Windows 8 is a hunk of anus.
It has some
nice features...
Like the transfer speed graphs on copying / moving, and the heat maps on the task manager, and the animated style of some sections of the task manager.
However, the whole OS seems to be conflicting in it's UI. What do I mean by this... You're welcomed to a single coloured login and setup, true to the style of what has become known as the metro look. However once you're using the system, the only actual attribute that continues along with this style is the start menu. A full screen application that is poorly designed to say the least.
They've made explorer more complicated with a ribbon, all the buttons being the windows vista style look of gradient'd images, which conflicts heavily with the minimalist style of metro.
When you open an application through the start menu, it's almost always a full screen application. From this point you can never exit the program, and the only way I have worked out how is to either alt+F4, or hit the windows key, which doesn't actually exit the program, simply push it to the background.
I will never use windows 8. And if windows 9 follows much of the similar attributes as 8, I think windows 7 will be used for a longer duration than the likes of XP. Or perhaps a mass push will be moved towards the apple consumer, or even linux alternatives such as Ubuntu, however with the bloat that is lion and the aids that is Unity, I fear for the future of consumer user interfaces.
Last edited by tazz. (2012-02-29 21:32:30)