Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics even if you wim your still a retard.
hey man can you come up with something new?
Dude didn't this guy make a post like this a couple of days ago? First one's a bark but this one BITES! H2o? What the hell is that? Hey mate, if I find you and your clan somewhere, I'll make sure to drink you fools and piss out that foul name making clan you have.
hope so we will be on tonite around 9 est to 2am est
If this map's Karkand, I'm not game, not because I'm pussy, but because that map's overused, overrated and has glitches. Whether your clan uses them or not, it's Karkand. Warlord, I'm game, Iron Gator, it's on. SF FTW.
karkand is in the rotation but it is a mixture of city and air maps
Well that's cool, I'll consider it then LOL, course I haven't been on BF2 much lately, SF mostly, trying to get the Rebel and Spetsnaz service ribbons, and possibly the medals, so I'll see if I can make it.
Must scrim this noooooob clan.
LOL!!!-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:
Must scrim this noooooob clan.