 point

Commander Score:

Winning Commander Average team score x2

Score Limits:

There are score limits in the game for player actions. The Titan weapons limit is a count of wepaons, so you can only get points for destroying weapons and repair points for repairing weapons, not more than stated here. Every weapon you destroy or repair after that will not give you any points anymore.

* Repair: 50
* Heal: 50
* Resupply: 100
* Titan Weapons Destroy: 8
* Titan Weapons Repair: 8

Bonus Score:

This score only counts for your Career Points.

To get Squad Leader Bonus you need to order your squad to attack a flag or to move to that location. So when someone in the squad kills someone on the way, you will get Squad Leader Bonus.

The same goes for Commander. Give orders to a squad for attack, move and defend. You will get points when they have the flag/silo or kill someone in that location.  This score can be seen as commander bonus after the round.  The same goes when ordering a squad to defend the Titan, being Commander or Squad Leader.  Commander bonus +1 (received for squads following commanders orders, squad leader/member kill in order radius and when a supply crate is used).

Awards and Career Points:


Pins can be obtained by accomplishing certain tasks within a single round. They reward you with career points, which help you climb the rank tree faster.

Pins                                             Requirement (per a Single round)                                       Career Pts 
Combat Efficiency Pin                                    5 Kills in a row                                                                5 
Distinguished Combat Efficiency Pin               10 kills in a Row                                                             10 
Problem solver Pin                                 Destroy 4 Titan Consoles                                                       20 
Titan Destructor Pin                                   Destroy 4 Titan Guns                                                         20 
Troop Transporter Pin                                    10 Titan Air Drops                                                         20 
Titan Defender Pin                                      7 Titan Defend Score                                                        20 
Infiltrator Pin                                       5 Headshots with a sniper rifle                                                 10 
Wheels of Hazard Pin                                       5 Road Kills                                                                  5 
Collectors Pin                                                  8 Dog Tags                                                                 20 
Explosive Efficiency Pin                             8 Kills with Explosives                                                         10 
Emergency Rescue Pin                                     8 Revives                                                                    5 
Firearm Efficiency Pin                                4 Kills with Handgun                                                            5 
Clear skies Pin                                       10 Kills with Air Defense                                                       10 
Close Combat Pin                                     10 Kills with Shotgun                                                          10


Earning ribbons may be tough, but they're a great source for career points. Beware: many of the ribbons can only be earned after a 'Total Score' pre-requisite has been met.

Ribbons                                                             Requirements                                              Career Pts 
Air Defense Ribbon                              In a Single Round: 5 Minutes in Air Defense
                                                          In a Single Round: 15 Kills with Air Defense                            30 

Aircraft Service Ribbon                         In a Single Round: 10 Minutes in Air Vehicle
                                                           In a Single Round: 20 Kills with Air Vehicle                            30 

HALO Ribbon                                       In a Single Round: 10 Seconds in Parachute                            20 

Infantry Officer Ribbon                       In a Single Round: 20 Minutes As Squad Leader
                                                                  Total: 40 Hours As Squad Leader                                 500 

Combat Commander Ribbon                 In a Single Round: 20 Commander Minutes
                                                           In a Single Round: 40 Commander Score
                                                                  Total: 80 Commander Hours                                     2,000 

Distinguished Unit Service Ribbon            In a Single Round: 15 Teamwork Score
                                                                Total: 10 Hours As Squad Member
                                                                 Total: 10 Hours As Squad Leader
                                                                    Total: 10 Commander Hours                                     500 

Meritorious Unit Service Ribbon          In a Single Round: 18 Minutes As Squad Member
                                                              In a Single Round: 40 Teamwork Score
                                                                 Total: 20 Hours As Squad Members                              500 

Valorous Unit Service Ribbon                     In a Single Round: 55 Teamwork Score
                                                                  Total: 25 Hours As Squad Member
                                                                   Total: 50 Hours As Squad Leader                            2,000 

War College Ribbon                               In a Single Round: 45 Commander Score
                                                                      Total: 60 Commander Hours
                                                                          Total: 2 Win:Loss Ratio                                   2,000 

Armored Service Ribbon                         In a Single Round: 20 Minutes in Armor
                                                             In a Single Round: 20 Kills with Armor                               30 

Crew Service Ribbon                                   In a Single Round: 10 Road Kills
                                                                Total: 10 Hours in Ground Vehicle                                  50 

Pac Duty Ribbon                                         Total: 1s Played Suez Canal Map
                                                                Total: 1s Played Shuhia Taiba Map
                                                               Total: 1s Played Camp Gibraltar Map
                                                               Total: 1s Played Sidi Power Plant Map
                                                                 Total: 1s Played Tunis Harbor Map
                                                               Total: 120 Played Hours as PAC Team                            50 

European Duty Ribbon                                     Total: 1s Played Verdun Map
                                                                      Total: 1s Played Minsk Map
                                                                 Total: 1s Played Fall of Berlin Map
                                                                    Total: 1s Played Belgrade Map
                                                               Total: 1s Played Cerbere Landing Map
                                                                Total: 120 Played Hours as EU Team                             50 

Soldier Merit Ribbon                                      In a Single Round: 20 Total Kills
                                                                        Total: 10 Best Kill Streak                                      50 

Good Conduct Ribbon                                    In a Single Round: 10 Total Kills
                                               In a Single Round: No Team Kills or Team/Vehicle Damage
                                                                     Total: 50 Total Hours Played                                  500 

Legion Of Merit Ribbon                                  In a Single Round: 10 Total Kills
                                                                    Total: 120 Total Hours Played
                                                                        Total: 10 Best Kill Streak                                 2,000 

Ground Base Defense Ribbon                       Total: 200 Kills in Ground Defense                             500 

Aerial Service Ribbon                                In a Single Round: 15 Titan Air Drops
                                                                   Total: 25 Hours in Air Transport                               500 

Titan Aerial Defense Ribbon                 In a Single Round: 15 Kills in Titan AA guns
                                                                  Total: 10 Hours in Titan AA guns                                50 

Titan Commander Ribbon                    In a Single Round: 10 Titan Commander Score
                                                                  Total: 25 Titan Commander Hours                            500


Badges can be earned by accomplishing specific feats. There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of each badge. As expected, Bronze is the easiest to obtain, while Gold is the toughest.

In addition to badges showing how great you are, they also award you with "Career Points" to further your rank.

Badges                                                               Requirements                                            Career Pts 
Support Service Badge (B)                      In a Single Round: 12 Kills while Support Kit                        20 
Support Service Badge (S)                      In a Single Round: 20 Kills while Support Kit
                                                                   Total: 15 Hours With Support Kit                                500 
Support Service Badge (G)                      In a Single Round: 30 Kills while Support Kit
                                                                   Total: 50 Hours With Support Kit                             1,000 

Recon Service Badge (B)                          In a Single Round: 12 Kills while Recon Kit                        20 
Recon Service Badge (S)                          In a Single Round: 20 Kills while Recon Kit
                                                                    Total: 15 Hours With Recon Kit                                 500 
Recon Service Badge (G)                          In a Single Round: 30 Kills while Recon Kit
                                                                    Total: 50 Hours With Recon Kit                              1,000 

Assault Service Badge (B)                        In a Single Round: 12 Kills while Assault Kit                       20 
Assault Service Badge (S)                        In a Single Round: 20 Kills while Assault Kit
                                                                   Total: 15 Hours With Assault Kit                                500 
Assault Service Badge (G)                        In a Single Round: 30 Kills while Assault Kit
                                                                   Total: 50 Hours With Assault Kit                             1,000 

Engineer Service Badge (B)                     In a Single Round: 12 Kills while Engineer Kit                     20 
Engineer Service Badge (S)                     In a Single Round: 20 Kills while Engineer Kit
                                                                  Total: 15 Hours With Engineer Kit                              500 
Engineer Service Badge (G)                     In a Single Round: 30 Kills while Engineer Kit
                                                                  Total: 50 Hours With Engineer Kit                            1000 

Squad Leader Badge (B)                    In a Single Round: 10 Squad Leader Beacon Spawns              20 
Squad Leader Badge (S)                    In a Single Round: 20 Squad Leader Beacon Spawns
                                                               Total: 300 Squad Leader Success Points                       500 
Squad Leader Badge (G)                    In a Single Round: 30 Squad Leader Beacon Spawns
                                                               Total: 600 Squad Leader Success Points                    1,000 

Collectors Badge (B)                                    In a Single Round: 7 Kills with Knife                            40 
Collectors Badge (S)                                   In a Single Round: 10 Kills with Knife
                                                                          Total: 50 Kills with Knife                                  500 
Collectors Badge (G)                                  In a Single Round: 17 Kills with Knife
                                                                         Total: 100 Kills with Knife                              1,000 

Pistol Commendation Badge (B)                In a Single Round: 5 Kills with Handgun                          20 
Pistol Commendation Badge (S)                In a Single Round: 7 Kills with Handgun
                                                                      Total: 50 Kills with Handgun                                 500 
Pistol Commendation Badge (G)               In a Single Round: 18 Kills with Handgun
                                                                     Total: 300 Kills with Handgun                               1000 

Explosive Gallantry Badge (B)                 In a Single Round: 10 Kills with Explosives                        20 
Explosive Gallantry Badge (S)                 In a Single Round: 15 Kills with Explosives
                                                                    Total: 50 Kills with Explosives                                 500 
Explosive Gallantry Badge (G)                 In a Single Round: 20 Kills with Explosives
                                                                   Total: 300 Kills with Explosives                             1,000 

Air Defense Badge (B)                            In a Single Round: 3 Minutes in Air Defense                      20 
Air Defense Badge (S)                            In a Single Round: 15 Kills with Air Defense
                                                                   Total: 20 Hours in Air Defense                                 500 
Air Defense Badge (G)                            In a Single Round: 30 Kills with Air Defense
                                                                   Total: 50 Hours in Air Defense                              1,000 

Commander Excellence Badge (B)       In a Single Round: 30 Conquest Commander Score               40 
Commander Excellence Badge (S)      In a Single Round: 20 Conquest Commander Minutes
                                                                Total: 1000 Conquest Commander Score                    500 
Commander Excellence Badge (G)      In a Single Round: 25 Conquest Commander Minutes
                                                                Total: 4000 Conquest Commander Score                 1,000 

Titan Commander Badge (B)                  In a Single Round: 30 Titan Commander Score                  40 
Titan Commander Badge (S)                 In a Single Round: 20 Titan Commander Minutes
                                                                  Total: 1000 Titan Commander Score                        500 
Titan Commander Badge (G)                 In a Single Round: 25 Titan Commander Minutes
                                                                  Total: 4000 Titan Commander Score                     1,000 

Engineer Excellence Badge (B)                        In a Single Round: 8 Repair points                          20 
Engineer Excellence Badge (S)                       In a Single Round: 10 Repair points
                                                                      Total: 10 Hours with Repair Tool                          500 
Engineer Excellence Badge (G)                       In a Single Round: 15 Repair points
                                                                      Total: 60 Hours with Repair Tool
                                                                           Total: 200 Repair points                              1,000 

Medic Excellence Badge (B)                                 In a Single Round: 8 Heals                                 20 
Medic Excellence Badge (S)                                In a Single Round: 10 Heals
                                                                      Total: 10 Hours with Medic Hub                           500 
Medic Excellence Badge (G)                                In a Single Round: 15 Heals
                                                                      Total: 60 Hours with Medic Hub
                                                                                Total: 400 Heals                                   1,000 

Resupply Service Badge (B)                              In a Single Round: 8 Resupply                             20 
Resupply Service Badge (S)                             In a Single Round: 10 Resupply
                                                                     Total: 10 Hours with Ammo Hub                           500 
Resupply Service Badge (g)                             In a Single Round: 15 Resupply
                                                                     Total: 50 Hours with Ammo Hub
                                                                              Total: 400 Resupply                                1,000 

Armor Service Badge (B)                           In a Single Round: 15 Minutes in Armor                       20 
Armor Service Badge (S)                            In a Single Round: 15 Kills with Armor
                                                                   Total: 25 Hours Played with Armor                         500 
Armor Service Badge (G)                            In a Single Round: 35 Kills with Armor
                                                                   Total: 50 Hours Played with Armor                      1,000 

Aircraft Service Badge (B)                       In a Single Round: 15 Minutes in Air Vehicle                   20 
Aircraft Service Badge (S)                        In a Single Round: 15 Kills with Air Vehicle
                                                                      Total: 25 Hours in Air Vehicle                             500 
Aircraft Service Badge (G)                        In a Single Round: 35 Kills with Air Vehicle
                                                                      Total: 50 Hours in Air Vehicle                          1,000 

Transport Service Badge (B)              In a Single Round: 10 Minutes in a Transport Vehicle            20 
Transport Service Badge (S)             In a Single Round: 5 Road kills in a Transport Vehicle
                                                               Total: 25 Hours in a Transport Vehicle                       500 
Transport Service Badge (G)            In a Single Round: 12 Road kills in a Transport Vehicle
                                                               Total: 40 Hours in a Transport Vehicle                    1,000 

Titan Combat Excellence Badge (B)           In a Single Round: 8 Titan Attack Score                       20 
Titan Combat Excellence Badge (S)          In a Single Round: 15 Titan Attack Score
                                                               Total: 30 Hours played in Titan mode                        500 
Titan Combat Excellence Badge (G)          In a Single Round: 30 Titan Attack Score
                                                               Total: 60 Hours played in Titan mode                     1,000 

Titan Defense Excellence Badge (B)          In a Single Round: 8 Titan Defend Score                      20 
Titan Defense Excellence Badge (S)         In a Single Round: 15 Titan Defend Score
                                                               Total: 30 Hours played in Titan mode                       500 
Titan Defense Excellence Badge (G)         In a Single Round: 30 Titan Defend Score
                                                               Total: 60 Hours played in Titan mode                    1,000 

Titan Destruction Achievement Badge (B) In a Single Round: 2 Titan Consoles Destroyed             40 
Titan Destruction Achievement Badge (S)  In a Single Round: 1 Titan Cores Destroyed
                                                                   Total: 10 Titan Consoles Destroyed                     500 
Titan Destruction Achievement Badge (G) In a Single Round: 3 Titan Consoles Destroyed
                                                               In a Single Round: 1 Titan Cores Destroyed
                                                                   Total: 40 Titan Consoles Destroyed                   1,000

Last edited by sergeriver (2007-01-03 16:43:36)

+783|7061|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Nice compilation, +1 for that.
great job
got any popo lolo intersting?

PBAsydney wrote:

Nice compilation, +1 for that.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
2142th Whore
more spacing needed between each ribbon and badges. +1 for the effort
got any popo lolo intersting?

Aerial Service Ribbon                                In a Single Round: 15 Titan Air Drops
                                                                   Total: 25 Hours in Transport Air                               500
Titan Aerial Defense Ribbon                 In a Single Round: 10 Titan Commander Score
                                                                  Total: 25 Titan Commander Hours                              50
Titan Commander Ribbon                                       4 Kills with Handgun                                      500
something wrong?
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6559|Atlanta, Georgia
nice this might actually help me
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6949|Germany, near Koblenz
"Titan Commander Badge (B)                  In a Single Round: 80 Titan Commander Score                  40"

The correct value is "30"! (Due to blind copy actions this "80" is shown on quite a lot of pages.)

Your list doesn't show the squad bonus points (yet).

Last edited by DerGraueWolf (2006-12-19 10:32:22)

Cowboy from Hell

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Aerial Service Ribbon                                In a Single Round: 15 Titan Air Drops
                                                                   Total: 25 Hours in Transport Air                               500
Titan Aerial Defense Ribbon                 In a Single Round: 10 Titan Commander Score
                                                                  Total: 25 Titan Commander Hours                              50
Titan Commander Ribbon                                       4 Kills with Handgun                                      500
something wrong?

DerGraueWolf wrote:

"Titan Commander Badge (B)                  In a Single Round: 80 Titan Commander Score                  40"

The correct value is "30"! (Due to blind copy actions this "80" is shown on quite a lot of pages.)

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-12-19 10:32:35)

Very nice. Thanks. +1
Cowboy from Hell
If someone knows how the bonus score system for commanders and squads works, pls send me a pm to add it to the list, thx.  I kinda know it, but not exactly.
got any popo lolo intersting?

sergeriver wrote:

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6949|Germany, near Koblenz
"Titan Destruction Achievement Badge (G) In a Single Round: 3 Titan Consoles Destroyed
                                                               In a Single Round: 1 Titan Cores Destroyed

                                                                   Total: 40 Titan Consoles Destroyed                   1,000"

Perhaps you'd like to alter that part to "In a Single Round: 3 Titan Consoles plus the Core Destroyed"

Looks less official (less original), but helps to avoid missunderstandings since it has to be the same single round and the fact that there is just one core per Titan.

Last edited by DerGraueWolf (2006-12-19 11:24:52)

+3|6784|Czech Republic (Prague)
Nice try sergeriver! I think you just blindly copied this from other website. There are several serious mistakes.  For example

Kill +1 points
Destroy of Strategic Object +1 points
Destroy Titan Weapon +2 points
Destroy Titan Core +2 points
Repair Titan Weapon +2 points

Team Score:

Kill Assist +0.5 point
Driver Kill Assist +0.5 point
Capture Flag +1 point  should be +2 point
Neutralize Flag +1 point
Neutralize Flag Assis +1 point was missing
Capture Flag Assist +,05 point should be +1 point .... it's not like in BF2
Defend Flag +1 point
Revive (only Medic) +1 point
Resupply (only Support) +1 point
Repair (only Engineer) +1 point
got any popo lolo intersting?

Omg. How many times have you posted that?!?!
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Omg. How many times have you posted that?!?!
some threads just need to have it posted, i mean this is on 10000000000 sites anyway + its obvious
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6593|Inside the AR Rockets.
Wow... Here's mine:
Cowboy from Hell

MikesonCZ wrote:

Nice try sergeriver! I think you just blindly copied this from other website. There are several serious mistakes.  For example

Kill +1 points
Destroy of Strategic Object +1 points
Destroy Titan Weapon +2 points
Destroy Titan Core +2 points
Repair Titan Weapon +2 points

Team Score:

Kill Assist +0.5 point
Driver Kill Assist +0.5 point
Capture Flag +1 point  should be +2 point
Neutralize Flag +1 point
Neutralize Flag Assis +1 point was missing
Capture Flag Assist +,05 point should be +1 point .... it's not like in BF2
Defend Flag +1 point
Revive (only Medic) +1 point
Resupply (only Support) +1 point
Repair (only Engineer) +1 point
I copied the information from several places, I don't know all the facts wise guy.  It took me a lot of time making the tables, so I didn't copy this blindly, perhaps I made some mistakes, not that serious as you said.  What do I earn with this anyway, I did it for myself and thought it would be helpful for somebody else, not you of course.  If there's some mistakes I will fix the thread, and since you know it all, do you know how the bonus score system for commanders and squads works?

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-12-19 13:31:34)

+3,936|6717|so randum
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
IT's Perfect.kirby
+2|6983|Winterpeg Manitoba

fatherted13 wrote:

+97|6833|Kent, UK
good job, but some is wrong
revive is +0.5 and is destory a titan weapon really 2 points? im also pretty sure repairing is 1 point.

and is your score really cut in half if you lose as commander?
i don't know about that one so you're probably right
Cowboy from Hell

fat razza-fosterthelegend wrote:

good job, but some is wrong
revive is +0.5 and is destory a titan weapon really 2 points? im also pretty sure repairing is 1 point.

and is your score really cut in half if you lose as commander?
i don't know about that one so you're probably right
Revive is +1, but the commander doesn't lose half his points if he loses.
Should be required reading. +1
+1|6717|Adelaide, Australia
Good post, it has helped me.

I have some other questions, go you still get points for repairing the titan guns if no-one is sitting on them, if so how many points? And how do you get the titan drop points?

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