in a way yes. the appeal would be reduced for younger kids. I smoked pot for a number of years. quite 3 years glad i did. feel 100% b etter
we are a lazy country as it is honestly. we dont need anything else..not to mention we are a fat ass country...ya pot makes you eat..duh..
i kinda of wish i didnt start smoking, im the type once i do one thing i need to try other's i.e. coke, LCD, extasy, ketamine, pain killers, etc etc.
I know i know. most of you would say im weak willed. well the simple fact is smoking pot, got me more involved with certain types of people. The trek to find it at a young age, the unknown aspects of going toa dealer. or a party, a concert...someone had Coke..and was like hey dude. try this shit. and i was like ahwell ok...before i knew it i was hooked on a few other things.
but of course that's just me...not everyone else has that problem
but of all things besides heroin i would say Liqour is the worst. And i agree some type of probition needs to be started on booze....
and im a drinker who is sayin that...
Last edited by beerface702 (18 years, 6 months ago)