DesertFox- wrote:
How is the government doing a land grab of their own land? In doing reasearch, it seems like much of the land in question was acquired (read: stolen) directly from the Indians or became property of the federal government due to unpaid taxes or abandonement during the Depression era.
wat? what land do you think is in question? This is about the Hammond's personal property. I have no idea what you researched or what you think is going on.
But the big take away from all of this is that if the government wants something of yours or wants to pressure you, you are a terrorist now.
We are all felons and terrorists now. If the Hammonds are terrorists, we all are terrorist. They were actually charged as terrorists and convicted. How the fuck does that happen? How could a judge not allow the charge to be thrown out due to lack of standing? Do you REALLY think they are terrorists and they burnt 140 acres as their big terrorist act? Did that law really apply to the crime in any way what so ever?
Terrorism law they were convicted under:
Whoever maliciously damages or destroys, or attempts to damage or destroy, by means of fire or an explosive, any building, vehicle, or other personal or real property in whole or in part owned or possessed by, or leased to, the United States, or any department or agency thereof, or any institution or organization receiving Federal financial assistance, shall be imprisoned for not less than 5 years and not more than 20 years, fined under this title, or both.
After reading through all of the bill I have come to realize all of the people that shoot tannerite targets on federal land are terrorists and logging companies that blast out stumps and burn slash piles on their federal lease timber land are all terrorist. All the farmers that burn their stubble in the fall on their leased federal farm land are terrorists ( don't nark me out bro ).
We can all be felons and terrorists now with all the bullshit laws on the book. They can charge us with bullshit laws that don't apply, then hold a kangaroo court that doesn't allow presenting facts and evidence, and bingo we can end up as convicted terrorists. Just hope they don't screw up a hearing date and send the FBI after you and kill your dogs and shoot your kid in the back and kill him, maybe have a sniper take out your wife while she is holding your baby, and destroy your reputation by lying about you being a Nazi and selling illegal weapons. (see ruby ridge)
This is the best little nugget right here " or any institution or organization receiving Federal financial assistance ". Every organization gets federal assistance. Libraries, Schools, Businesses....... you name it. Be careful where you throw your cigarette. Don't touch off that gas in science class or light up the burn barrel in the company parking lot. If they get federal dollars you could be a terrorist.
But hey, chances are they won't come after you ever so screw the Hammonds.
P.S. Wait until a President is elected that tells the Justice department to go after all the Federal drug law violators that oppose him. Oh the tears of all the "state legal pot store owners" that spend the rest of their lives in jail and the peaceful protesters arrested with their state legalized pot on them getting years in jail. Yeah, everyone will get their day in court.
I personally won't support this corrupt shitty legal system and stupidity caused by the Fed. shitting on states rights. The feds don't need to own half of the land out west. Give the shit to the states if it isn't being used by the fed. Fuck BLM.