
Can you Command and Fly a Jet or Gunship or should you give up one?

Yes you can do both well10%10% - 18
No you can't spot Scans read map ETC.59%59% - 99
Sounds like a Legit' Reason to TK29%29% - 50
Total: 167
bad touch

once you go to commander screen, you cant control shit on the outside, and how you can keep a jet flyin or a chopper hovering is amazing, so please teach me. if i have the urge to vechile whore while commander, its usually in a HUMMVEE just sitting, or resupplying in a BlackHawk
Raiders of the Lost Bear

exactly styker.

Basically when I command in a jet, I only pop open the commander screen for quick orders, supply requests, UAV and arty. I only scan when: I just shot down the oppoenent plane, I tilt my nose 20 degrees. Scan..

Once the entire scan finishes (3 secs or so) my plane's already in a wild, diving, corkscrew. Gah.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

tthf wrote:

heh.... true but got the valorous ribbon after you left the server the other day (medic whored! 49 team point dammit! 1 short for the legion) so wouldn't mind taking up the challenge of commanding now.... just need a relatively safe place to do it from...... the backseat of your bomber seems fine.......heheh
Hmm. Sounds pretty fun. Make sure you point out the masses of infantry/enemies to me so I can try for my good conduct medal. Sure the 27kills are easy for me. But I have to get them ASAP before one of my stray bullets hit a teammate or something. Heh.

I welcome commanders in my aircraft really (as long as i'm flying). Your aerial abilities are much enhanced when: Masses of infantries are marked out to you for strafing runs, the opponent jet behinid you is constantly spotted by the commander because HIS ass is on the line too.

So well... tthf here's your red carpet invite Safest place you can find. Free from arty, knives etc.
I feel a commander should primarily command. However, if the team is not using an asset like the tank on kirkand then I will do both. Because not using your assets is the surest way to lose.
Member 5307

polarbearz wrote:

So well... tthf here's your red carpet invite Safest place you can find. Free from arty, knives etc.
sounds like a plan! be hoping to get a few rounds later tonight after work...
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Will do. I'll give my good conduct medal another shot then. Like i said. My bullets hate friendlies. If you're standing beside a tank It'll curl to you and hit you for team damage thus losing me my good conduct *medal.

Last edited by polarbearz (2005-12-27 20:13:58)

Member 5307

polarbearz wrote:

Will do. I'll give my good conduct medal another shot then. Like i said. My bullets hate friendlies. If you're standing beside a tank It'll curl to you and hit you for team damage thus losing me my good conduct *medal.

was on the receiving end of some really accurate tv/ laser guided missiles yesterday...... made me give up tank whoring on go back to basic foot soldiering.....
Raiders of the Lost Bear

laser guided missiles eh?

Which self respecting pilot would let his co-pilot laser unless he's on his way back to rearm =P hehehe..
I can command and fly at the same time.  The only thing that proves a bit difficult is aiming arty strikes while flying.
Basically when I command in a jet, I only pop open the commander screen for quick orders, supply requests, UAV and arty. I only scan when: I just shot down the oppoenent plane, I tilt my nose 20 degrees. Scan..
you people do not know how to command.

Heres a big, whopping HINT:
Its the commander's job to keep scanning and zooming in on map to check the back flags for ninja-squads trying
to cap them.

A *proper* commander drops arty on their heads before they can get the flag neutral because he saw them coming.

You dork's in the jets/helis can't do that at ALL. So you end up doing a half-assed job flying, and a worse one at commanding.

Ill go into detail for you: even without scan, and uav, enemies STILL show up on the final level of zoom. This means a single commander can check each flag every couple of minutes even faster than scan shows up.

A *good* commander can do a quick sweep of the map at full-zoom, by clicking in the mini map while zoomed entirely in.

All you people do when commanding and flying is proving you are not any good at either.
So don't get surprised when I drop tows into your cockpit, in hopes I discourage you.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Yes I should know I think at last count I had about 110 hours of commanding as compared to your 5 so I think I do know what I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong, a good team's a joy to command. There is nothing more than staying in command screen 24/7 when you've got 4-5 good land squads, 1-2 specialist squads (jet squads, heli squad, Fast Response, Transport). I've had a few rounds with squads like this, its PURE commander bliss.

In public servers though? All you get is half-assed squads, 1/2 the team are lone wolves capping flags when and where they like, people making squads, joining squads for a spawn point etc etc. THAT'S what you get. In these games, personal skill and superiority takes precedence over teamwork. Hell why bother to actually sit and scream myself hoarse over VOIP to fucktards who won't even bother listening, when I can get into a jet, rack up 40 over kills and STILL help my team win in the end?

If I had ONE squad who listened, I would stay on the ground. But rarely do I get this ONE squad.

Now, just to debunk some of you more ridiculous points.

You have to be a pretty shitty commander if you need to scan on the final level of zoom. That shows stuff in REAL TIME. And I only look at it when i plan an assault on a well defended flag. Marking out snipers, telling the SLs where they should be coming in from. Scan already reloads so fast, you don't need your little 'Sweep the map @ full-zoom'

I think I can damn well stop these 'little ninja-squads' myself in a jet, a quick strafing run tends to defend a lot of flags very easily for me.
I tried it once....and my jet flied off the map.

American Hillbilly
+12|7118|Long Beach, CA
hovering is really easy, i know the exact sweet spot to hit.  if you havent seen me command and fly vehicles you got nothing to say but speculation.  Arty is not a sure fire way to defend any flag, it helps and i do use it to defend but it doesnt always get every bad guy, so when the squad i call to defend doesnt do it my chopper or jet can suffice.
American Hillbilly
+12|7118|Long Beach, CA
its a waste of time to sit and zoom in when you dont have UAV and scans ready.  its much more beneficial to cap a flag yourself as commander.  more often than not i will lead my team in kills and flag caps and defended flag points when im commanding.
if you havent seen me command and fly vehicles you got nothing to say but speculation.
I do not care what you people say. If you are using a vehicles, it is your responsibility to be using it to the best of your abilities. Piloting it and going effectively afk on a frequent basis is a waste of a good vehicle.

Even a noob pilot would at least be trying to kill people on a consistent basis. A squad leader could be using the helicopter to spawn his squad, or a real attack chopper pilot could be squashing tank BEFORE they roll up to flags.

Is it possible to get to some half-assed level of compentance? possibly, people can do more complicated things with practice after all.

But the first time I ask for a UAV,
and your too busy jerking off in a blackhawk somewhere to KEEP it deployed,
and I die as a result...

Yeah, your going to be getting c4 windshield cleanings.

its a waste of time to sit and zoom in when you dont have UAV and scans ready.  its much more beneficial to cap a flag yourself as commander.  more often than not i will lead my team in kills and flag caps and defended flag points when im commanding.
Get a clue. ZOOM IN AND SPOT. You do not need the scan for anything other than getting a general picture of the field.

Yes I should know I think at last count I had about 110 hours of commanding as compared to your 5 so I think I do know what I'm talking about.
Since you decided to make this personal.
commander Score per Mnute.
2.34spm  <-- Me
1.89spm  <-- You(polarbearz)

Also, I *despise* commanding.
It irritates me.
It's like herding cats.

Despite this, I am more effective at it than you.
With you having *so* *much* *more* experience, even.

Maybe you would be better than me, if you got out of the vehicle.
PS: I also have 3x as many TEAM points, and our time-totals are not that far apart.

Last edited by dracul (2005-12-28 03:47:36)

+3|7100|Abilene, Texas

polarbearz wrote:

tthf wrote:

heh.... true but got the valorous ribbon after you left the server the other day (medic whored! 49 team point dammit! 1 short for the legion) so wouldn't mind taking up the challenge of commanding now.... just need a relatively safe place to do it from...... the backseat of your bomber seems fine.......heheh
Hmm. Sounds pretty fun. Make sure you point out the masses of infantry/enemies to me so I can try for my good conduct medal. Sure the 27kills are easy for me. But I have to get them ASAP before one of my stray bullets hit a teammate or something. Heh.

I welcome commanders in my aircraft really (as long as i'm flying). Your aerial abilities are much enhanced when: Masses of infantries are marked out to you for strafing runs, the opponent jet behinid you is constantly spotted by the commander because HIS ass is on the line too.

So well... tthf here's your red carpet invite Safest place you can find. Free from arty, knives etc.
Do commanders receive kill assist points while back seating?  I dunno.  I've scored kills as a commander and direct flag defense repair points fixing my arty.  Might not be a bad thing being in a moving jet as a backseater.  Only downside is defending against Spec-ops attacking commander assets.  Better still, do your commander arty kills count towards an aerial ribbon's 19 kills while in the bomber's backseat????  Pondering...

Last edited by KillerAFET (2005-12-28 06:27:59)

Member 5307
can someone answer killerAFET's questions?
i would also like to know the answers to them.
just tried my hand at being a commander just now for the first time.
2 games, 2 wins, 2 gold medals!
For those of you who command and fly/control a combat vehicle at the same time.

Even if it is for a "few seconds", whilst in commander screen, you are a blind pilot/driver....

For those few seconds, the vehicle is ineffective.

When i request UAV, Supplies, Arty, you cannot respond as quickly as a commander already "in map".
You may be shooting that opposing heli, or blasting crap out of land vheicles.....

Bundle those together, and you are ineffective to varying degrees.

Commanders should command and fight on foot if they wish, commanders are primarily a "supporting act", same as how Squad leaders should lead from the back of the unit.

I usually lead squads and always follow commanders orders, except for nubs who ask me to repair the sea.

By all means, command and fight, but command and fly/drive?

Sounds like, driving my car whilst reading a map, why else invent Sat-Nav?
Dirtier than thou
In my experience, the best commanders are those who spend the entire round looking at their commander screen while lying prone at the edge of the map.  I have commanded for 3 rounds or so and can't imagine doing anything else while commanding.  Maybe it's true that some of you can command pretty well and fly a helo or plane or drive a tank or whatever, but you could probably do even better if you devoted all the time to commanding.
+3|7100|Abilene, Texas

BiRdMaN829 wrote:

In my experience, the best commanders are those who spend the entire round looking at their commander screen while lying prone at the edge of the map.  I have commanded for 3 rounds or so and can't imagine doing anything else while commanding.  Maybe it's true that some of you can command pretty well and fly a helo or plane or drive a tank or whatever, but you could probably do even better if you devoted all the time to commanding.
You'd do even better if you sat in a rear area in a TOW station or MG station.  Or, sit in an empty transport and use the MG to knock off those damned spec-ops attacking your assets.  You'll get time in these weapons in addition to command time.
But watch out, I target my arty on red commanders that sit still too long and point them out to pilots for their easy kill

Last edited by KillerAFET (2005-12-28 12:21:28)

Artillery catcher
+5|7158|Munich, Germany
@ ^DD^Grips: first off you show your open mind by calling other ppl names, shows your maturity and leadership qualitys. try to respect other ppl for their opinion first and used names when you are drunk, oh wait puberty fells nearly the same

@ polarbearz: ok i d like to see a commander flying and commanding at the same time effectively, not a half ass job. and dont come with the "most squads dont listen anyway so i can also let my assets idle for half the time" cause you can make them listen by good commanding and give them insights why you order them to do certain things, but i guess thats hard when you are flying around.

anyway istill have to see a commander doin both and till then i dont believe you no matter what you say.
Horseman 77

KillerAFET wrote:

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one.

My point is - It is not selfish to be a commander and utilize vehicles.  I am great in a chopper and decent in a jet.  I get commander whenever i want it usually since my rnak is so high.  By no means am I gonna camp and rely on my team with maybe half of them worth commanding.  i have learned to take an active role as a commander and that leads to more victory's HANDS DOWN.

Heres your sign.
You seem to be a big opinion
uh oh he's getting nasty, but its a safe place to do so.
Umbra Acciptris
I have flown a blackhawk while the commander worked the guns and repaired it. calling out arti and UAV when needed.  Yet I have never seen effective commander in the pilot seat.

On an odd note that commander killed our BH with outgoing arti . . . Never ever fly over an artillery battery, even a friendly one.  when tey start firing it can hurt.
American Hillbilly
+12|7118|Long Beach, CA
LOL, if I could trust my team to all be working towards a WIN then I wouldn't fly as much while commanding.  Problem is, you can't trust people in a public server to play for the team win.  So i will ocntinue to play the way I know I can get wins as a commander.  Heck, most times im more effective in spite of the few seconds it takes to go into commander screen than if a team member was in the jet/chopper.  I would gladly let someone else fly the jet/chopper if they were  at least decent.  Problem is most are not.   

zooming in all the way to spot enemies is a waste of time because most people don't even watch their mini-map, and thats a frikin' fact.  anyone who plays this game has seen poeple TK themselves driving up to a flag that arty is popped to drop on.  I constantly watch my mini map for stuff,  i have had to run from capping a flag the  commander put arty to drop on before even though i was there capping it. 

you guys command the way you want to and i'll command the way i want to.  and please mutiny against me BECASUE THEY NEVER HAVE WORKED AGAINST ME because most people see that im doing a good job.  I love when someone complains that im in a jet or chopper commanding and they jsut got in the game that round and i have just been commander on like 4 maps in a row and won all thsoe games.  they say "mutiny against the commander hes flying"  and then someone always says hes doing fine leave him be and the vote gets 1 or 2 votes top.  Then they sit and complain the whole time not doing anything to help our team.   I love it.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

dracul wrote:

Commander Score per Mnute.
2.34spm  <-- Me
1.89spm  <-- You(polarbearz)

Also, I *despise* commanding.
It irritates me.
It's like herding cats.
SPM Does Not fully encapsulate the idea of effectiveness. Isn't it common knowledge that padders all have incredibly high SPMs? Does that make them more effective players?

You have five bloody hours as a commander. Thats what. 5 games? You have 800 fucking points. So if some n00b with zero command hours (i know a few Sgt.Mgrs that have 0) get to a half empty server and command for an hour for 200+ points, that makes him an uber1337 commander? I think not.

I don't give a flying fuck about how personal you want this to get, but I'm sticking by my guns. Why command when there's nothing to command? When you have half a team that's more interested in sitting on the carrier and the other half more interesting in UCB camping than taking flags? I'll rather be flying.

Sure, ask me why do i NOT resign commander. My honest answer is I don't know, I don't care. I command a lot in EASG servers, its fun if i've got friends on, its galling if I get the Korean and Japanese n00bs coming into the server. Grips got it covered pretty well. Why give your heart and soul commanding when there's nothing to fucking command?

I know what a good commander is like, I've commanded on TG and MA servers and its a JOY to command there. There's nothing more satisfying than having a squad complete and objective and spamming you with 'What are your orders, sir?'. Do you even get this in public games? I think not.
American Hillbilly
+12|7118|Long Beach, CA

dracul wrote:

if you havent seen me command and fly vehicles you got nothing to say but speculation.
I do not care what you people say. If you are using a vehicles, it is your responsibility to be using it to the best of your abilities. Piloting it and going effectively afk on a frequent basis is a waste of a good vehicle.

Even a noob pilot would at least be trying to kill people on a consistent basis. A squad leader could be using the helicopter to spawn his squad, or a real attack chopper pilot could be squashing tank BEFORE they roll up to flags.

Is it possible to get to some half-assed level of compentance? possibly, people can do more complicated things with practice after all.

But the first time I ask for a UAV,
and your too busy jerking off in a blackhawk somewhere to KEEP it deployed,
and I die as a result...

Yeah, your going to be getting c4 windshield cleanings.

its a waste of time to sit and zoom in when you dont have UAV and scans ready.  its much more beneficial to cap a flag yourself as commander.  more often than not i will lead my team in kills and flag caps and defended flag points when im commanding.
Get a clue. ZOOM IN AND SPOT. You do not need the scan for anything other than getting a general picture of the field.

Yes I should know I think at last count I had about 110 hours of commanding as compared to your 5 so I think I do know what I'm talking about.
Since you decided to make this personal.
commander Score per Mnute.
2.34spm  <-- Me
1.89spm  <-- You(polarbearz)

Also, I *despise* commanding.
It irritates me.
It's like herding cats.

Despite this, I am more effective at it than you.
With you having *so* *much* *more* experience, even.

Maybe you would be better than me, if you got out of the vehicle.
PS: I also have 3x as many TEAM points, and our time-totals are not that far apart.
my commander SPM = 2.40

Thats always while utilizing vehicles nad being active fighting and flying, and occasianally waiting 15 seconds to respawn from dieing.  LOL I am more effective than you.  what a chump trying to throw out a SPM while commanding on almost 6 hrs of it.  You need to STFU you got nothign to bring to this discussion due to lack of experience even commanding.  not only that your kark whore like the rest of em.

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