mtb0minime wrote:
There is no way you're 27 years old. Did you even graduate from high school?
yeah then 2 years of college
mtb0minime wrote:
The double negative thing wasn't a joke, you just made an excuse and said it was because you don't know what a double negative is, and once I proved you wrong, you decided to play it off like you meant to say that.
Yeah thanks for telling me what I was thinking. You're not too perceptive because you're wrong but I did think it was quite retarded of you to say "ignorant moron". I'll give you a quick English lesson sine your junior high summer school doesn't seem to be cutting it. Adjectives modify nouns and using 2 adjectives of the same definition is redundant, furthermore if you insist on using 2 words of the same definition they should be separated by an "and". example: you're ignorant and moronic.
Heres the retardation you exhibit
example: you're inbicilic feebleminded
example: you're immature infantile
Learn to use adjectives then get back to me.
mtb0minime wrote:
once I proved you wrong, you decided to play it off like you meant to say that.
you seem to have a little hardon hoping you can win some Internet argument haven't proved anything ..
mtb0minime wrote:
you seem to think that just because America manufactures a car DESIGNED BY THE JAPANESE that it makes the car American. You seriously need help.
Japs didn't invent or design the first hybrid or the American hybrids. This is the real point here. you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about just some irritating dumbass little boy babbling about shit you don't understand. America initiated the mainstream production of hybrid/electric cars. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) was the program initiated by Ford Chrysler and GM and was the first program to manufacture hybrid cars. GM makes a Chevy silverado hybrid and an Astra hybrid designed totally by American engineers. Ford makes the Escape and Mariner both American cars. You cant seem to get it through your little stubborn head that hybrid doesn't mean Japanese or Honda and Toyota. You tried to correct me about some shit you're wrong about ..dumbshit.
mtb0minime wrote:
I swear, you are one of the stupidest people I've ever graced with my knowledge.
Stupidest isn't a word ironic that you used it talking about your "knowledge". Thanks for gracing me with your ignorance.
mtb0minime wrote:
And what ever happened to you not giving a shit about this post?
Go ahead and browse back to where i said that it was in reference to karma ..but i certainly can apply it to you. I'm sure it was quite stupid of me to waste my time talking to some retarded little boy about shit he does not understand.