Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

Hey guys!
Due to the excessive spammage of the EU Chatter thread about Total War II: I thought i would make this thread,  because i know that thread "Allows" Spam - But i doubt spam about other games, constantly.

Varegg & Kmj - This is a place to chat about Total War II: Wahey!

And for anyone else who may want to mention a game such as Armed Assault mentioned by Slayer or other strategic games, they may do so fully...

Let's see if this works or not - Positive contribution only please!

Varegg: How many "Turns of the time" Have you done so far with France (I think that's right)
Kmj: Same Question

Because i just started England again i'm on a powerful..... SIX!

Last edited by Knightnifer (2006-11-28 23:52:40)

Support fanatic :-)

I have played around 100 turns, discovered gunpowder with france some rounds back and have developed some grand bombard cannons, they tear down a wall like no other

The mongols are closing in on some of my provs in Turkey and the clash with them are going down maybe this evening, have seized Constantinopel and sacked the city for 30K !

Have 35 provinces including Jerusalem so i only need 9 more to complete the grand campain, could have had all 44 by now but i dont want to finish the game to early, besides its to much fun taking Egyptian and Turkish town and just burn the buildings to collect money

Haven`t discovered America yet
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+263|6842|North Norway

I'm on turn 187
only 42 left

I have to edit my files so I get more time for my next campaign

My next Campaign is going to be as Denmark, I already have started one as them but when I'm done with the English campaign I'm gonna edit my files so each turn takes 1/2 year, not 2 and I will have much more time

Later I'm gonna install some of my old strategy games such as Age of Empires 2 and Rise of Nations and see if I still pwn at them or if a year of fps has destroyed my rts skills >.<
+263|6842|North Norway

Varegg, has the Timurids invaded yet? if not you should strenghten your cities in the middle east region before they do >.<

I'll post the same screens here as I posted in the other tread:

this is how it is now... but I'm gonna play a lot today and Venice and Sicilly is going down leaving me and Papal as the only Catolic factions left

Last edited by kmjnhb (2006-11-29 01:38:07)

Support fanatic :-)

Did you unlock any new factions to play with after you finished the first campain ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Support fanatic :-)

kmjnhb wrote:

Varegg, has the Timurids invaded yet? if not you should strenghten your cities in the middle east region before they do >.<
Only the Mongols so far, but i have reinforced both Antioch and another Turkish town in my first line of defence, where does the Timurids invade from ? .... asia ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+263|6842|North Norway

I edited my files to unlock all factions

and yes, they come from Asia... In my Campaign they resently settled down in Antioch and are now waring against the Byzantines and the Turks and the Egyptians.. they are the second-richest and second-strongest faction with be being both richest and strongest
Support fanatic :-)

kmjnhb wrote:

I edited my files to unlock all factions

and yes, they come from Asia... In my Campaign they resently settled down in Antioch and are now waring against the Byzantines and the Turks and the Egyptians.. they are the second-richest and second-strongest faction with be being both richest and strongest
Currently i am best at everything

What happend when you discovered America ?
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+263|6842|North Norway

I'm best in everything aswell but those are the msot important..

I haven't traveleed to America yet, but I've sent 2 fleets with 2 huge armies overthey have just entered the black area... the first one got caught in a storm that killed both the admiral and the family member I had with the army and the Cardianl I sent with them but none of the soldiers died :S the second one is about 3 turns behind the first one... if you look at my pics you see the black thing to the left and you see how far my ships have reached
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Knightnifer wrote:

Varegg & Kmj

@Varegg: I have discovered America, captured a rebel city at the Caribbean islands and faced the Aztecs. I captured one of their cities, but a few rounds later my expedition ended in a disaster because of more Aztecs. Many more Aztecs.
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

I Suck!! Rofl -

Varegg - Sounds like your having a blast
KMJ - Money is not an issue for you
Mike - Kicks ass exploring.
Me: Fail, Fail, Fail! Let's see if i can do well with England!! Giving up is not an option!
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

Eh, Im not too sure about this topic! Generally it has nothing to do with BF2s, BF2 nor the EU. What about a move to another subsection like JunkDrawer.... Let me know.
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

Well tbh - I set it in EU section due to the fact there are some real half-witted people out there
If someone is interested in posting about another game strategy etc. They can come here
Including the rest of the EU guys..

This isn't a thread based on Total War II: It is a thread based on any strategic fun games anyone may want to share...

See what others have to say before you move it Slayer - But if you think it is fit to move, then do so.

Last edited by Knightnifer (2006-11-29 07:32:12)

Support fanatic :-)

Sl4y3r wrote:

Eh, Im not too sure about this topic! Generally it has nothing to do with BF2s, BF2 nor the EU. What about a move to another subsection like JunkDrawer.... Let me know.
That`s a no Slayer, it`s for the Eu guys allthough the topic is off hand, please let us have this one

@Knightnifer: The clue is get your economy going as soon as possible, either by building crop-rotation and other money making buildings, dont keep a huge army you dont need, only those that is nesesary to defend the homeland is worth paying for.

Expand the armies you war with and use one of them to sack and burn the middle east for cash. Every town you capture you sack even if you keep them, that`s where the money is

Remember to lay off old units you dont need and keep your taxes high or very high on the brink of revolt
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

as you girls wish
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

Varegg wrote:

Sl4y3r wrote:

Eh, Im not too sure about this topic! Generally it has nothing to do with BF2s, BF2 nor the EU. What about a move to another subsection like JunkDrawer.... Let me know.
That`s a no Slayer, it`s for the Eu guys allthough the topic is off hand, please let us have this one

@Knightnifer: The clue is get your economy going as soon as possible, either by building crop-rotation and other money making buildings, dont keep a huge army you dont need, only those that is nesesary to defend the homeland is worth paying for.

Expand the armies you war with and use one of them to sack and burn the middle east for cash. Every town you capture you sack even if you keep them, that`s where the money is

Remember to lay off old units you dont need and keep your taxes high or very high on the brink of revolt
Tvm For the help...
back to i-life

some questions before I try it thanks to kmj

*do you garrison some units in town to defend or just reinforce the border?
*do u fight battles or just let AI to do it (due to time)?
*should I be nice to other nations or just destroy everything like in Rome TW?
*could u share some clues how to play best?

BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

1. a few units in every town, and a huge army in every town where the enemy will attack
2. fight most battles myself, i just let the AI fight if it's clear that I'll win without losing many soldiers
3. actually you can not trust them, but if you attack them too often, the pope will become angry (as long as the attacked side is catholic)
4. just win baby (there are so many different ways to play)
+263|6842|North Norway

*do you garrison some units in town to defend or just reinforce the border?
Depends how important the city/castle is and how happy the people are... usually try to stick with only 1 unit garrisoned in the cities/castles that doesn't border to another faction

*do u fight battles or just let AI to do it (due to time)?
My comp suck, so I always make shure I will win huge battles with AI I fight impoarant battles myself

*should I be nice to other nations or just destroy everything like in Rome TW?
If you are catolic, be careful to attack other catolic factions, watch the popelovedetector

*could u share some clues how to play best?
use diplomacy as good as you can, religion is very important aswell, if a big percentage of your people have the same religion as the state religion then everything is fine... also try to do as many missions as possible without being excommunicated...

BTW, only one more turn on my English Campaign I've already got 45 regions pluss Jerusalem (get a littel stressed as it was 18 turns left and I still didn't have it and the pope refused to order a crusade against it... 50000 fixed that problem ) I have also taken 2 rebel regions in America and one Aztek one, but won't have time to take anything else
2 rounds ago the Timurids finally managed to take back Jerusalem after attacking about every turn since I took it... they have some kickass armies >.< Elephants and Elephant Artillery are just impossible to kill

oh well, gonna go do that last turn, I'll post a pic of what land I got and one fun picture
+263|6842|North Norway

OMG! thousand of Aztecs attacked me while doing the last turn >.<

oh well, here's the pics: The English Empire is quite big
Support fanatic :-)

Amazed by the amount of cash you have, another edit ?

Nice pic`s
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

Holy crap your the god f money?
-Cheeat detected-

Is that the end of the game- finished???
Support fanatic :-)

Spoiler warning !!!!!

Type ` in the oversight menu (the shield) and type: add_money40000

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+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

Varegg wrote:

Spoiler warning !!!!!

Type ` in the oversight menu (the shield) and type: add_money40000

varegg does that in BF2 also all the time !
Support fanatic :-)

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Spoiler warning !!!!!

Type ` in the oversight menu (the shield) and type: add_money40000

varegg does that in BF2 also all the time !
Yupp, if i want to end the battle quickly i just type: add_voice_of_celine_dion  - all flags are capped by me and all friendlies are equipped with ear-plugs, all enemies dies a slow but horiffic death giving me +5 for all deaths and teampoints +2 for all friendlies that survive

However i get a bill from EA for the damaged buidings and vehicles that crack because of the shingering voice
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