Right Guys, I'm getting a new comp in 1 month, and I could use some advice into upgrades, or different specs etc...
This is currently $1650 Aus, and I dont want to much more than this $1800 MAX.
How much more would a Dual Core Cost?
So, what upgrades can You suggest?
AMD 3500+
Asus MB
1 gig ram 160 Sata HD
256MB X800GT
VC 17" Monitor(LCD)
DVD burner
speaker, keyboard, mouse
This is currently $1650 Aus, and I dont want to much more than this $1800 MAX.
How much more would a Dual Core Cost?
So, what upgrades can You suggest?
AMD 3500+
Asus MB
1 gig ram 160 Sata HD
256MB X800GT
VC 17" Monitor(LCD)
DVD burner
speaker, keyboard, mouse
Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-01-12 20:32:21)