I'm moving to Brazil
+2,075|6951 wrote:

I remember reading in the paper about a year ago some rioter in iraq managed to get hold of a British troops rifle but the soldiers still got it back off him with batons and shields without blood being spilt.

Fact is you don't hear too much about the good things happening over there i use the term good lightly of course.

Maybe them guys have spent 6 month's to a year away from home in a place they don't want to be losing friends being injured coming under attack, how do any of us know we might not snap if we got hold of someone chucking shit at us or shooting at us?

I'm not saying it's justified but I reckon there's a high chance they could've ended up shot dead and an ass kicking is the least of their worries.
Good point there though if they dont like there in Irag, they should not of went there in the first place, war is not for weak, WTH  are they still doing there anyway they took Sadam down they can come home now oh I forgot they are spreading globalization lol

Last edited by blademaster (2006-04-08 20:15:21)

+105|6938|Lexington, KY

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

I standed corrected UnorginalNuttah, change my post to read " evil British empire" the rest stands..Your article says they were "Iraqi teenagers". could be 13-19 years old......

and a say still, if you are going to thwart authority and assault the troops that are there to try and help you and join on the side of terrorist, then the lesson is, ya better be able to take getting your ass whipped  when ya get caught..

Please show me a referance where the Coalition has been convicted of commiting terrorism in Iraq. much appreciated.

By your definition of a terrorist now, if you spank your kids you are a terrorist cuz it might scare him. Sounds like your reaching pretty far to come up with an arguement against this. The only thing I disdain in this video was the commentator.
define:terrorism:The FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

They were taking personal revenge, and also trying to stop these kids from attending other protests, therefore terrorism.  The troops were inflicting terror on civilians that they were supposed to be helping.  End of.

It says apparently they were in their early teens.  It definitely looks to me as though they were about a foot or so shorter than the troops, they definitely don't look older than about 15 to me.
DRAGGING four weedy rioters—all apparently in their early teens—off the street and behind the high walls of a secluded army compound.
And since you mention it, I think that it's child abuse to smack children.  Can't teach them that violence is the solution to everything, or they'll grow up like these arsehole soldiers.

Like I'd find any convictions for coalition war crimes or terrorism, when two years on I can't even find out what the soldiers involved in the video have actually been arrested for (which, if as the article says the troops get the same rights as civilians, should have been disclosed):

Just adding my two cents, by your definition of a terrorist, then police that are responding to a riot are terrorist.  Instead of using the FBI as your source to define the word, you a dictionary, that is what they are for.  According to (Mr Websters official site):


Function: noun
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
- ter·ror·ist  /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun
- ter·ror·is·tic  /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

By that definition the solider are not terrorist.  They were policing the streets, and we reacting to a riot, not defending themselves.

On a different note, did anyone see this in the American news?  Shows how biased the CNN,  I mean the American news is.
Junglist Massive

dubbs wrote:

Just adding my two cents, by your definition of a terrorist, then police that are responding to a riot are terrorist.  Instead of using the FBI as your source to define the word, you a dictionary, that is what they are for.  According to (Mr Websters official site):


Function: noun
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
- ter·ror·ist  /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun
- ter·ror·is·tic  /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

By that definition the solider are not terrorist.  They were policing the streets, and we reacting to a riot, not defending themselves.

On a different note, did anyone see this in the American news?  Shows how biased the CNN,  I mean the American news is.
Well, the FBI makes up it's own definitions of terrorism rather than using a dictionary, and since they provide intelligence on what is and isn't terrorism in the world today why shouldn't I use their definition?

Do you mean "they were policing the streets, and were reacting to a riot, and defending themselves" or something else.  If you do, do you honestly count dragging a person in cuffs out of sight of the crowd and beating them as defence?

Anyway, you're definition doesn't counter what I said.  I don't see any here that do either:

Definitions of terrorism on the Web:

    * is defined by the US Department of Defense as "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives." … ssary.html

    * The FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

    * The systematic use of violence to achieve political ends is not new – among many other examples, it featured during The Troubles in Ireland before its independence in 1922. In recent decades, it has become a common tactic among a wide variety of groups, from independence movements to the secret services of various countries. ... … ssary.html

    * use of terror, especially the systematic use of terror by the government or other authority against particular persons or groups; a method of opposing a government internally or externally through the use of terror

    * Any act including, but not limited to, the use of force or violence and/or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political, religions, ideological or similar purposes, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear.

    * "Systematic use of terror, manifesting itself in violence and intimidation. Terrorism has been used by groups wishing to coerce a govt in order to achieve political or other objectives, and also by dictatorships or other autocratic governments in order to overcome opposition to their policies." [BFH] Often anti-terrorist mercenaries will only do a job if they have a carte blanche to do whatever they want. ...

    * Acts of murder and destruction deliberately directed against civilians or military in non-military situations.

    * The systematic use of terror, the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear for bringing about political change,9681,1613226-content,00.html

(Note:  This definition talks about terrorism against the government and ignores any other type, weird for a bar association site, eh?)
    * a violent act in violation of the criminal laws of the United States, which is intended to intimidate or influence the policy of a government. … ossary.cfm

    * Terrorist activities are illegal and involve the use of coercion including the use of force, intended to intimidate or coerce, and committed in support of political or social objectives.

    * a psychological strategy of war for gaining political ends by deliberately creating a well-founded climate of fear among the civilian popuation. Such a strategy may be used by an occupying army on the occupied population. Many terrorist acts, especially against an occupying military or against illegal occupants are acts of war or resistance, and not terrorism.

    * the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

    * Terrorism is a controversial and subjective term with multiple definitions. One definition means a violent action targetting civilians exclusively. Another definition is the use or threatened use of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to achieve a political, economic, religious, or ideological goal. ...

Whatever definition you use, it seems to me that soldiers dragging children off the streets and beating them to discourage them from attending future protests against the occupation is terrorism.  Political violence.  If it was just to get the revenge then it is simple aggravated assault and battery as they misuse the crowd control batons they have been provided with to beat children in custody. 

It seems to me as they did it because they were involved in a protest not because they had committed specific crimes, such as throwing rocks.  They knew they didn't have proof to charge them, so they gave them a beating instead.  You can't complain about terrorist threats and then use violence on civilians to attain your goals, that is hypocritical.

At least they are facing charges for this, although I expect the apparent unwillingness of the military to punish these actions by their soldiers will see them given very light sentences.

Oh, and police trying to break up a peaceful gathering to stop people spreading a message would be terrorist, those responding to a riot in progress with appropriate force would not be.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But wackings was all they got, no ball kix, face kix etc.. so who cares
What are you saying, that the video is fine and the British soldiers shouldn't be facing charges?
we all know UnoriginalNuttah, that you love nothing more than to see the coalition in a bad light and the terrorist in a good light. In your mind it justifies the warped attitude you have in trying to convince us that we should run and stick our heads in the sand and give in to the terrorist demands.

Why I bet you celebrate everytime something tragic happens over there that the coalition just couldn't see coming or control.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-08 23:11:30)

+271|7062|United States of America
Brilliant lowing.

lowing wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But wackings was all they got, no ball kix, face kix etc.. so who cares
What are you saying, that the video is fine and the British soldiers shouldn't be facing charges?
we all know UnoriginalNuttah, that you love nothing more than to see the coalition in a bad light and the terrorist in a goos light. In your mind it justifies the warped attitude you have in trying to convince us that we should run and stick our heads in the sand and give in to the terroist demands.

Why I bet you celebrate everytime something tragic happens over their that the coalition just couldn't see coming or control.
Yes i agree w/ you lowing...

The children just got some wacks... nothing too harsh, let me ask you(to every1 in general): if your kid goes out on a riot and start throwing stones at soldiers, would u punish them yourself or dont care at all? I think you might punish your kid
I'm moving to Brazil
You think they should of killed them instead of beating them like that.....those kids are going to be pissed of that they got a beating and they might retaliate . I mean they will for sure retaliate, plus they are going to die fighting for their country I dont know if a U.S. marine would do the same since we are not fighting on U.S. soil we are fighitng so far away. Would you risk your life?
Tally Ho!!
+81|7051|I'm not sure.... Buts its dark
Thrash the little Shit bags!! They need a damn good slap and should count themselfs lucky there still alive!!

1) What the video does not show is the grenades that went off near and in the compound.

2) These soldiers spend there days under the constant threat of bombardment and the such.

3) These soldiers are trained to kill, there not Avon sales ladies or bloody florists.

4) these Iraqs are quite happy to dish it out, but don't like reciving. They know what there getting into. If theyy don't want to get hurt don't play with the big boys.

5) During my time with the Armed forces there was a problem with riots out in Kosovo in 2003. It was deemed that the deployment of British Troops was a must. Before we got out there a certain European nation that had not had experience with riots ( No names given ) were shooting heavy weapons sytems over the heads of rioters, but when this did not brake up the rioters they started to shoot the ringleaders in the legs. As soon as British Troops started to patrol the streets nothing happened.... Because we're experienced at riot control.

6) don't judge so quickly, you don't know what its like to be in a riot, being set on fire, shot at and almost blown up. Its not nice. Also you are not under the constent fear of will l get hurt? will l die soon? have l had my last meal? did l have my last wank this morning? have l had my last pint? etc.etc

Oh and if people are using weapons such as grenades, rifles etc.etc they are no longer regarded as Civilians but as Combatants!
Bringing Sexy Back

The_Guardsman wrote:

Thrash the little Shit bags!! They need a damn good slap and should count themselfs lucky there still alive!!

1) What the video does not show is the grenades that went off near and in the compound.

2) These soldiers spend there days under the constant threat of bombardment and the such.

3) These soldiers are trained to kill, there not Avon sales ladies or bloody florists.

4) these Iraqs are quite happy to dish it out, but don't like reciving. They know what there getting into. If theyy don't want to get hurt don't play with the big boys.

5) During my time with the Armed forces there was a problem with riots out in Kosovo in 2003. It was deemed that the deployment of British Troops was a must. Before we got out there a certain European nation that had not had experience with riots ( No names given ) were shooting heavy weapons sytems over the heads of rioters, but when this did not brake up the rioters they started to shoot the ringleaders in the legs. As soon as British Troops started to patrol the streets nothing happened.... Because we're experienced at riot control.

6) don't judge so quickly, you don't know what its like to be in a riot, being set on fire, shot at and almost blown up. Its not nice. Also you are not under the constent fear of will l get hurt? will l die soon? have l had my last meal? did l have my last wank this morning? have l had my last pint? etc.etc

Oh and if people are using weapons such as grenades, rifles etc.etc they are no longer regarded as Civilians but as Combatants!
Exactly the British Army know what they're doing with riots plenty of experience from Northern Ireland I expect!
Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

But wackings was all they got, no ball kix, face kix etc.. so who cares
What are you saying, that the video is fine and the British soldiers shouldn't be facing charges?
we all know UnoriginalNuttah, that you love nothing more than to see the coalition in a bad light and the terrorist in a good light. In your mind it justifies the warped attitude you have in trying to convince us that we should run and stick our heads in the sand and give in to the terrorist demands.

Why I bet you celebrate everytime something tragic happens over there that the coalition just couldn't see coming or control.
What demands are those exactly?
In general UnOrginalNuttah, in general.........maybe, change demands to whims..... IE Spain bowed to the terrorist after the Madrid bombings, terrorist imfluencing elections.etc........You know what I am talking about. Funny thing is, you aren't denying my accusation, just asking for alittle more specifics. LOL.
Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

In general UnOrginalNuttah, in general.........maybe, change demands to whims..... IE Spain bowed to the terrorist after the Madrid bombings, terrorist imfluencing elections.etc........You know what I am talking about. Funny thing is, you aren't denying my accusation, just asking for alittle more specifics. LOL.
Funny that you think that I even have to defend your personal attacks that I am somehow a terrorist or terrorist supporter because I speak out for human rights. 

You want to me defend against your empty accusations then fine, here you go: 

You are a fucked up halfwit and nothing that comes out of your mouth has the least bit of value in a serious debate.  You accuse me of celebrating violence, but made a living and career from war (through your army training in aircraft mechanics).  You look to everyone but yourself for problems, but I freely admit I have my flaws, and constantly seek to improve myself.   Speaking out for human rights is not one of the flaws I intend to change, and not something that I am going to justify to you again.  If you accuse me of celebrating violence again, I will paste this paragraph in response.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

In general UnOrginalNuttah, in general.........maybe, change demands to whims..... IE Spain bowed to the terrorist after the Madrid bombings, terrorist imfluencing elections.etc........You know what I am talking about. Funny thing is, you aren't denying my accusation, just asking for alittle more specifics. LOL.
Funny that you think that I even have to defend your personal attacks that I am somehow a terrorist or terrorist supporter because I speak out for human rights. 

You want to me defend against your empty accusations then fine, here you go: 

You are a fucked up halfwit and nothing that comes out of your mouth has the least bit of value in a serious debate.  You accuse me of celebrating violence, but made a living and career from war (through your army training in aircraft mechanics).  You look to everyone but yourself for problems, but I freely admit I have my flaws, and constantly seek to improve myself.   Speaking out for human rights is not one of the flaws I intend to change, and not something that I am going to justify to you again.  If you accuse me of celebrating violence again, I will paste this paragraph in response.
Yes the problem is you speak out for human rights FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTING THE MOST VIOLATIONS. I have never read a thing of yours that was FOR anyone trying to do anything good in the Middle East. All you speak of is the negative that a few have done. There has never been an outcry from you against any of the attrocities committed by the ones you defend. But, like a fucking vulture you circle above looking for anything wrong with the coalition and their efforts that you can devour.So my friend, you seems to have chosen sides after all. But I will stop short of calling you a fuckin traitor to freedom and to the servicemembers defending it.
NO I take that are a fuckin traitor to freedom and those that defend it.

And I will use your attack on me for serving my country as proof of it.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-09 12:38:08)

YOu know what Unoriginal Nuttah, you accuse me of celebrating violence by being an aircraft mechanic in the military??....Do you know what you are saying about the guys who are away from home, in the heat, cold mud and rain, living in miserable conditions who are actually in battle? 

You really need to rethink your last post, because you just insulted every member of the military worldwide who is charged with protecting your dumbass. So you can go around freely, and call them war mongers and shit. You have truely sunken to an all new low.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-09 16:41:42)
Bringing Sexy Back
Someone open a window it's getting pretty heated in here....
+22|6970|England, UK
Well.. OBVIOUSLY the kids where doing something wrong, they must of been a threat in someway, had a gun or not. They are very lucky they never got killed, nm just a few bumps and brouses. Soldiers are supposed to take extra precuation over over things like this.. I think this was handelled well.. No blood or killings, (although silly pathetic commenting lol)

Put yourself in their position.. If nothin was to happen to you when rioting.. The rumour will spread the the british army are pussies, so do it anyway, there is no consequences. Now after thoughs kids have been beaten (rather than kille ) they will all go back to their friends and tell them all how they got beaten and they're sour bla bla. This will prevent them or make them think about doing it again.

You think  this is brutal, you should learn about WWII. ;/
+22|6970|England, UK
..and now i've read.. Apparently these kids had grenades/military guns belongin to the British army as such..

No deaths in that video is an achievement in itself.

p.s thoughs beating are shit.. There 10 times worst STREET FIGHTS than that shit. They are literally tapping em with the sticks.

Last edited by raz (2006-04-09 16:52:44)


raz wrote:

..and now i've read.. Apparently these kids had grenades/military guns belongin to the British army as such..

No deaths in that video is an achievement in itself.
Please, don't start fucking it up for Unorginalnuttah by trying to add facts and shit to the story.
+22|6970|England, UK

lowing wrote:

raz wrote:

..and now i've read.. Apparently these kids had grenades/military guns belongin to the British army as such..

No deaths in that video is an achievement in itself.
Please, don't start fucking it up for Unorginalnuttah by trying to add facts and shit to the story.
Number 1, i sed apparently. Apparently and fact are two completely different meanings.

Number 2, multiple people have said this.
Bringing Sexy Back
"Apparently" your full of shit.
+22|6970|England, UK wrote:

"Apparently" your full of shit.
Said who?
Junglist Massive
Lowing, since you want to try and turn my words from an comment against you (because you picked a military career but you have no respect or understanding of human rights) into an attack on the entire military (who I have nothing against, provided they do not abuse their power, like you advocate them doing), then I'll just cut the crap and take it to the only level of discussion you understand:

lowing wrote:

Yes the problem is you speak out for human rights FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTING THE MOST VIOLATIONS. I have never read a thing of yours that was FOR anyone trying to do anything good in the Middle East. All you speak of is the negative that a few have done. There has never been an outcry from you against any of the attrocities committed by the ones you defend. But, like a fucking vulture you circle above looking for anything wrong with the coalition and their efforts that you can devour.So my friend, you seems to have chosen sides after all. But I will stop short of calling you a fuckin traitor to freedom and to the servicemembers defending it.
Fuck you.  You ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

NO I take that are a fuckin traitor to freedom and those that defend it.

And I will use your attack on me for serving my country as proof of it.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

YOu know what Unoriginal Nuttah, you accuse me of celebrating violence by being an aircraft mechanic in the military??....Do you know what you are saying about the guys who are away from home, in the heat, cold mud and rain, living in miserable conditions who are actually in battle? 

You really need to rethink your last post, because you just insulted every member of the military worldwide who is charged with protecting your dumbass. So you can go around freely, and call them war mongers and shit. You have truely sunken to an all new low.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

Please, don't start fucking it up for Unorginalnuttah by trying to add facts and shit to the story.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-04-09 17:19:29)


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Lowing, since you want to try and turn my words from an comment against you (because you picked a military career but you have no respect or understanding of human rights) into an attack on the entire military (who I have nothing against, provided they do not abuse their power, like you advocate them doing), then I'll just cut the crap and take it to the only level of discussion you understand:

lowing wrote:

Yes the problem is you speak out for human rights FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTING THE MOST VIOLATIONS. I have never read a thing of yours that was FOR anyone trying to do anything good in the Middle East. All you speak of is the negative that a few have done. There has never been an outcry from you against any of the attrocities committed by the ones you defend. But, like a fucking vulture you circle above looking for anything wrong with the coalition and their efforts that you can devour.So my friend, you seems to have chosen sides after all. But I will stop short of calling you a fuckin traitor to freedom and to the servicemembers defending it.
Fuck you.  You ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

NO I take that are a fuckin traitor to freedom and those that defend it.

And I will use your attack on me for serving my country as proof of it.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

YOu know what Unoriginal Nuttah, you accuse me of celebrating violence by being an aircraft mechanic in the military??....Do you know what you are saying about the guys who are away from home, in the heat, cold mud and rain, living in miserable conditions who are actually in battle? 

You really need to rethink your last post, because you just insulted every member of the military worldwide who is charged with protecting your dumbass. So you can go around freely, and call them war mongers and shit. You have truely sunken to an all new low.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.

lowing wrote:

Please, don't start fucking it up for Unorginalnuttah by trying to add facts and shit to the story.
Fuck you.  Ignorant piece of shit.
LOL....exactly what I would expect from someone who just got cornered by their own words ......

"You accuse me of celebrating violence, but made a living and career from war (through your army training in aircraft mechanics). "......<--------unorginalnuttah's words

Or is does it mean that I made a living from war by being a mechanic, but the real soldiers and marines doing the actual fighting and protecting are not doing so.......Face it, you stepped on your own dick and showed your true colors and I called you on it. Now you have nothing left but name calling... .lol

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-09 17:27:38)

Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

LOL....exactly what I would expect from someone who just got cornered by their own words ......

"You accuse me of celebrating violence, but made a living and career from war (through your army training in aircraft mechanics). "......<--------unorginalnuttah's words

Or is does it mean that I made a living from war by being a mechanic, but the real soldiers and marines doing the actual fighting and protecting are not doing so.......Face it, you stepped on your own dick and showed your true colors and I called you on it. Now you have nothing left but name calling... .lol
I beg to differ.  They haven't come on this thread and said abusing human rights is okay.

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