
Do you hate or like Bush ???

hate50%50% - 122
like28%28% - 69
Dont Give A Fuck16%16% - 40
Dont Know4%4% - 12
Total: 243
+302|6964|Salt Lake City

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

That's what democrats say when a republican is president.   And that's speculation.  Unless you have statistics.

It's quite sad that the majority of taxes are paid by those 1% evil rich people.  Besides, it's the rich who start ventures that create jobs that you apply for.  Funny how our economy works when you look at it.
This is absolute hogwash.  The book is at home and not in front of me right now.  However, answers to both of these can be found in the book Perfectly Legal.  I've read it cover to cover, and it only strenghtened my belief that our government is now a tool of the rich.  It is no longer a "of the people, by the people, for the people" that it was originally intended to be.  The Demos are guilty of the same thing, the Republicans just do it more often, or on a grander scale.


Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

That's what democrats say when a republican is president.   And that's speculation.  Unless you have statistics.

It's quite sad that the majority of taxes are paid by those 1% evil rich people.  Besides, it's the rich who start ventures that create jobs that you apply for.  Funny how our economy works when you look at it.
This is absolute hogwash.  The book is at home and not in front of me right now.  However, answers to both of these can be found in the book Perfectly Legal.  I've read it cover to cover, and it only strenghtened my belief that our government is now a tool of the rich.  It is no longer a "of the people, by the people, for the people" that it was originally intended to be.  The Demos are guilty of the same thing, the Republicans just do it more often, or on a grander scale.

"Today, the top 1 percent of taxpayers (those with an adjusted gross income over $295,495), for example, pay 34.27 percent of the total federal personal income taxes, while earning 16.8 percent of all taxpayers' adjusted gross income. The top 10 percent (with an AGI over $94,891) paid 65.84 percent, the top half (AGI over $29,019) paid 96.54 percent. The bottom half? They paid 3.46 percent."

Were you disputing that?

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2006-03-29 13:26:46)

+6|6859|Valrico, FL USA
Great job you win Bush is brilliant,  the war is going fantastic even at it's bargain price of $1200.00 a second.  People are camped outside of the recruting offices waiting enlist.  China will relieve all debts because we deserve it.  Dept. of Homeland Security is doing a great job, bring back Browny.   Don't you remember Moscow on the Hudson with Jerry Reid "give me your wallet , you mofo" ?.  Anyways I'll be adding a pool to my $450,000 trailer this month. How's your rental doing?
+302|6964|Salt Lake City

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

That's what democrats say when a republican is president.   And that's speculation.  Unless you have statistics.

It's quite sad that the majority of taxes are paid by those 1% evil rich people.  Besides, it's the rich who start ventures that create jobs that you apply for.  Funny how our economy works when you look at it.
This is absolute hogwash.  The book is at home and not in front of me right now.  However, answers to both of these can be found in the book Perfectly Legal.  I've read it cover to cover, and it only strenghtened my belief that our government is now a tool of the rich.  It is no longer a "of the people, by the people, for the people" that it was originally intended to be.  The Demos are guilty of the same thing, the Republicans just do it more often, or on a grander scale.

"Today, the top 1 percent of taxpayers (those with an adjusted gross income over $295,495), for example, pay 34.27 percent of the total federal personal income taxes, while earning 16.8 percent of all taxpayers' adjusted gross income. The top 10 percent (with an AGI over $94,891) paid 65.84 percent, the top half (AGI over $29,019) paid 96.54 percent. The bottom half? They paid 3.46 percent."

Were you disputing that?
Not the figures themselves, but they don't tell the whole story.  The fact that the portion of taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans is due to the decreasing median income of those below the top 10%.  This shows that there is a significant trend in wealth and ownership of resources for generating wealth and who has them.

Due to the current tax code, those in the top 5% or so, actually end up paying, as a percentage of their income, about what a middle class family earning $45K earn.

Seriously, read the book.  The sources are not just statistics from liberal groups either, so don't turn your nose up at before you even give it a chance.  Anyone that is willing to spend a few dollars on this book will have their eyes opened to some of the most egregious tax frauds that could possibly be considered, only to find that they are, as the title of the book indicates, perfectly legal.

In fact, I'll throw in a few excerpts from the web site.

*Roberto Goizueta, CEO of Coca-Cola, built a billion-dollar fortune without paying a dime in taxes on it.

*Tom and Cindy Toth, a corporate trainer and stay-at-home mom, live on $90,000 a year. But the alternative minimum tax will take back much of the tax cuts Congress voted them in 2001 and 2003. By 2010, 35.6 million households will pay this “stealth tax.”

*Ingersoll-Rand pays $26,000 a year to maintain a Bermuda post office box as its legal headquarters. That little trick lets them escape $40 million in corporate taxes each year.

*The IRS unjustly came after Maritza Reyes, a cleaning woman in East Los Angeles who earns $7,000 per year, but ignored the fact that billionaire art dealer Alec Wildenstein and his wife Jocelyn never filed a tax return in three decades

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-03-29 13:45:04)

The Microwave Man

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

and no what really matters to me is results........and the result of Bushs efforts are no more attacks to date..........I know you hate that, I know you would like nothing more than to see a bomb explode in a major city so you can sink your fangs into bush yet again.
Results huh ? Look at the results in Iraq these days . See any improvements ? I see a civil war about to happen . Granted the news media gravitates toward every single bomb that explodes the news coming out of Iraq is bad , real bad . Probably going to get worse . If you have a problem with me not liking my President fine but don't throw words down my throat and say I or anybody here would enjoy seeing America get hit by another terrorist attack . I love this country just as much as you do . I'm just not pleased with the idiot running the show . Right now he is just a percentage away from having the lowest approval rating in US history . Also the poll right in this thread is telling as well . Looks like you guys have the smaller bus
Also, whith your great wisdom......explain to me what is was exactly that you liked about Bill Clinton and the way HE ran the show in combating terrorism...........Please keep in mind the 911 attacks were already being planned before Bush was elected.so......they were going to happen even if BOY WONDER Al Gore did get elected.....and instead of complaining, why don't you and the rest of the liberal think tank get together and come up with a plan to combat this world war?........you know, a plan alittle deeper than "bring the troops home"..I ask this since all liberals do is bitch and offer no solutions to any problems.......

You can say what you want, but I refuse to believe that you want this war to run smoothly and be a decisive victory for our country. Because if that happened you would most assuredly lose the next round of elections.
the last thing you want is to say Bush did well combating this threat.As a matter of fact...Even if it was an overwhelming victory you would dig and dig until you found ANYTHING to use against him..
LOL once again you keep saying I like Bill Clinton and avoid Bushes issues . Both you and Horsey and Tank whore always quote me but leave stuff out for your arguments sake . I mentioned one time I like  Bill Clinton , in a nut shell he was an ok president and he could actually speak a full sentence and not fuck it up .
Worst thing he ever did was reduce our military to a dangerous point IMHO , but it's resolved now .
You say I have wisdom . Yeah , enough to know that going into Iraq without a plan for the insurgency and the flood of  Al Quada is wrong ,  wrong ,  wrong ! To think that things were going to run smoothly and jump up on a carrier in a flight suit with your nuts hanging out calling victory and " Mission Accomplished " . Yeah nice try but wrong , wrong , wrong .

Then you go again and put words into my mouth . I actually loved the way Bush handled Afghanistan . Couldn't have gone better . We did what the Soviets couldn't do in ten years ( with our help of course )
inside of 4 months . I actually liked old Rummy and Powell when he was around . Notice how he isn't .
Anyhow I couldn't have been more pleased . But over the years , the 9/11 commission questioning , the blunder in Iraq his smug stupid smile on his face bumping his shoulders up and down at press conferences talking about how we can't find Osama - I just came clear to me one day . I've had enough , I think he's doing a bad job and I think he's an idiot .
  I don't want anything bad to happen to troops who are just doing thier job. Go screw yourself , I was IN the Army and pray the casualties are as low as they can be . I feel for thoes guys out there fighting the scum of the earth . I just see the point of them being there in the first place . You say that 9/11 was planned well before Bush was in office . This is true . We ignored warning from several different countries , our CIA blew off tips from field operatives with valuable info and we still got hit . Now Bush listens to the same people who screwed up so majorly before and decides to take thier word again about weapons of mass destruction . How many waepons of mass destruction did we find in Iraq ?

Oh and Horsey 77 - You qouted me wrong I never said a civil war HAPPENED , I said I see one ABOUT to happen . You understand English right ?  Please pay more attention and stop grabbing at straws .
Horseman 77

jonnykill wrote:

Worst thing clinton ever did was reduce our military to a dangerous point IMRO , but it's resolved now
Right, that's why we have a deficit now. And we all got over 911, The USS Cole, Kandahar Towers, our two US Embassies in Africa, Somalia. No big deal

jonnykill wrote:

I said I see a civil war ABOUT to happen

You undestand English right ?  Please pay more attention and stop grabbing at straws .
Is this some stunted attempt at humor ?

The Media Told us Civil War was erupting 7 weeks ago. Has it? No it hasn't, hence the past tense. Sorry we lost you. It seems to happen a lot though.
The Microwave Man
So your saying that closing a lot of bases cuased our deficit to hit the roof ? Riiiiiight . Are you sure borrowing money from China and flipping a $200 billion dollar war has nothing to do with it ? As much harm as Clinton did you have to put some of the blame on good old Rummy . Besides all we did was close the old bases that were for the cold war , we decided to go for a more lean and mean Army , condensed training and MOUT exersises and shit .

There you go again not qoueting me fully . Seems to be a failed tactic of yours . Anyhow so what if the media says a civil war is about to break out 7 weeks ago . Your argument seems to say since then things have gotten better ? Just this week they found another 30 beheaded bodies . Don't suppose anything will become of that ? No reprisal attacks ? Riiiiight . Since that 7 weeks a lot of people have died . Hundreds . It will only get worse .

Since your so smart tell me why we went into Iraq with no plans at all to deal with the aftermath . No plans at all says Rummy . WTF were they thinking ?

mofo65 wrote:

lowing wrote:

It really is time for people to stop blaming Bush for all of their personal problems ( a typical liberal democrat stand)....The cold hard truth is that America is not here to take care of your sorry asses with free health insurance, and free fucking  hand outs.......America exists to give you the opportunity to TAKE CARE of YOURSELVES....that is it......If you don't have a savings or you over extended yourselves with credit cards or decided to live like your overtime was just part of your annual income, then it is your own dumb ass fault not Bushs not the republican parties fault.......HELL.....IT AIN"T EVEN BIN LADENS FAULT.........It is your own fault......I am tired of you liberals screaming how bad everything is and how the govt. isn't doing anything for anyone...for once in your miserable fucking lives.......stop being a fucking leech on society and get out and produce something other than crack babies and poverty....You are truely parasites
It's funny how you can just simplify things like right, left, liberal, conservative, the issues and problems are a lot more dimensional then that. Personally I hate it when some one calls me liberal because I think Bush is a fucking idiot.  He adminstration is bought and paid for by who's interest has nothing to do with the well being of our country. If John McCain was running I would certainly vote for him, he's the real deal not some half ass college chearleader bumpkin like Bush. I do agree and act on one thing with you people do need to be responsible for their own being, but when the system is designed and continuing  to reform to keep a certain class in it's place. It is getting harder for them.  So all I have to say jump on your Bushy bandwagon, i wish you had the ability to see how stupid you appear to people that can think on their own
You do have facts to support the fact that??..........."He adminstration is bought and paid for by who's interest has nothing to do with the well being of our country."

you said..........."I do agree and act on one thing with you people do need to be responsible for their own being, but when the system is designed and continuing  to reform to keep a certain class in it's place. It is getting harder for them."

Any chance it is getting harder for these tics because the programs that they leeched off of are drying up and they are pissed off that they might actually have to get off their asses and do something for a fucking living instead of having the taxpayers pay their way through life??

Never said I was on any Bush bandwagon I said clearly numberous times that Bush could do allot better in allot of areas...but on this war on terror I support him.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-29 20:37:38)


Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

That's what democrats say when a republican is president.   And that's speculation.  Unless you have statistics.

It's quite sad that the majority of taxes are paid by those 1% evil rich people.  Besides, it's the rich who start ventures that create jobs that you apply for.  Funny how our economy works when you look at it.
This is absolute hogwash.  The book is at home and not in front of me right now.  However, answers to both of these can be found in the book Perfectly Legal.  I've read it cover to cover, and it only strenghtened my belief that our government is now a tool of the rich.  It is no longer a "of the people, by the people, for the people" that it was originally intended to be.  The Demos are guilty of the same thing, the Republicans just do it more often, or on a grander scale.

I agree with you ............except republicans don't do it more often or on a grander scale...........It is simply they are in control of the Senate and the House and the White House so they have the power to abuse now.......When the Democrats are in office there is just as much scandal.........there are no innocents in washington.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

This is absolute hogwash.  The book is at home and not in front of me right now.  However, answers to both of these can be found in the book Perfectly Legal.  I've read it cover to cover, and it only strenghtened my belief that our government is now a tool of the rich.  It is no longer a "of the people, by the people, for the people" that it was originally intended to be.  The Demos are guilty of the same thing, the Republicans just do it more often, or on a grander scale.

"Today, the top 1 percent of taxpayers (those with an adjusted gross income over $295,495), for example, pay 34.27 percent of the total federal personal income taxes, while earning 16.8 percent of all taxpayers' adjusted gross income. The top 10 percent (with an AGI over $94,891) paid 65.84 percent, the top half (AGI over $29,019) paid 96.54 percent. The bottom half? They paid 3.46 percent."

Were you disputing that?
Not the figures themselves, but they don't tell the whole story.  The fact that the portion of taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans is due to the decreasing median income of those below the top 10%.  This shows that there is a significant trend in wealth and ownership of resources for generating wealth and who has them.

Due to the current tax code, those in the top 5% or so, actually end up paying, as a percentage of their income, about what a middle class family earning $45K earn.

Seriously, read the book.  The sources are not just statistics from liberal groups either, so don't turn your nose up at before you even give it a chance.  Anyone that is willing to spend a few dollars on this book will have their eyes opened to some of the most egregious tax frauds that could possibly be considered, only to find that they are, as the title of the book indicates, perfectly legal.

In fact, I'll throw in a few excerpts from the web site.

*Roberto Goizueta, CEO of Coca-Cola, built a billion-dollar fortune without paying a dime in taxes on it.

*Tom and Cindy Toth, a corporate trainer and stay-at-home mom, live on $90,000 a year. But the alternative minimum tax will take back much of the tax cuts Congress voted them in 2001 and 2003. By 2010, 35.6 million households will pay this “stealth tax.”

*Ingersoll-Rand pays $26,000 a year to maintain a Bermuda post office box as its legal headquarters. That little trick lets them escape $40 million in corporate taxes each year.

*The IRS unjustly came after Maritza Reyes, a cleaning woman in East Los Angeles who earns $7,000 per year, but ignored the fact that billionaire art dealer Alec Wildenstein and his wife Jocelyn never filed a tax return in three decades
and all of these laws have been on the books and taken advantage of sinceeeeeeeeeee?????????............

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-29 18:59:31)


jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Results huh ? Look at the results in Iraq these days . See any improvements ? I see a civil war about to happen . Granted the news media gravitates toward every single bomb that explodes the news coming out of Iraq is bad , real bad . Probably going to get worse . If you have a problem with me not liking my President fine but don't throw words down my throat and say I or anybody here would enjoy seeing America get hit by another terrorist attack . I love this country just as much as you do . I'm just not pleased with the idiot running the show . Right now he is just a percentage away from having the lowest approval rating in US history . Also the poll right in this thread is telling as well . Looks like you guys have the smaller bus
Also, whith your great wisdom......explain to me what is was exactly that you liked about Bill Clinton and the way HE ran the show in combating terrorism...........Please keep in mind the 911 attacks were already being planned before Bush was elected.so......they were going to happen even if BOY WONDER Al Gore did get elected.....and instead of complaining, why don't you and the rest of the liberal think tank get together and come up with a plan to combat this world war?........you know, a plan alittle deeper than "bring the troops home"..I ask this since all liberals do is bitch and offer no solutions to any problems.......

You can say what you want, but I refuse to believe that you want this war to run smoothly and be a decisive victory for our country. Because if that happened you would most assuredly lose the next round of elections.
the last thing you want is to say Bush did well combating this threat.As a matter of fact...Even if it was an overwhelming victory you would dig and dig until you found ANYTHING to use against him..
LOL once again you keep saying I like Bill Clinton and avoid Bushes issues . Both you and Horsey and Tank whore always quote me but leave stuff out for your arguments sake . I mentioned one time I like  Bill Clinton , in a nut shell he was an ok president and he could actually speak a full sentence and not fuck it up .
Worst thing he ever did was reduce our military to a dangerous point IMHO , but it's resolved now .
You say I have wisdom . Yeah , enough to know that going into Iraq without a plan for the insurgency and the flood of  Al Quada is wrong ,  wrong ,  wrong ! To think that things were going to run smoothly and jump up on a carrier in a flight suit with your nuts hanging out calling victory and " Mission Accomplished " . Yeah nice try but wrong , wrong , wrong .

Then you go again and put words into my mouth . I actually loved the way Bush handled Afghanistan . Couldn't have gone better . We did what the Soviets couldn't do in ten years ( with our help of course )
inside of 4 months . I actually liked old Rummy and Powell when he was around . Notice how he isn't .
Anyhow I couldn't have been more pleased . But over the years , the 9/11 commission questioning , the blunder in Iraq his smug stupid smile on his face bumping his shoulders up and down at press conferences talking about how we can't find Osama - I just came clear to me one day . I've had enough , I think he's doing a bad job and I think he's an idiot .
  I don't want anything bad to happen to troops who are just doing thier job. Go screw yourself , I was IN the Army and pray the casualties are as low as they can be . I feel for thoes guys out there fighting the scum of the earth . I just see the point of them being there in the first place . You say that 9/11 was planned well before Bush was in office . This is true . We ignored warning from several different countries , our CIA blew off tips from field operatives with valuable info and we still got hit . Now Bush listens to the same people who screwed up so majorly before and decides to take thier word again about weapons of mass destruction . How many waepons of mass destruction did we find in Iraq ?

Oh and Horsey 77 - You qouted me wrong I never said a civil war HAPPENED , I said I see one ABOUT to happen . You understand English right ?  Please pay more attention and stop grabbing at straws .
Were you for the first gulf war??

jonnykill wrote:

Since your so smart tell me why we went into Iraq with no plans at all to deal with the aftermath . No plans at all says Rummy . WTF were they thinking ?
No things aren't going as well as any of us hoped......but they are not as grim as being made out ........My answer to your question is this........No one has a crystal ball to forsee the future and the cause and effect of any 1 action.......Iraq was invaded because they were breaking the UN sanstioned security resolutions that were put in place to end the first gulf war and they were in bed with terrorists.the same group that attacked us and killed 3000 of your and my countrymen.......You could nit pick operation overlord (the invasion of Normandy) doing the same thing, cuz quite frankly NOTHING went as planned then either, and I mean nothing......the end result of it was a victory for the allies..........you guys scream about all the American casualties over there but the fact is.....after 3 years of war there are LESS Americans killed over there than civilians during 911.....Also........speaking of Normandy, the US lost about 6600 men IN 1 DAMN DAY. So c'mon is it really fair to slam war plans as not going by the book a failure?.War is fluid and so should the plans be......
The Microwave Man
Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .

And you support Bush . Yikes ............
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6903|Canberra, AUS

Five posts in a row!!!!

Nice work lowing!

Heard of the EDIT button?

[Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .
I don't think it's as blunt as that.

North Korea has been showing EXTREMELY hostile activity.

Testing missles that could carry nukes that could be usde to attack South Korea/Japan is not something that is to be taken lightly.

Though I'm not sure why everyone is so '!!!' about Iran.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Microwave Man

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Since your so smart tell me why we went into Iraq with no plans at all to deal with the aftermath . No plans at all says Rummy . WTF were they thinking ?
No things aren't going as well as any of us hoped......but they are not as grim as being made out ........My answer to your question is this........No one has a crystal ball to forsee the future and the cause and effect of any 1 action.......Iraq was invaded because they were breaking the UN sanstioned security resolutions that were put in place to end the first gulf war and they were in bed with terrorists.the same group that attacked us and killed 3000 of your and my countrymen.......You could nit pick operation overlord (the invasion of Normandy) doing the same thing, cuz quite frankly NOTHING went as planned then either, and I mean nothing......the end result of it was a victory for the allies..........you guys scream about all the American casualties over there but the fact is.....after 3 years of war there are LESS Americans killed over there than civilians during 911.....Also........speaking of Normandy, the US lost about 6600 men IN 1 DAMN DAY. So c'mon is it really fair to slam war plans as not going by the book a failure?.War is fluid and so should the plans be......
Dude what the hell do you mean not as bad as they are made out to be ? For goodness sakes they just found 30 people beheaded in a ditch in southern Iraq . This is common in countries across the globe ? C'mon man yourself bro . Every single day there is an IED attack . If not it's a mortor attack , if not that is a bunch of guys dressed in police command unit cloths and kill abunch of people and kidnap a bunch of people for ransom . And this by your definition of of " it's all good " is ok ? Yeah - cough - nigga please . . . . . .

jonnykill wrote:

Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .

And you support Bush . Yikes ............
The threat was there long before Bush. You speak of this as terrorism and N Korea and Syria, and Iran were not around and a threat before Bush......The cold fact is.......Clinton ignored everything around him for 8 years while this threat built up.......911 it got dumped on Bush, the man is doing as well as anyone could expect. In fact, tell me who was nominated for president who could have done better. War is ugly, and tides of war changes. that doesn't mean all is lost, but the slightest downturn and all the roaches come out of the woodwork screaming failure. They want nothing better than for Bush to fail in this venture. It is true because all they do is thrown sticks on the path to see if they can trip him.

Make no mistake this is a world war, and it can be won if somebody else except this small coalition would stand the fuck up and fight against terrorism and their backers.....

I mean my god Spain caved in to terror and ran with their tail between their legs.........What should we do?........the only 2 choices are cut and run and crawl in a hole.........or stand up and fight.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-29 21:04:47)

The Microwave Man

Spark wrote:


Five posts in a row!!!!

Nice work lowing!

Heard of the EDIT button?

[Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .
I don't think it's as blunt as that.

North Korea has been showing EXTREMELY hostile activity.

Testing missles that could carry nukes that could be usde to attack South Korea/Japan is not something that is to be taken lightly.

Though I'm not sure why everyone is so '!!!' about Iran.
Errrrr do you pay attention to the news ? President of Iran said Isreal should be wiped off the map . Now they want to make nukes for " protection " - Months after Bush declared Iran part of the "axis of evil " along with North Korea - who is also flipping us the bird and delibriately making nukes in front our face . Great stratigy . Spread all your forces in two countries and pick a fight with three more at the same time . Great..... just great .

jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Since your so smart tell me why we went into Iraq with no plans at all to deal with the aftermath . No plans at all says Rummy . WTF were they thinking ?
No things aren't going as well as any of us hoped......but they are not as grim as being made out ........My answer to your question is this........No one has a crystal ball to forsee the future and the cause and effect of any 1 action.......Iraq was invaded because they were breaking the UN sanstioned security resolutions that were put in place to end the first gulf war and they were in bed with terrorists.the same group that attacked us and killed 3000 of your and my countrymen.......You could nit pick operation overlord (the invasion of Normandy) doing the same thing, cuz quite frankly NOTHING went as planned then either, and I mean nothing......the end result of it was a victory for the allies..........you guys scream about all the American casualties over there but the fact is.....after 3 years of war there are LESS Americans killed over there than civilians during 911.....Also........speaking of Normandy, the US lost about 6600 men IN 1 DAMN DAY. So c'mon is it really fair to slam war plans as not going by the book a failure?.War is fluid and so should the plans be......
Dude what the hell do you mean not as bad as they are made out to be ? For goodness sakes they just found 30 people beheaded in a ditch in southern Iraq . This is common in countries across the globe ? C'mon man yourself bro . Every single day there is an IED attack . If not it's a mortor attack , if not that is a bunch of guys dressed in police command unit cloths and kill abunch of people and kidnap a bunch of people for ransom . And this by your definition of of " it's all good " is ok ? Yeah - cough - nigga please . . . . . .
Well you are speaking of a small section of Iraq.......based on an interview I saw on one of the news channels, 75% of Iraq is stable..........and it is a fact that troops arre coming home pissed off as to the way the media is reporting news about the progress....They are saying schools are being built, power stations housing etc.....if you took a day in the life of america and only reported the murders and crimes across the country, you could say how violent and unstable it is here as well.

jonnykill wrote:

Spark wrote:


Five posts in a row!!!!

Nice work lowing!

Heard of the EDIT button?

[Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .
I don't think it's as blunt as that.

North Korea has been showing EXTREMELY hostile activity.

Testing missles that could carry nukes that could be usde to attack South Korea/Japan is not something that is to be taken lightly.

Though I'm not sure why everyone is so '!!!' about Iran.
Errrrr do you pay attention to the news ? President of Iran said Isreal should be wiped off the map . Now they want to make nukes for " protection " - Months after Bush declared Iran part of the "axis of evil " along with North Korea - who is also flipping us the bird and delibriately making nukes in front our face . Great stratigy . Spread all your forces in two countries and pick a fight with three more at the same time . Great..... just great .
Guess we should just bring them home and hide under the covers
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6903|Canberra, AUS

jonnykill wrote:

Spark wrote:


Five posts in a row!!!!

Nice work lowing!

Heard of the EDIT button?

[Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

Since your asking I have no broblem with lending a helping hand to an ally . Specialy when the cause has no question to it , it's open and bulic opinion is behind it . I do have a problem with stupid and un-planned action undertaken in an attempt to gain public trust for a lost cause . I also have a broblem with picking a fight with three other nations calling them the " Axis of Evil " while your in the middle of 2 wars that your not doing to well in . Just look at the responce of the rest of the world . North Korea - " F you we make nukes " Iran - " F you we make nukes " . Syria is a terrorist platform and the other 2 wave nukes in our face . Great public relations guys let me tell you .
I don't think it's as blunt as that.

North Korea has been showing EXTREMELY hostile activity.

Testing missles that could carry nukes that could be usde to attack South Korea/Japan is not something that is to be taken lightly.

Though I'm not sure why everyone is so '!!!' about Iran.
Errrrr do you pay attention to the news ? President of Iran said Isreal should be wiped off the map . Now they want to make nukes for " protection " - Months after Bush declared Iran part of the "axis of evil " along with North Korea - who is also flipping us the bird and delibriately making nukes in front our face . Great stratigy . Spread all your forces in two countries and pick a fight with three more at the same time . Great..... just great .

Would you get alarmed if the president of Jamaica called for the destruction of the US? You'd be like 'Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.'

ISRAEL IS A NUCLEAR-ARMED STATE! ('bout a 100 of them)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
my personal take on North Korea is this, (and it is only an opinion I have no facts to back this up)

I think Norht Korea is not as great a threat as Iran because any attacks would only seal their own fate...I don't take North Korea as suicidal.......Iran and the Middle EAST on the other hand, are extremist and their perverted twist on reliegion has them as myrters and will get 70 virgins and all kindsa shit if the die killing infidels.......A people that love to die and are not afraid of it are by far a greater threat I think.........What is your take on it?

It isn't that the US thinks the Middle East is easy pickings for cheap victory, it simply those mother fuckers are crazy! and will do all they say they will do. that makes them the bigger threat.

and spark.........cut me some slack in some cases I am reponding to several posts.....in others I got more to say lol

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-29 21:20:34)

The Microwave Man

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

No things aren't going as well as any of us hoped......but they are not as grim as being made out ........My answer to your question is this........No one has a crystal ball to forsee the future and the cause and effect of any 1 action.......Iraq was invaded because they were breaking the UN sanstioned security resolutions that were put in place to end the first gulf war and they were in bed with terrorists.the same group that attacked us and killed 3000 of your and my countrymen.......You could nit pick operation overlord (the invasion of Normandy) doing the same thing, cuz quite frankly NOTHING went as planned then either, and I mean nothing......the end result of it was a victory for the allies..........you guys scream about all the American casualties over there but the fact is.....after 3 years of war there are LESS Americans killed over there than civilians during 911.....Also........speaking of Normandy, the US lost about 6600 men IN 1 DAMN DAY. So c'mon is it really fair to slam war plans as not going by the book a failure?.War is fluid and so should the plans be......
Dude what the hell do you mean not as bad as they are made out to be ? For goodness sakes they just found 30 people beheaded in a ditch in southern Iraq . This is common in countries across the globe ? C'mon man yourself bro . Every single day there is an IED attack . If not it's a mortor attack , if not that is a bunch of guys dressed in police command unit cloths and kill abunch of people and kidnap a bunch of people for ransom . And this by your definition of of " it's all good " is ok ? Yeah - cough - nigga please . . . . . .
Well you are speaking of a small section of Iraq.......based on an interview I saw on one of the news channels, 75% of Iraq is stable..........and it is a fact that troops arre coming home pissed off as to the way the media is reporting news about the progress....They are saying schools are being built, power stations housing etc.....if you took a day in the life of america and only reported the murders and crimes across the country, you could say how violent and unstable it is here as well.
Dude do you have any idea what terrorism does and it's effects on a population ? Sure , ok 75 % of Iraq is crime and terrorism free . What do you have to say to 200 Iraqi police men getting blown up in the  " green zone " on thier way to a recruiting center ? A bus full of Iraqis getting highjacked and all the people shot in the back of the head for going to work  ? Don't you know Gurilla tactics can ruin public image better then it can kill soldiers on the battle field ? I guess not . I mean seriously man why are we in Iraq ? What ever the reason we are there I surely don't like being bullshitted too . And that's what I think about the situation - I'm being bullshitted . And I don't like it . So stuff it .

jonnykill wrote:

lowing wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Dude what the hell do you mean not as bad as they are made out to be ? For goodness sakes they just found 30 people beheaded in a ditch in southern Iraq . This is common in countries across the globe ? C'mon man yourself bro . Every single day there is an IED attack . If not it's a mortor attack , if not that is a bunch of guys dressed in police command unit cloths and kill abunch of people and kidnap a bunch of people for ransom . And this by your definition of of " it's all good " is ok ? Yeah - cough - nigga please . . . . . .
Well you are speaking of a small section of Iraq.......based on an interview I saw on one of the news channels, 75% of Iraq is stable..........and it is a fact that troops arre coming home pissed off as to the way the media is reporting news about the progress....They are saying schools are being built, power stations housing etc.....if you took a day in the life of america and only reported the murders and crimes across the country, you could say how violent and unstable it is here as well.
Dude do you have any idea what terrorism does and it's effects on a population ? Sure , ok 75 % of Iraq is crime and terrorism free . What do you have to say to 200 Iraqi police men getting blown up in the  " green zone " on thier way to a recruiting center ? A bus full of Iraqis getting highjacked and all the people shot in the back of the head for going to work  ? Don't you know Gurilla tactics can ruin public image better then it can kill soldiers on the battle field ? I guess not . I mean seriously man why are we in Iraq ? What ever the reason we are there I surely don't like being bullshitted too . And that's what I think about the situation - I'm being bullshitted . And I don't like it . So stuff it .
I would say............we are in a war and they are in a war zone......nothing new is happening as far as wars go......there has always been infiltrations and shit in war...people and soldiers have always been killed in suposed safe zones during war.......what is your point here?........that yes, it is a war but people are dying??
The Microwave Man

Spark wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Spark wrote:


Five posts in a row!!!!

Nice work lowing!

Heard of the EDIT button?

[Yes I was . An ally of ours was subject to a quick and brutal attack for one reason . Oil . And rape and plunder . So we defended Quwait and wiped out so many troops that General Shelton was wondering if we went too far with the highway of death where we bombed the crap out of 6000 vehicles retreating from the war zone . He thought it would affect public relations for the brutality .

I don't think it's as blunt as that.

North Korea has been showing EXTREMELY hostile activity.

Testing missles that could carry nukes that could be usde to attack South Korea/Japan is not something that is to be taken lightly.

Though I'm not sure why everyone is so '!!!' about Iran.
Errrrr do you pay attention to the news ? President of Iran said Isreal should be wiped off the map . Now they want to make nukes for " protection " - Months after Bush declared Iran part of the "axis of evil " along with North Korea - who is also flipping us the bird and delibriately making nukes in front our face . Great stratigy . Spread all your forces in two countries and pick a fight with three more at the same time . Great..... just great .

Would you get alarmed if the president of Jamaica called for the destruction of the US? You'd be like 'Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.'

ISRAEL IS A NUCLEAR-ARMED STATE! ('bout a 100 of them)
OMFG smoke what ? Jamaca ? What ? I have no idea what to make of your post . It's just plain stupid .
And so what if Isreal is a nuke armed state . They went through a houlocaust and the day they got thier state made by the UN they got attacked by three different countries headed by the lovely qnd peacful Islamic states . Wouldn't you want some nukes at this point ???
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6903|Canberra, AUS

jonnykill wrote:

Spark wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Errrrr do you pay attention to the news ? President of Iran said Isreal should be wiped off the map . Now they want to make nukes for " protection " - Months after Bush declared Iran part of the "axis of evil " along with North Korea - who is also flipping us the bird and delibriately making nukes in front our face . Great stratigy . Spread all your forces in two countries and pick a fight with three more at the same time . Great..... just great .

Would you get alarmed if the president of Jamaica called for the destruction of the US? You'd be like 'Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.'

ISRAEL IS A NUCLEAR-ARMED STATE! ('bout a 100 of them)
OMFG smoke what ? Jamaca ? What ? I have no idea what to make of your post . It's just plain stupid .
And so what if Isreal is a nuke armed state . They went through a houlocaust and the day they got thier state made by the UN they got attacked by three different countries headed by the lovely qnd peacful Islamic states . Wouldn't you want some nukes at this point ???
You are a professional retard, in my opinion.

Jamaica is a small country with VERY LITTLE MILITARY POWER.

The US has NUKES.

Iran has little military power in comparison to Israel.

I am saying that the Iranian president should not be taken seriously on this issue. He is way, way, way out of his depth.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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