This was the patch 1.3 changes looked under the backend awards
Verteran Knife
Removed in round requirement
Expert Knife
Removed in round requirement (LOL they are really trying to eliminate P/K servers indirectly)
Basic Explosive
Lowered from 13 kills to 5 kills in a round
Vet Explosive
Lowered from 23 to 20 kills in a round
Expert Explosive
Lowered from 37 to 30 kills in a round (hopefully this will kill the gheymores!)
Expert First Aid
Increased Time requirement from 54000 (15h) to 360000 (100h) - like resupply/repair
decreased heals from 25 to 20 in a round (Still almost impossible to get but a lot better than 25(
Expert Repair
decreased repairs from 25 to 20 in a round
Vet Transport
Decreased time from 180000 (50h) to 90000 (25h)
Exp Transport
Decreased time from 540000 (150h) to 270000 (75h)
Vet Heli
Decreased time from 360000 (100h) to 180000 (50h)
Expert Heli
Decreased time from 1440000 (400h) to 540000 (150h)
Vet Aviator
Decreased time from 360000 (100h) to 180000 (50h)
Expert Aviator
Decreased time from 1080000 (300h) to 540000 (150h)
Vet Air defense
Removed time requirement
Lowered kills from 12 to 10 in a round
Exp Air Defense
Removed time requiremnt
Lowered kills from 24 to 20
Vet Ground Def
Removed Time
Lowered kills from 12 to 10 in a round
Exp Ground Def
Removed time requiremnt
Lowered kills from 24 to 20
War College Ribbon
Removed 3:1 win/loss ratio
Removed 45 point commander score in a round
Added 200 Wins
Added 25000 Global commander score
Increased time from 180000 (50h) to 360000 (100h)
(you guys better start personing commander)
Air Combat
Lowered time from 720000 (200h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
Heli Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy
Combat Infantry
Lowered time from 1800000 (500h) to 720000 (200h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)
Marksman infantry
Added time 1080000 (300h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)
Sharpshooter Infantry
Added time 1440000 (400h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)
===========Backend Medals=============
Navy Cross
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250
Golden Sch
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250
People's Medallion
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250
European Union
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 720000 (200h)
Lowered wins from 500 to 100
North American Service
Added time 18000 (5h)
European Service Ribbon
Now you all know these particular changes have already been implemented.
===========Special Forces==========
Vet Tactical Support
Removed 1000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Exp Tactial Support
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Vet Grappling Hook
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Exp Grappling Hook
Removed 6500 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Vet Zip Line
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Exp Zip Line
Removed 6500 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*
Arial Service Ribbon
Deleted (armored fury is going to be a vanilla expansion.... unfortunately there will be no jets for SF EVER)
===========Backend Medals (false data)=============
Navy Seal Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
SAS Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
SPETZ Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
MECSF Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
Rebel Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
Insurgent Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100
Brigadier General
Lowered from needing Experts to needing Veteran
Major General
Lowered from needing Experts to needing Veteran
Added time 4500000 (1250h)
Lieutenant General
Added time 5184000 (1440h)
Last edited by Annhilation (2006-06-17 11:31:33)