Jay wrote:
Nah, not really. In a company with multiple offices most conferences are done over the phone or video anyway. Some people get more work done when they're home than in the office.
Multiple offices is so so inefficient unless you're talking computer programming. We have offices in irvine, denver and atlanta. Our mfg is in asia. For me personally it means calls as early as 6am and as late as 9pm. Its ridiculous. Not to mention the lack of interdepartment interaction. Every location has their own little departmental island, which really impedes workplace social interaction and cross-department brainstorming. If I've got a question for our engineering team I have to pick up the phone, or if its too late, send an email. Sometimes a day delay in response for something I'd otherwise be able to walk across the building and have an answer to in 5 mins.
My company has an independent office in DC but I don't interact with them at all.
My wife, on the other hand, works for a British multinational that has offices in London, New York, Seattle, San Francisco and on Long Island. She has people that work for her in three different locations, and bosses in four. Everything she does is done via email, or tele/video conference except for the very occasional times when everyone flies out from wherever they are to meet up at the Long Island office, or she flies out to SF. It works for her, and seems to work for her company. She does two days in the Manhattan office, two days in the Long Island office, and then usually works from home on Fridays.
Face time is overrated.
Last edited by Jay (2013-04-17 12:55:18)