Mutantbear wrote:
Doom was never ported properly from the pc.
And dont say cod 4 was a top-rate fps
Perhaps, but it was enjoyed by plenty on the console. As for
CoD4, I don't know what to say. Just because a game has top ratings doesn't mean you have to like it or put it on a pedestal above your own favorites. I enjoyed multiplayer until about level 50-ish, then moved on.
Uzique wrote:
unnamed how am i butting heads with you? i just don't have a clue how you're seeing a direct message to console gamers IN A PC GAME as a 'good' thing. it's all downhill from there on, in my view.
How are you? You're doing it right now. I comment on my own appreciation of a minor message's dry humor and you jump in and troll the shit out of it. With how I've seen you react when people criticize your choices in media, I don't really think this should be your thing.
Derail ends here.
Ty wrote:
The more I look into this game the less likely I am to buy it. A shame too, I'm a sucker for character customisation.
So far, I haven't seen enough to justify the A+ price. Seems more like a $40/$30, and if Mirror's Edge is any indication of how rapidly cost will drop, I can wait.