Psssst Squid I'll let ya in on a secret or 3....
1. It was posted a a joke (a little satire if you will).
Main Entry: satire
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: ridicule
Synonyms: banter, burlesque, caricature, causticity, chaffing, irony, lampoon, lampoonery, mockery, parody, pasquinade, persiflage, play on, put-on*, raillery, sarcasm, satiricalness, send-up*, skit, spoof, squib*, takeoff*, travesty, wit
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang
2. Im happy living where I am and every other Australian I know is happy living here too. I actually HAD to go live in the USA however it was not by choice but rather with my fathers work when I was younger. Whilst it was a great experience and you do have a great country I would never live there again, however I happily visit friends from time to time.
3. I served in the Australian military which gave me a great opportunity to meet and serve alongside some of Americas finest sons and daughters. It amuses me that whilst "On Tour" in various places in the worlkd these people managed to have a great sense of humour despite the hardships we shared yet many people from your country fail to have the same affability (af·fa·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (f-bl)
Easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. ) here on something as harmless as a public forum board.
I guess basically all Im trying to say is yes I know your country and like it, yes I know your people and like them but relax we Australians make fun of everyone including ourselves...learn to laugh life aint that serious.