I'll give my little rant here and be done with the Trigger issue for good.
At the very top of the page next to where it says "Home", what does it say? It says "Forum". Of course we all know this because after all, we are using it as we speak. Now, look up the definition of "forum".
fo·rum (fôrm, fr-) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr, fr)
1. A public meeting place for open discussion.
2. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
3. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
Take good notice of the first half of #2 and the back half of #3. Put them together. "A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation." i.e. BF2s. My two favorite there are "open discussion" and "voicing ideas". Basically, in a nutshell, that says you should be allowed to have an opinion and the right to voice that opinion, if this in fact IS a forum. As long as you are not attacking someone deliberately and directly or posting porn you should be relatively fine. Now, a flame or a jab on the other hand is not a personal attack, it is an opinion. You can look back through this thread and find people saying bad things about myself, Trigger, Kimmy, or anyone really, but what makes it a jab and not an attack is the fact that it is not persistent. They are voicing their personal opinion of "said" person, and "said person has every right to give the jabber their own opinion on the matter. Now when discussions such as these arise on non-personal subjects such as politics, they are called "debates". Trigger, in my opinion, had a very big problem with the above logic.
Personally, of course, I think it is a wonderful thing that he is gone. Granted some don't, but my personal opinion is that I'm glad. I seen way to many times Trigger deleting someone's post because he "didn't agree with it" or it contradicted whatever statement he had previously said. I seen way to many times, someone get temp banned because Trig simply didn't like them or that person had done something that showed Trig in a negative light. Hell, I was banned because "he felt like it". It was basically to the point to where when Trig's named showed up online the number of users online decreased. People hardly ever replied to him in any threads because he normally answered with some sort of warning or threat and countless threads were closed because they didn't stand up to Trig's "Standards". But at the same time, he forced every post or thread of his on us like gospel. He stickied a thread so people would come to GameFrog, stickied Kimmy's "Military Buffs" thread when it had, from what I could see, nothing special or informative that warranted a sticky. The night I was banned I watched him close one of Spawn's threads, one of Fancy's threads and then turn around and make a thread that had nothing more than a .gif picture and "<3" underneath it.
I see alot of you saying that he kept the forums under control and blah blah blah. I see absolutely no difference in the type of threads made today from the type of threads made a week ago. Also, since he left, almost ever section in the forums has some sort of thread or sticky about "We're leaving" or "Retired Mod, lol", and countless "what happened" threads, not to mention the two threads of people trying to get me unbanned. He single handedly caused what is probably the biggest shit storm BF2s has ever seen and all we get is the statement "I have been demodded, a lot of you will probably be glad, and to you I say fuck off." Basically, "Grieve for me or go fuck yourself". Fuck you too buddy, at least you know why you got the boot. have fun at ktotheimmy with all 15 people who post there. You can even kick and ban them without anyone giving you problems. Have fun with that.
And for the last time I ever mention Trigger_Happy998's name or direct a statement at him, I would just like to say:
"This sentence means you failed at getting rid of me."
I'd also like to personally thank each and every one of you guys that helped me. You showed how beautiful it is when a good community stops arguing and debating long enough to help a fellow member. For this I am in your debt. Thank you. Now, lets move on to business as usual. To help here is a nice picture of Jessica Alba. Enjoy.
[img]www.modedit.com/thiswontwork[/img]EDIT: nice pic of Jessica, but come on man