Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7164|United Kingdom
this must be worth some merit:
https://www.fartclan.com/member/raxx/Expert%20Ground%20Defence.jpg, note the no commander text next to my name

Last edited by Raxor (2005-12-27 16:48:23)

+86|7094|New Zealand
very nice raxor (<3 @ your stats) are you some kind of 24 h / 7 d Chinese?


Edit: we should play some rounds together, I would enjoy flying with u in a helo / jet ;D

Last edited by MB.nZ (2005-12-27 17:05:27)

+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn

Raxor wrote:

this must be worth some merit:
http://www.fartclan.com/member/raxx/Exp … efence.jpg, note the no commander text next to my name
The catch there is that you've resigned after your 23rd kill as a commander (therefore the commander tag isn't showing in your screenie), leaving the 24th and final kill to be obtained as a normal grunt. I say this cos getting 24 kills on a ground defence weapon isn't possible in a round and everybody pretty much knows that. The ground defense weapons on every map on BF2 are too spread out to allow a gamer to kill that many people in a round the normal way ON A NORMAL SERVER WITH NORMAL TICKET TIME.

Only by being a commander OR playing on a server with an ABNORMAL amount of tickets can one meet the criteria for Expert Ground Defense. The ticket time is also a give away cos there's still quite a bit of time left. You've got 24 normal kills with that many tickets left??? Either you're superman, playing with blind gamers, got clan mates doing you a "favour" OR you've done wot I just mentioned in my 1st paragraph.

You're playing as MEC in your screenshot so it's very likely you arty'ed the USMC near their most frequently used spawn point claiming enough kills (a thing which is much easier as MEC than as USMC cos the MEC always spread out when defending on Karkand while the USMC crowd together as they go for the Hotel) and then timed your resignation as commander of the MEC team just before you got kill number 24.

I play Karkand a lot and I know for a fact that most people struggle to get 24 kills on Karkand just by running about as infantry and you're suggesting you got 24 kills just by SITTING at TOWS and mounted machine guns waiting for dumb twats to walk up to you and be mown down? Come on! I wosn't born yesterday and nor were the people who are reading this.

Looking at your stats you probably spend a lot of time on servers that don't have autobalance running. It's not possible to have a win/loss ratio of FOUR to 1 AFTER over a thousand hours of play. BF2 is a TEAM game and it's the many people in the team who determine whether the team loses or wins a round AND NOT THE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. Your win/loss ratio looks mighty dodgy and very unconvincing unless you're Rambo or a one man team but then again such people do not exist. There is only so much a human being is capable of.

Why don't you just come clean instead of bragging/lying about your achievement?

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:20:51)

+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn
By the way I'd like to see wot you'll be saying when you get the Expert Air Defense badge the NORMAL way. 24 kills IAR with AA? I'd like to see that!
Teargas wh0re

Raxor wrote:

uber dude, got any tips for getting expert ground defence without arty?
How about killing blackhawks with the TOW on ghost town? I haven't tried and i won't do it in near future because it's a waste of time.

Trying for that badge without using arty is like throwing 6500 zip lines for getting the expert - boring and time consuming. Kudos to you if you got it the "right" way but like the previous poster said, i doubt that.
Teargas wh0re

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

By the way I'd like to see wot you'll be saying when you get the Expert Air Defense badge the NORMAL way. 24 kills IAR with AA? I'd like to see that!
Well that is easy. There are AA tanks, you know?
+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn

Ub3r-ElitE wrote:

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

By the way I'd like to see wot you'll be saying when you get the Expert Air Defense badge the NORMAL way. 24 kills IAR with AA? I'd like to see that!
Well that is easy. There are AA tanks, you know?
You'd have to be on a noob infested server and I've yet to come a across one. Tanks, jets and skilled or even amateur chopper pilots take out mobile AA in no time at all whilst good co-pilots make mince meat out of the poor sap in the AA with one well placed TV guided missle. It's no wonder people are moaning about the lousiness of the accuracy/effectiveness of AA weapons. And anybody who gets killed by mobile AA whilst on the ground is a noob!

On another note there's no point or satisfaction to be gained if you played against a bunch of retards to obtain an award that symbolizes skill. Lying about it is another thing...

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:56:24)

+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn
The other thing I'd like to point out is that several of the awards (badges, medals, ribbons) cannot be earned legitimately/honestly/through normal play unless you have a "miracle" round and such rounds just do not exist! Someone should shoot the guy who set the criteria for the awards I'm talking about cos it just encourages lame -and sometimes selfish - play by the people out there who want to prove to the world that they're good at something in their poor miserable lives.

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-27 19:57:48)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7126|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Tank Whore Specialist



Arrrgh...and it doesn't look like it'll post.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-12-27 21:21:32)

+8|7023|South Australia
excuse my noobness but where are the screenshots kept? Ive searched hi & low & cant find them?
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
For {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy: It is possible to get 24 kills with ground defense in Karkand with MEC side and without playing as commander. Go to full 64 players server and to MEC side, then go to that MG at right side of Hotel flag (or left side from US base), sit there and kill everything that you can see. Then you can go to that TOW next to that front left spawn of US (looking from US base. It's also in that picture), wait APC there and shoot it. If you do that at beginning there's normaly like 2 or 3 or even more players in it. Then you can do same for tank, 1st shoot that tank once with bazooka and after that with TOW. And then that same again and again. But what comes to that W/L Ratio is that I agree you totaly. It's impossible to get W/L Ratio over 4 with that many hours played if there's autobalance turned on in server. 1 good player can do much but that player can't still win war alone. I mean if that 1 good guy kill 50 people in round it mean 50 tickets off from enemy team (well they can revive, but let's forget that), but it's still just 50 tickets.
No place like
+76|7015|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
the screenshots are in my documents

ZOMGWTFBBQ! wat a nade

http://img461.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … 0015dk.jpg

Last edited by .ACB|_Cutthroat1 (2005-12-28 01:03:50)

i am new to the forums and i would like to share some of my few achevments in the past few days



thatnk u, i will post more seeing that i am new and all hopefully play with u all sometime, what are some servers u play on?
got my expert knife just then, good enough for me, i win
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7164|United Kingdom
at least i know i got it the proper way whatever you guys think
and yes the server was about 20 players in there and they just kept coming in tanks and apcs.
bad touch


in 1 try to boot!
Forklift Whore
+67|7086|Canader , eh?
i just got this one 10 minutes ago .... im proud of myself.... https://img419.imageshack.us/img419/4116/screen0162el.th.png
+69|7028|th3 unkn0wn

BlueScreen wrote:

For {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy: It is possible to get 24 kills with ground defense in Karkand with MEC side and without playing as commander. Go to full 64 players server and to MEC side, then go to that MG at right side of Hotel flag (or left side from US base), sit there and kill everything that you can see. Then you can go to that TOW next to that front left spawn of US (looking from US base. It's also in that picture), wait APC there and shoot it. If you do that at beginning there's normaly like 2 or 3 or even more players in it. Then you can do same for tank, 1st shoot that tank once with bazooka and after that with TOW. And then that same again and again.
Not possible m8. I've played on enough Karkand servers to know that wot you've just described is a PERFECT scenario where everything goes according to plan. The reality and truth is such things just do not happen. MEC guys sitting at the MG near the Hotel are often the first to be killed by a passing USMC tank or apc so I don't quite know why an idiot would bother hanging around there. Those that do I kill within less than 5 seconds if I'm in a tank or apc and they NEVER come back for a 2nd helping if you know wot I mean.

Besides hardly any USMC fool goes down the main road where the MG lies so it's a waste of time. They either go through the fence, flank down the hills on the left and right but hardly ever down the main road cos that's where the apcs and tanks normally pass through or camp with a crate by their side. In fact a user of the USMC MG on the hill is MORE likely to get more kills than someone at the MEC MG near the Hotel but he still won't get anywhere near enough kills for the Expert Ground Defense badge.

As for your TOW tactic (near the USMC spawn) it only works once, twice at the most and if you do manage it then it's your lucky day. A single shot from the TOW doesn't kill an apc instantly so it gives the occupants time to bail. Usually it's only the armour whore inside who opts to stay and die cos he loves his LAV. The rest bail out and continue on foot before the damaged apc blows up and would probably come straight for you.

Even if you did kill the guys in the apc I can assure you that they'd be hunting you for revenge. There is ONLY ONE TOW in that vicinity so your location is already known. I can guarantee you that if I wos on the receiving end of your TOW you'd better be gone within the next 30 seconds. There is only one weapon that can deal so much damage in a single shot to an armoured vehicle in that area and it's quite obvious where it is.

Plus if I wos commander you'd never be able to hang around that TOW for long cos I do constant scans and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only commander who does that. God knows how many twits have bothered to trek up to the USMC TOW on the hill only for me to spot them and have a tank and apc (EACH usually driven by engineers meaning that you're not going to be able to kill them before they get to you) pay him a personal courtesy visit. The ERYX gives off a vapour trail when fired so again your location is given away after the 1st shot. If not then definitely after the 2nd shot.

Oh and you'd need a speed hack if you were to be able to make it to the USMC TOW at the beginning of a round if your intention wos to blow up a loaded apc so I'm not quite sure how you'd get there sprinting the normal way, unseen. Also, on a 64 Karkand there's ALWAYS a minority of USMC players who choose the left spawn on the hill so again your plans would come undone. At the end of the day it's just not possible no matter how hard you try.

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-28 09:23:57)

got this last night

Finnish bush-man

MB.nZ wrote:

very nice raxor (<3 @ your stats) are you some kind of 24 h / 7 d Chinese?


Edit: we should play some rounds together, I would enjoy flying with u in a helo / jet ;D
Thats my spot m8.
Forklift Whore
+67|7086|Canader , eh?
did you read every post...i said no SF medals...they are shit
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7164|United Kingdom
anyway what awards i have doesnt mater to other people as long as i know i got em properly . say what you want about me it wont affect me. i suppose i should have posted a screnshot of the scores to proove that i wasnt commander but hey i didnt think of it at the time.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ! A Commander in a Chopper :S
My opion is that Commander shall not take tanks, jets and choppers from the mates...
Many server say that if a Commander interact in a figth, he will get kicked.
fire at will!!!
+76|7032|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

the screenshots are in my documents

ZOMGWTFBBQ! wat a nade

http://img461.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … 0015dk.jpg
1) no award post
2) ever thought about looking two lines above your circel? : this is what its saying

.ABC|_Cutthroat1 [hand grenade] [ocau] bermbo
someone [PKM] another guy (stupid circel)
.ABC|_Cutthroat1 [hand grenade] addy007

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