What do you think?
I got it and its not as good as I hoped it would be. I was expecting a more tatical BF2. But movement is laboured, issuing commands is a pain in battle, and friendly AI is laughable. I keep trying to press the 'Enemy spotted' button but there is none! Tell a squad mate to hide behind a wall and he'll promptly hide on the side the enemy is, and get shot to pieces. I must admit I only played for a couple of hours last night and I will play it tonight but I will probably play BF2 instead. I just can stop playin this game!
I brought Oblivion the other day, played it for a few hours and thought, this just aint battlefield, and consigned it to my games shelf forever until the next carboot sale. Anyway I digress, back to ghost recon
If you have it what do you think?
I find it "slow" and stright away thought

"Its not like BF2"

Its a different sort of game, and needs you to think a lot more
You guys are brainwashed.. BF2 sucks, i haven't played it in some time.
The All Rounder
+22|7069|Rotherham, England
the game is good, but the graphics suck ass on PC.
Both me and one of my clanmates tried it and we both have very high spec PC's and the game looks awful.
Apparently the coders were so stupid that they hardcoded HDR lighting into the game and you can't turn it off and this consequently means that you can't turn on Anti-Aliasing so there are loads of Jaggy's everywhere.
Thing is the HDR looks terrible anyway sort of like how it looks awful on that new version of de_dust on CS:Source.
They could have included support for ATI cards that let you have both HDR and AA turned on but they didn't so in my opinion they don't deserve my money or anyone else's.
Yet one more game that has had so much time developing the console version and then as a result the PC version ends up being far less superior.

I have a friend who owns this on 360 and he says it looks fckin awesome on that, so buy yourself a 360 and get it on that instead. (if you have the dosh)
+69|6956|Nova Scotia

SNAP wrote:

I brought Oblivion the other day, played it for a few hours and thought, this just aint battlefield, and consigned it to my games shelf forever until the next carboot sale.
You bought a 60 dollar game and played it for a few hours??  You should have tried it first.  I'm guessing you're not really into the RPG stuff if you don't like Oblivion?  That's fine with me and all.  I love Oblivion, it's all I've been playing since it came out, but it's a serious time hog, which is also fine with me.

As for Ghost Recon AW I have played a good bit of it for Xbox 360 and was impressed (moreso for the 360, seeing as 99% of their 'massive library' of games is nothing but garbage, and no better than xbox or ps2 anyway).  I don't have too much trouble getting around the commands and such in GR, but I understand what you're saying about the movement.  It's pretty sluggish in response time but I attributed that to realism I suppose...i.e. if you're running you're generally not going to stop on a dime sort of idea....

mjw wrote:

the game is good, but the graphics suck ass on PC.
Both me and one of my clanmates tried it and we both have very high spec PC's and the game looks awful.
Apparently the coders were so stupid that they hardcoded HDR lighting into the game and you can't turn it off and this consequently means that you can't turn on Anti-Aliasing so there are loads of Jaggy's everywhere.
Thing is the HDR looks terrible anyway sort of like how it looks awful on that new version of de_dust on CS:Source.
They could have included support for ATI cards that let you have both HDR and AA turned on but they didn't so in my opinion they don't deserve my money or anyone else's.
Yet one more game that has had so much time developing the console version and then as a result the PC version ends up being far less superior.

I have a friend who owns this on 360 and he says it looks fckin awesome on that, so buy yourself a 360 and get it on that instead. (if you have the dosh)
Looks great on my 7900GTX
The All Rounder
+22|7069|Rotherham, England

dan500 wrote:

mjw wrote:

the game is good, but the graphics suck ass on PC.
Both me and one of my clanmates tried it and we both have very high spec PC's and the game looks awful.
Apparently the coders were so stupid that they hardcoded HDR lighting into the game and you can't turn it off and this consequently means that you can't turn on Anti-Aliasing so there are loads of Jaggy's everywhere.
Thing is the HDR looks terrible anyway sort of like how it looks awful on that new version of de_dust on CS:Source.
They could have included support for ATI cards that let you have both HDR and AA turned on but they didn't so in my opinion they don't deserve my money or anyone else's.
Yet one more game that has had so much time developing the console version and then as a result the PC version ends up being far less superior.

I have a friend who owns this on 360 and he says it looks fckin awesome on that, so buy yourself a 360 and get it on that instead. (if you have the dosh)
Looks great on my 7900GTX
no it doesn't, not unless your blind. I myself have an 1900XT from ATI which is the equilavent to your card. Take a screenshot and prove me wrong if you like, but i know for a fact you can't get Anti-Aliasing to work. The Ubisoft guys even told me this when they replied to my e-mail.
Their exact words were " we felt that the game looked better with HDR than Anti-Aliasing, so we decided to remove the AA from the game. we express our apolgies if this made the game worse for you."
Now, WTF!! remove Anti-Aliasing!! are they fckin stupid or what, how can you play games when all you can see is jagged edges everywhere, its a load of bullshite.

I will say it again DO NOT buy this game, unless you have dan500's 7900GTX which is obviously a special edition one off card that allows him to do everything that nobody else can do.
Looks good to me … /OHRLY.jpg … OHRLY2.jpg

(Use link to see full size, also I used MS Paint, so they dont look as good)

I been looking at the pic's for 10 mins now, looking at every part of it, and the only parts I seen not to be 110% smooth are;

And the selected gun part at the bottom, but its playable and looks good when playing, if you want everything to be so smooth, then get Quad Sli .

Last edited by dan500 (2006-05-05 08:40:58)

Got milk?
I've played the demo and did not like it. Gameplay is random and slow. Movement has elements of disability. Ummm, yea, if you want to have fun you should have a good system.

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-05-05 08:40:16)

I got a 6800gt, AMD64 4000 and 2 gig of ram and it runs ok on medium to high but you gotta have the antriscopic filtering on to lose those jagged edges mjw, mines on x4. Im a bit of a weirdo I suppose and still use the arrow keys for movement. I cannot use WASD for some reason, I tell you i have tried but I keep pressing the wrong keys! now all these new games have 20 bloody keys to press, ghost recon, you have to press 2 buttons just to run! I end up getting shot at and causually amble away like a pensioner! Oh for the double tap run as in BF2.
I sooo wanted to love this ghost recon game, waited months for the PC conversion, put up with the delay (making tweaks to make it even better than the console version, so they said) and it has let me down.
BF2 FTW and back to waiting for BF2047

Your right Rygar RPGs aint really my thing I suppose, but im always willing to try new things, its just BF2 lures me back every time.
The All Rounder
+22|7069|Rotherham, England
the jagged edges are there dan500 its just you that cant see them. as for what snap said about anistropic filtering, do u know what your talking about?
Anistropic filtering has absolutley nothing to do with anti aliasing.
Anistropic Filtering- Makes textures at a distance look sharper instead of looking blurred
Anti Aliasing- Smoothes of jagged edges on objects such as buildings, weapon models etc....

The two are not linked.

As for the remark about quad-sli, this is also incorrect. You could have a FX60, with quad-sli, 16gb RAM, superfast hard-drives and DVD drives and a nice spangly case, that would cost you >£3000 and this game would still look shit, because IT DOES NOT SUPPORT ANTI-ALIASING!!!!!!!!
Nothing you do in graphic settings can make this different, the game engine doesn't support it so please,please dont say that you can get it to work, because you're basically saying you know more than the guys that coded it.

mjw wrote:

the jagged edges are there dan500 its just you that cant see them.
Your right.. When im playing a game its about fun, I dont sit there thinking

"OH NOES! Alls not smooth in the game"



Whice, not to be mean to you, you seem like one of them people, sure i like to see what sort of FPS im getting, but its not a big deal, the game dose look nice, like i said;

"been looking at the pic's for 10 mins now, looking at every part of it, and the only parts I seen not to be 110% smooth are;

And the selected gun part at the bottom"

I dont sit around long enough to inspect the looks of the game
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden
I love Oblivion, it's all I've been playing since it came out, but it's a serious time hog, which is also fine with me.

Last edited by spacepelle (2006-05-05 10:04:17)

Here's what it look like on my 7800 GTX go (Dell XPS 2)

I didn't like it either... graphics are good, but I just don't like the game play... I guess people who like commanding and playing at the same time will like this style of game play.

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2006-05-05 10:15:09)

+271|7065|United States of America
It rocks on the Xbox 360. You are in third person view also instead of first. The Graphics look a lot better on the 360 also.

Last edited by Miller (2006-05-05 10:22:41)

+69|6956|Nova Scotia

Miller wrote:

It rocks on the Xbox 360. You are in third person view also instead of first. The Graphics look a lot better on the 360 also.
You can change between 3rd and 1st person views on the 360, can't you? For some reason I think you can for single player, but not multi-player....
The All Rounder
+22|7069|Rotherham, England
dan500, i don't sit here and inspect every little thing, but when the game looks this bad it puts me right off.
The PC version looks very blurry aswell as though there is something like a film over the picture thats blurring it.

The main reason i dont like this game is the fact that i cant choose whether or not i want it to look bad or not, its the principle. There are more and more shoddy coded games coming out these days (just like bf2 was originally) and people keep buying them and paying the developers money they don't deserve as they have not done their job properly.

A good example of a Quality product is Half Life 2 and the source engine. The graphics look superb even on medium range sysytems and the FPS you get is phenomenal. Now in Advanced Warfighter, the max FPS your ever gonna get is probably around 30-40 because its full of uneccesary shaders in places where you will never notice them, that suck up performance from the game when they really shouldn't do.

If you want to keep buying half-finished products that will need atleast 3 or more patches before it is even playable at a high standard then feel free, but please dont lie to other people and say it is amazing when it quite clearly isn't.

Oh i forgot, i did mention in my first post that the gameplay is very impressive but its still no excuse to release unfinished titles.
i'll turn off me antroscopic then now i know what it does mjw. I just play the games dont care to much for the advance graphical settings, but mine looks ok just not to keen on the gameplay thats all. By the way you sound like a angry young man or is it just me?
dont all games come out unfinished these days anyway? patching just seems to be the way things are.
I cant remember the last time I brought a game that didnt need patching almost immediatley!

Last edited by SNAP (2006-05-05 10:55:39)

+69|6956|Nova Scotia

SNAP wrote:

dont all games come out unfinished these days anyway? patching just seems to be the way things are.
I cant remember the last time I brought a game that didnt need patching almost immediatley!
You just bought oblivion, that doesn't require patching

Seriously though, I'm with you on the arrow keys.  I'll never understand why most game-makers map the movement to wsad keys, as most people I know prefer arrow keys (although I've seen more bf2 players liking wsad).

I'm running oblv with an ATI Connect3d x800 GTO, AMD 64 3700+ San Diego 2.2 cpu, 3G ram (7.1 surround to boot, although good luck finding a game using 7.1) and I find the shadowing in the game almost unaffected by the aa settings.  On character faces they look kind of screwed up regardless of which AA set you pick.  It's noticable on backgrounds, however.
My bro just picked up a 512mb ATI card and says it looks quite a bit better.
man oblivion took me a week just to get it to run!! it almost fried my graphis card, had to use NVTWEAK to change the render ahead frames and that seemed to sort it along with buying 2 extra fans to cool the beast as it was running!! lol
go to the official oblivion web site there are hundreds of posts of peeps not able to run the game, anyway it is a good game overall but once i discovered the difficulty slider i found it hard not to play the game without having it on an easier level and it wasnt so challenging and i lost interest. I couldnt bring myself to put it back to a harder level especially when your horse gets killed by some crappy imp and your 10 miles from anywhere!! I know you can travel but that seems to defeat the object of exploration, which is 80% of the game. I dont think they should have difficulty settings on games especially easy! whats the point in that. I suppose thats why i like BF2 and other online games just coz u play against real peeps which keeps it interesting
Im sure ill give oblivion another go, perhaps on one of those rainy sundays, still look on the bright side, summers here so i wont have to play it for a while!

Last edited by SNAP (2006-05-05 11:37:22)

+69|6956|Nova Scotia
I had no problems installing, cranking the effects, modding and playing it so I never thought to look into other peoples' problems.  And yeah, I refuse to touch the difficulty bar because it's cheesy.  They should have made a difficulty option when starting the game (which keeps your current game on that difficulty).   I fast travel all the time now, i ran around the province on a horse marking as much as I could on my map at first.  Ah well, to each their own!  I'll have to get back into BF2 soon...
The All Rounder
+22|7069|Rotherham, England

SNAP wrote:

iBy the way you sound like a angry young man or is it just me?
You could say that, but the reason i posted all this is to make sure people don't waste their hard earned money on something, not to slag off other people.
Its just annoying when people post something as though they are 100% correct on the issue, when infact tehy couldn't be more wrong, and it is misleading to other people.

e.g. when dan500 say's "it looks great on my 7900GTX", what if someone was stupid enough to think, hey i'll buy one of these cards as i've been desperately waiting to play this game?
Fair Enough, that's not likely to happen, but hey who knows???
+271|7065|United States of America

Rygar wrote:

Miller wrote:

It rocks on the Xbox 360. You are in third person view also instead of first. The Graphics look a lot better on the 360 also.
You can change between 3rd and 1st person views on the 360, can't you? For some reason I think you can for single player, but not multi-player....
I haven't tried yet, I will now then. I'll update you on it soon.
+271|7065|United States of America
Ok, you can switch to first person with the 360, but, you don't see the weapon you're holding and your view is more condensed.

I downloaded the demo and installed it. Unfortunately, it required me to unstall Ageia's PhysX drivers, even though I didn't have the card. Unfortunately, that installation failed to complete, as it could not install itself on Windows XP 64. How near-sighted.

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