Personally, I love EF. Its a great addition - I just wish it had a few more maps to play around with (Ive never really used any of their new guns since its all vehicles) and maybe 1or2 additional awards to earn.
Smoke Screen is one of my most favourite maps, but it actually varies to what Talon said - Ive often been on it, only to find about 8 MEC tanks sat outside the EU uncap. Not pretty.
Only once have I seen the reverse...and Ive got a screenshot of 6 Challenger2's sat outside their base, with a load more joining us on the radar and 2xAA.
This obviously does make it unfair on the worst of the 2 teams, since no team is going to overcome that to make a fightback in the game.
It all depends on the wind farm I find, if you can take that one straight away, that gives your team the edge since it provides you with 2xAA vehicles and a tank. Theres no other mobile AA in the map - and its easy to defend.
Great Wall...ive only done it on 16player size (on a 64man server ) - and its a great map. I love the idea of parachuting in at the start, same as in Warlord.
Its great when you capture the back area, since you can just C4 all their assets straight off. Good map for sniping too. And the only vehicles on it, are jeeps and an AA for the PLA....which is fun cutting down loads of infantry with quad machine guns *grins evily*
Might have to play it a bit more, but my win/loss on it is 11/1 atm...dont wana ruin it
Taraba - well, Talon hit it on the head, too big and lack of vehicles. Although I do tend to find that that is often not a problem, only really at the start of the round.
Its mostly snipers and AT ground troops, with a few spec ops on Jihad charges - same as Smoke Screen tbh.
Being in AA or a tank on there is great, and theres no helis - only planes for air units, which is odd.
Quite frankly, for £5 - its a bargain.