I will sport the clan tag tonight and get some screenies.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Zomg we totally need a l33t knifer! That is exactly what our clan is missing. I see you are in the U.S., and some what near Downy and I. Seeing as we are the recruiters for the N.A. branch of MaCGP, you will need to try out for us before we allow you in our clan. We will be holding another tryout session next week, but you are more than welcome to put MaCGP before your name and pwn sum ppl and post sreenshots! Wow, I can't wait to tell snoopy94, our fearless clanleader that we hav teh pro kn1fz0rz. Awesome!
ok, I just updated the webpage with some more info. I also added HomeSchtar and Anemone. OMG our clan is going to r0x0rz!!11one.
If you want to be in our clan, make sure to fill out the questionnaire. We need c0mm4nd0rz and BF2 w0r7d p0|1z3!
If you want to be in our clan, make sure to fill out the questionnaire. We need c0mm4nd0rz and BF2 w0r7d p0|1z3!
z0mg, can I update the site too? We s0 n33d teh Scr33nsh0t5 page and a Kidnap List!one1
Right now snoop dog needs to validate his account before we can add ze pictures and scr33nsh075.Homeschtar wrote:
z0mg, can I update the site too? We s0 n33d teh Scr33nsh0t5 page and a Kidnap List!one1
@ff1rmative'd.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Right now snoop dog needs to validate his account before we can add ze pictures and scr33nsh075.Homeschtar wrote:
z0mg, can I update the site too? We s0 n33d teh Scr33nsh0t5 page and a Kidnap List!one1
1337schtar I mean homeschtar what server will u be pwning on for the dogmaster i want to pwn with you
z0mg Pwn_Wing I mean Sore_Wing I'm gonna get Xfire later tonight so I'll liek t0t@lly add you kthx!
Look at my n3w sig I made it in honor of the one1!!!21231!#$$@
z0mg 1t 1s liek teh s3c0nd c0ming of Chr1st!!one1Sore_Wing wrote:
Look at my n3w sig I made it in honor of the one1!!!21231!#$$@
Aight, I got home and got a few screenies of my first match. I played Assault first, then a little medic, and finished with some sniping.
==We need to get a gallery going on the site==
Not too bad for entering the game late. We will be teh 1337!
==We need to get a gallery going on the site==
Not too bad for entering the game late. We will be teh 1337!
omg god just told me dat we r da best est clan inz da world, is dat a gd fing or is god bad
I think that god iz telling uz that we are teh oneone one oneoene1213232!!! and that we will will for3ver keep up the good work guyz
What the heck is going on? Snoopy has inspir3d me to pwn more than ev4r! Wh3n 4r3 w3 g3tt|ng this cl4n t0g3th3r t0 0wnz0r? Yo tengo 1337 kn|f3 sk|llz.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Zomg we totally need a l33t knifer! That is exactly what our clan is missing. I see you are in the U.S., and some what near Downy and I. Seeing as we are the recruiters for the N.A. branch of MaCGP, you will need to try out for us before we allow you in our clan. We will be holding another tryout session next week, but you are more than welcome to put MaCGP before your name and pwn sum ppl and post sreenshots! Wow, I can't wait to tell snoopy94, our fearless clanleader that we hav teh pro kn1fz0rz. Awesome!
zomg! u r teh |337 kn1fz0rz!11one. Snoopy r u zeeing dis?
lol, I saw you on our server today...terrafirma wrote:
What the heck is going on? Snoopy has inspir3d me to pwn more than ev4r! Wh3n 4r3 w3 g3tt|ng this cl4n t0g3th3r t0 0wnz0r? Yo tengo 1337 kn|f3 sk|llz.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Zomg we totally need a l33t knifer! That is exactly what our clan is missing. I see you are in the U.S., and some what near Downy and I. Seeing as we are the recruiters for the N.A. branch of MaCGP, you will need to try out for us before we allow you in our clan. We will be holding another tryout session next week, but you are more than welcome to put MaCGP before your name and pwn sum ppl and post sreenshots! Wow, I can't wait to tell snoopy94, our fearless clanleader that we hav teh pro kn1fz0rz. Awesome!
I was gonna ask you about the tags, but by the time I closed out of BF2CC and logged into the server you were gone...
Good stuff man...
Teh w0rd it 0uT bruth4s!XxUNDEROATHxX wrote:
lol, I saw you on our server today...terrafirma wrote:
What the heck is going on? Snoopy has inspir3d me to pwn more than ev4r! Wh3n 4r3 w3 g3tt|ng this cl4n t0g3th3r t0 0wnz0r? Yo tengo 1337 kn|f3 sk|llz.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Zomg we totally need a l33t knifer! That is exactly what our clan is missing. I see you are in the U.S., and some what near Downy and I. Seeing as we are the recruiters for the N.A. branch of MaCGP, you will need to try out for us before we allow you in our clan. We will be holding another tryout session next week, but you are more than welcome to put MaCGP before your name and pwn sum ppl and post sreenshots! Wow, I can't wait to tell snoopy94, our fearless clanleader that we hav teh pro kn1fz0rz. Awesome!
I was gonna ask you about the tags, but by the time I closed out of BF2CC and logged into the server you were gone...
Good stuff man...
Sorry I missed ya man. Was it the Addicted to Games Ghost Town server? Maybe I will drop by again to rock the MaCGP.
Last edited by terrafirma (2006-06-30 23:29:36)
Im off for some own33ge in teh helicopter, with me MaCGP tags
I have noticed nobody has mentioned duck diving or bunny hopping.. i myself have practiced both skills for years!!! you can shoot the hell outta me and nothing, then i just stick you with me knife. Its easy and fun I can teach you all if you let me in your hizzy!
w00T SkilllZz 3lM0 !!one12
11111 my S1g ,sD ,.z,d WTF HAX CATTTTT
x2 !!!!!!!!!111111111111111on3on3on3simon wrote:
w00T SkilllZz 3lM0 !!one12
so guy liek wtf is going down in da hood i was away 4 a bit cuz i losted my mojoes but i am bck n0wz roflcake. elmoez da bestest tv man in da worlz cuz he shots loats of plenz in da air lmaorofl. glad 2 hav j00 on da teamz. we r gna be da t he bestessst clans in da world
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, elmo recomended to me to you guys, we have palyed before in clan match's together, i aminly command in clan matchs and noberize anyone that gets near me, im interested in joining a good squad of friendly players after my clan dispanded due to the v1.3 patch and at the time we where the 7th best team in the UK and the 33rd best team in the EU.
If you need a all round ownerizer and a good commander give me a shout
If you need a all round ownerizer and a good commander give me a shout
Zomgz, aiii weally lyk wanz 2 joIn zur clanz!!11
sign mez up sirz
i getz new vid cardz in 1 dayzzzz zomzgz@!!!11eleven
ill play withcuz in lyk 1 dayz!!1 omgz
sign mez up sirz
i getz new vid cardz in 1 dayzzzz zomzgz@!!!11eleven
ill play withcuz in lyk 1 dayz!!1 omgz