Pretty much agree with this. Go on any I/O server and everyone is either medic or sniper, with a few support guys thrown in.JohnG@lt wrote:
Half of the classes in BF2 were effectively useless. The AT class was probably the least used. It gimped you far too much. Engineer class was used almost exclusively by vehicle whores. Spec Ops was useful a handful of times per map. Healing from a medic kit is just too fucking lolzy, same for ammo crates.
Perks were meh but the customization that could be done within a class completely blew BF2 out of the water. Want to be a hunter with recon instead of sitting in a bush? Break out the VSS or shotguns.
Now, the only 'class' that didn't make a whole lot of sense in BC2 was the medic class. Giving them machine guns was kind of If they'd swapped the primary weapons of assault and medic it would've made a lot more sense and perhaps have been balanced better. I don't think any of us appreciate infinite noobtubing.
I'd get bored with the same old same old so I'd often go engi cuz I love the US shottie, or every now and then for fun I'd go AT and strafe around corners, lot of fun. Pretty much never used spec ops unless needed.
BC2, the classes each have their role and I like the fact I can go commando with a shottie whilst wearing a ghillie suit and have C4.
Dunno, the game has it's flaws but I think BC2 on the whole is a lot more balanced than BF2. But BF2 has a lot more of the fun factor for me, I think it was simply the character movement tbh. In BC2, first person who shoots, wins. BF2 you can actually engage some true skill to dodge/reduce enemy fire and pwn the enemy.