+89|7020|Sheffield, England
sorry, but the actions where ok i though, the voice ok was stupid, but its not brutal AT ALL!
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6996|Tampa Bay Florida

BellusEndus wrote:

I didn't whatch the video cos I dont hold with violence of any sort (even though I play BF2 every day lol), but there are always two sides to a story and I don't think the media or the public really get what goes on with soldiers. I would never consider joining the army myself but I've known people who've been in it for years, and they've got some scary stories to tell that atleast helps to understand the state of mind their in in a situation like that.

Imagine you're 18 years old, had 3 months basic training and get dumped in Iraq with no real preperation for whats to come. You're patrolling a street and suddenly you here gunfire. It might not be hostile, could just be some locals shooting off in some ritual, but you have no idea whats going on so you duck your head and point your M16 at anything that moves. Thats a true story a mate told me when he tried to explain why squaddies back home get in fights all the time, when you're in a war zone you act first think later, and unfortunately most soldiers take that attitude home with them, not really their fault is it?

When you have to fight for your life, only experience can help you deal with it in a 'proper' way. The problem is most troops are not experienced and too young so its not fair to put all the blame on them. No I don't condone what they do, fighting violence with violence will only result in more violence, but the mindset you're in in a situation like that is hard for anyone to deal with, especially when you're 20 odd and haven't really experienced life yet (i'm only 22 and wouldn't even pretend I could deal with it properly). Ultimately most of the soldiers in the army don't belong there, but as the majority of people are too sensible to put themselves through that what can we do?

PS sorry if all thats a bit waffled and incoherent, im probably too drunk to be engaging in such a deep conversation lol
I agree with you-- but does that justify beating the living shit out of some Iraqi kids?  How did they know who was shooting at them?  There was a HUGE crowd!  Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it looked like the squad just randomly picked some kids out of the crowd.

If our soldiers are put into positions where they have to deal with this shit, WHY THE HELL ARE WE OVER THERE?!  I know, it's war, but I don't believe soldiers should be doing law enforcement.  Soldiers kill.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-04-01 16:48:18)

I'm moving to Brazil
you kind of have a point there I didn't see who really threw the rocks at them....so not sure if they got the right guys or not couldn't tell.....

Keep posting

thx to those who posted so far

Homeschtar wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

That is disgusting.  I don't care how gung-ho you are, if you watch this video with pride, you are seriously fucked up.  The commentator should be sent to a pycho-hospital.
Agreed. Especially you, "HisInfernalDeath". You enjoyed that? That's disgusting. I enjoyed that just about as much as I enjoyed the first part where the soldiers were being shot at.
Whatever rocks your bunny m8.

I respect your view on this, but i dont care what u think of it.

The guy who's filming this is indeed some kind of i dunno what psycho. I agree. Bit over the top.
the commentary was wierd...

but i find it ok that they beat the kids ass, what if those kids where throwing molitov cocktails? ive seen worst in war
+89|7020|Sheffield, England
its ok for them to suicide the US AND GB forces, but we cannot do a little beatin, just to keep in place ffs!
Sure you can. You already did. The only thing is: You can not beat up kids AND getting loved by the whole world... witch seems exactly what you want.

Knochenmann_AUT wrote:

Sure you can. You already did. The only thing is: You can not beat up kids AND getting loved by the whole world... witch seems exactly what you want.
Well If a "kid" (old enough to know better) engages inthis kind of activity prepare to expect the consequences
Horseman 77

Horseman 77 wrote:

I saw three young men get beat on the Ass.
One got a kick in the Ass.
One was kicked in Stomach " maybe "
I saw British soldiers make a strong attempt to Beat on only Asses.
I saw three young men Who Knew the British soldiers wanted to only beat their Asses
So they tried to keep their Asses to the Ground and protect them.
This left their faces and belly's which are much more vulnerable and dangerous to expose, wide open to an attack They knew wouldn't come.
These young men had no fear for their lives or safety,
They just knew their Asses would be whipped.
Why did the Know their Asses would be whipped?
I know I have kicked people harder.
I know if they had Tried to harm israeli's or their own Soldiers they'd  probably be dead.

Check the box that says " When you fuk with some one else, you usually get hurt yourself "
Check the box that says " Do not attend Riot "
Further, I think what people thought was sexual excitement was more than likely a Strong sense of frustration being assuaged or satisfied, It may appear the same.

Think of the faces people make while getting their backs scratched, you get it..lol

The Frustration is the REAL DANGER,

This is an important Goal the insurgants are trying to achive.

They already have The Media, ( Save Fox ) The Liberal Left, Hollywood and Acadamia on their side.

They need to make a soldier or  Group of Soldiers snap so The Media, The Liberal Left, Hollywood and Acadamia have something REAL to expliot.

I find myself sounding more and more literate, Is it so? If it is, I will attribute this to my repeated and questionable bouts with Marconious. I give credit were it is due.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-04-02 10:05:59)


lowing wrote:

Knochenmann_AUT wrote:

Sure you can. You already did. The only thing is: You can not beat up kids AND getting loved by the whole world... witch seems exactly what you want.
Well If a "kid" (old enough to know better) engages inthis kind of activity prepare to expect the consequences

Kids joining riots... wtf has iraq got itself into now...

lowing wrote:

Knochenmann_AUT wrote:

Sure you can. You already did. The only thing is: You can not beat up kids AND getting loved by the whole world... witch seems exactly what you want.
Well If a "kid" (old enough to know better) engages inthis kind of activity prepare to expect the consequences
Agree to that. And if someone is old enough to be in the army, he should now that it looks very, very, very ugly if he beat up a "kid" (that may have set a tank on fire just 5 minutes ago), and a video of that goes arround the world.

Cameras are everywere, and you cant not longer behave like the axe in the wood.
+276|6961|United States of America
The Brits are too easy on these terrorists (just like the US). They should have been dragged out into the street and lined up and shot.  Then maybe our troops would get less casulties from these rock throwing shits that soon become bolder and end up with an AK-47 or help the more organizied terrorist against our forces.

Sorry, unless you've been there with your life in danger you should not be so quick to judge.

Last edited by Major_Spittle (2006-04-02 12:39:53)

GunSlinger OIF II
makes me proud to call them allies, i mean god damn, these fuckers got weapons and people are complaining about an ass whooping
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6996|Tampa Bay Florida
Are standard infantry trained law enforcement officers?  No.  They're trained to kill.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Boo Hoo the kids got bit of a kicking.

what should they have done, told them off, then send them on there way?

Didn't get beheaded did they.

What the video dosnt show is that before the rocks and stuff was thrown, some home made exploives landed in the compound.

Our troops are under enough stress as it is and they don't need stupid kids throwing stuff at them, which could be bombs, grenades and not just rocks.

Yes I agree the guy speaking on the tape was a dick, but I don't disagree in what the troops did.

These kids had a few Bruises,  it's better than getting shot isnt it.

Last edited by paranoid101 (2006-04-02 13:26:38)

Junglist Massive
If they thought what they were doing was okay, why would they bother to drag them out of sight of the crowds? 

The soldiers involved should be looking at long prison sentences, as they were clearly doing it for their own malicious satisfaction.

How would these soldiers feel if grown men dragged their kids down an alley and beat them senseless? 


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

If they thought what they were doing was okay, why would they bother to drag them out of sight of the crowds? 

The soldiers involved should be looking at long prison sentences, as they were clearly doing it for their own malicious satisfaction.

How would these soldiers feel if grown men dragged their kids down an alley and beat them senseless? 

Can anyone tell how old these people are?....Or are you assuming they are little boys cuz the idiot talking said that?..........Sure looked older to me......like young men.

It is getting so you can't play with RPGs or molotov cocktails anymore, without some big evil American coming along and interfering. I tell ya boy, bein' a "kid" in Iraq sure ain't the fun it used to be.
+116|6930|Cherry Pie
Those little bastards were throwing rocks at the troops.  I wish I could have kicked those little terrorists in the freaking face!   They deserved everything they had coming to them.  They can still praise alah when their balls and kicked straight up their asses...
I'm moving to Brazil
Well a lot of interesting comments on this topic thx to everyone who posted their opinion
Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

Can anyone tell how old these people are?....Or are you assuming they are little boys cuz the idiot talking said that?..........Sure looked older to me......like young men.

It is getting so you can't play with RPGs or molotov cocktails anymore, without some big evil American coming along and interfering. I tell ya boy, bein' a "kid" in Iraq sure ain't the fun it used to be.
The soldiers were British, why the reference to "some big evil American"?
The guy filming was a Corporal. http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf … e11880.htm
The boys were in their early teens. http://www.bellaciao.org/en/article.php … icle=10345

You may defend this kind of behaviour, but I hope they get long, long prison sentences.

EDIT: Added:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Those little bastards were throwing rocks at the troops.  I wish I could have kicked those little terrorists in the freaking face!   They deserved everything they had coming to them.  They can still praise alah when their balls and kicked straight up their asses...
Funny you say that, because in this situation it was actually the British troops who were the terrorists.  Or does inflicting terror not count as terrorism if you are from the West?

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-04-03 03:18:49)


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

Can anyone tell how old these people are?....Or are you assuming they are little boys cuz the idiot talking said that?..........Sure looked older to me......like young men.

It is getting so you can't play with RPGs or molotov cocktails anymore, without some big evil American coming along and interfering. I tell ya boy, bein' a "kid" in Iraq sure ain't the fun it used to be.
The soldiers were British, why the reference to "some big evil American"?
The guy filming was a Corporal. http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf … e11880.htm
The boys were in their early teens. http://www.bellaciao.org/en/article.php … icle=10345

You may defend this kind of behaviour, but I hope they get long, long prison sentences.

EDIT: Added:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Those little bastards were throwing rocks at the troops.  I wish I could have kicked those little terrorists in the freaking face!   They deserved everything they had coming to them.  They can still praise alah when their balls and kicked straight up their asses...
Funny you say that, because in this situation it was actually the British troops who were the terrorists.  Or does inflicting terror not count as terrorism if you are from the West?
I standed corrected UnorginalNuttah, change my post to read " evil British empire" the rest stands..Your article says they were "Iraqi teenagers". could be 13-19 years old......

and a say still, if you are going to thwart authority and assault the troops that are there to try and help you and join on the side of terrorist, then the lesson is, ya better be able to take getting your ass whipped  when ya get caught..

Please show me a referance where the Coalition has been convicted of commiting terrorism in Iraq. much appreciated.

By your definition of a terrorist now, if you spank your kids you are a terrorist cuz it might scare him. Sounds like your reaching pretty far to come up with an arguement against this. The only thing I disdain in this video was the commentator.

Last edited by lowing (2006-04-03 05:40:35)

Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

I standed corrected UnorginalNuttah, change my post to read " evil British empire" the rest stands..Your article says they were "Iraqi teenagers". could be 13-19 years old......

and a say still, if you are going to thwart authority and assault the troops that are there to try and help you and join on the side of terrorist, then the lesson is, ya better be able to take getting your ass whipped  when ya get caught..

Please show me a referance where the Coalition has been convicted of commiting terrorism in Iraq. much appreciated.

By your definition of a terrorist now, if you spank your kids you are a terrorist cuz it might scare him. Sounds like your reaching pretty far to come up with an arguement against this. The only thing I disdain in this video was the commentator.
define:terrorism:The FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

They were taking personal revenge, and also trying to stop these kids from attending other protests, therefore terrorism.  The troops were inflicting terror on civilians that they were supposed to be helping.  End of.

It says apparently they were in their early teens.  It definitely looks to me as though they were about a foot or so shorter than the troops, they definitely don't look older than about 15 to me.
DRAGGING four weedy rioters—all apparently in their early teens—off the street and behind the high walls of a secluded army compound.
And since you mention it, I think that it's child abuse to smack children.  Can't teach them that violence is the solution to everything, or they'll grow up like these arsehole soldiers.

Like I'd find any convictions for coalition war crimes or terrorism, when two years on I can't even find out what the soldiers involved in the video have actually been arrested for (which, if as the article says the troops get the same rights as civilians, should have been disclosed):



Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-04-03 08:00:55)


UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

lowing wrote:

I standed corrected UnorginalNuttah, change my post to read " evil British empire" the rest stands..Your article says they were "Iraqi teenagers". could be 13-19 years old......

and a say still, if you are going to thwart authority and assault the troops that are there to try and help you and join on the side of terrorist, then the lesson is, ya better be able to take getting your ass whipped  when ya get caught..

Please show me a referance where the Coalition has been convicted of commiting terrorism in Iraq. much appreciated.

By your definition of a terrorist now, if you spank your kids you are a terrorist cuz it might scare him. Sounds like your reaching pretty far to come up with an arguement against this. The only thing I disdain in this video was the commentator.
define:terrorism:The FBI defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

They were taking personal revenge, and also trying to stop these kids from attending other protests, therefore terrorism.  The troops were inflicting terror on civilians that they were supposed to be helping.  End of.

It says apparently they were in their early teens.  It definitely looks to me as though they were about a foot or so shorter than the troops, they definitely don't look older than about 15 to me.
DRAGGING four weedy rioters—all apparently in their early teens—off the street and behind the high walls of a secluded army compound.
And since you mention it, I think that it's child abuse to smack children.  Can't teach them that violence is the solution to everything, or they'll grow up like these arsehole soldiers.

Like I'd find any convictions for coalition war crimes or terrorism, when two years on I can't even find out what the soldiers involved in the video have actually been arrested for (which, if as the article says the troops get the same rights as civilians, should have been disclosed):


they might very well be taking personal revenge.........So would you if someone was throwing bottles and shit at you..........hardly makes you ( or them ) a terrorist.
Horseman 77
I am not sure if the Iraqi culture recognizes or uses the Idea of childhood.
Not every culture does.

If my kid attended a riot and some Fat Cop beat his Ass with a Night stick.
I would not be concerned with the cops motives. *
I think my take would be " He got off light, I hope he learned a lesson "
I would be glad the ass beating part  happened.

*PersonallyI think the Fact that The Brits Beat Asses only shows their motives were
" Correctional at the Worst "
I have seen groups of kids in NYC Central Park in need of the Same thing.
GunSlinger OIF II
tell you from first hand knowlegde.....children should be kept out of sight out of mind in iraq, at least thats the iraqi attitude.  Iraqis treat kids out on the street like shit.   The brits did the right thing.  Those little fuckers think they could throw rocks at fully armed soldiers and not get anything in return.  Ive had rocks thrown at me and the only thing they allowed us to do was shoot in the air, i would have loved to put some 10 1/2 wides against some butt cheecks.

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