this must be worth some merit:
, note the no commander text next to my name

Last edited by Raxor (2005-12-27 16:48:23)
Last edited by Raxor (2005-12-27 16:48:23)
Last edited by MB.nZ (2005-12-27 17:05:27)
The catch there is that you've resigned after your 23rd kill as a commander (therefore the commander tag isn't showing in your screenie), leaving the 24th and final kill to be obtained as a normal grunt. I say this cos getting 24 kills on a ground defence weapon isn't possible in a round and everybody pretty much knows that. The ground defense weapons on every map on BF2 are too spread out to allow a gamer to kill that many people in a round the normal way ON A NORMAL SERVER WITH NORMAL TICKET TIME.Raxor wrote:
this must be worth some merit: … efence.jpg, note the no commander text next to my name
Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:20:51)
How about killing blackhawks with the TOW on ghost town? I haven't tried and i won't do it in near future because it's a waste of time.Raxor wrote:
uber dude, got any tips for getting expert ground defence without arty?
Well that is easy. There are AA tanks, you know?{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:
By the way I'd like to see wot you'll be saying when you get the Expert Air Defense badge the NORMAL way. 24 kills IAR with AA? I'd like to see that!
You'd have to be on a noob infested server and I've yet to come a across one. Tanks, jets and skilled or even amateur chopper pilots take out mobile AA in no time at all whilst good co-pilots make mince meat out of the poor sap in the AA with one well placed TV guided missle. It's no wonder people are moaning about the lousiness of the accuracy/effectiveness of AA weapons. And anybody who gets killed by mobile AA whilst on the ground is a noob!Ub3r-ElitE wrote:
Well that is easy. There are AA tanks, you know?{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:
By the way I'd like to see wot you'll be saying when you get the Expert Air Defense badge the NORMAL way. 24 kills IAR with AA? I'd like to see that!
Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:56:24)
Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:57:48)
Last edited by .ACB|_Cutthroat1 (2005-12-28 01:03:50)
Not possible m8. I've played on enough Karkand servers to know that wot you've just described is a PERFECT scenario where everything goes according to plan. The reality and truth is such things just do not happen. MEC guys sitting at the MG near the Hotel are often the first to be killed by a passing USMC tank or apc so I don't quite know why an idiot would bother hanging around there. Those that do I kill within less than 5 seconds if I'm in a tank or apc and they NEVER come back for a 2nd helping if you know wot I mean.BlueScreen wrote:
For {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy: It is possible to get 24 kills with ground defense in Karkand with MEC side and without playing as commander. Go to full 64 players server and to MEC side, then go to that MG at right side of Hotel flag (or left side from US base), sit there and kill everything that you can see. Then you can go to that TOW next to that front left spawn of US (looking from US base. It's also in that picture), wait APC there and shoot it. If you do that at beginning there's normaly like 2 or 3 or even more players in it. Then you can do same for tank, 1st shoot that tank once with bazooka and after that with TOW. And then that same again and again.
Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-28 09:23:57)
Thats my spot m8.MB.nZ wrote:
very nice raxor (<3 @ your stats) are you some kind of 24 h / 7 d Chinese?
Edit: we should play some rounds together, I would enjoy flying with u in a helo / jet ;D
did you read every post...i said no SF medals...they are shit
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ! A Commander in a Chopper :S=SoG=PredatoR wrote:
Not too valorous in my opinion.... … … …
1) no award post.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:
the screenshots are in my documents
ZOMGWTFBBQ! wat a nade … 0015dk.jpg