The Power of Two
+188|6800|Sydney, Australia
OK, so most players are vets, some have even gone beyond this game, but here we are, near the end of the BF2 life, and I think it's time to put together our knowledge into a complete reference material.

Post here your experiences with BF2, i.e. do's and don't's, as well as techniques which you have found very useful for this venerable game.

Never play BF2 with cold hands, not only will your aiming be constantly off, but it gets frustrating when your brain wills your fingers to move, and they become sluggish.

Playing Karkand 24/7 makes you leet pr0.

Always check your 6.

Ghillie suits can help if used properly.

Last edited by Vub (2008-07-04 01:29:47)

Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6462|Vancouver | Canada
Playing Karkand 24/7 makes you leet pr0.

..But seriously:
Always check your 6.
Ghillie suits can help if used properly.
Edit:Plants with thick stems are shown for full draw distance. Use that to your advantage when long distance sniping.

Last edited by DefCon-17 (2008-07-04 01:29:48)

french canadians suck
Use cover.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6462|Vancouver | Canada
For jets: Switch to bombs when you're not using missiles. It won't alert air enemies to your presence by locking on to them.
When bombing tanks, angle down slightly after you hear the "thunk" of the first bomb being dropped. That should put both bombs right on target.
Use your guns on AA.

I'll think of some more tomorrow.

It's 1:38 AM.

Reload when you have the time.

When being shot don't stand still..

Save your nades for confrontations on the flag..

Always Bunnyhop and dolphin dive if it helps you stay alive..

Revive your teammate when the time is right and not some silly moment when you'll both just get killed because of it..

Turn off any programs while running bf2

If in a squad make sure your squadleader knows what he's doing and can hold his own back..

bla bla bla

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2008-07-04 01:43:05)

AKA Selkies ftw
Always reload an SVD if you have less than 7 shots and aren't in direct combat.
Dragshots take a few days to perfect. Learn them, it is easy to do.
Put at least 300 meters between you and your target if at all possible. Your average sniper can't hit anything in excess of 150 meters.
Please stop trying to snipe near or around the large rock on Arty Island. It is the main focus of J-10's and choppers. Third arty is your best friend.
+54|6460|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Just cuz you see a bush with your uber high graphics settings, doesn't mean a n00b with low gfx does. Watch where you hide.
All flags are not created equal.

Every map has key flags that have importance from the point of view of what assets you have there: commander assets, tanks, apcs, choppers, planes. If you lose these then you lose the game, and worse than this you will put yourself in a position to get raped.

Also, "Hotel" is not the only flag on Karkand...
play a lot of infantry.
find weapons that work for you.
read about them at
get an unhealthy addiction to weapons.
check ballistics videos on youtube.
resort to "well in real life..." in any arguments about medic unlocks.
start thinking about buying a gun.
buying a replica of your favorite gun.
be semi-content.
talk with weird people online that sell real weapons illegally for the thrill of it.
dislike bf bad company cause of the lame weapons.
don't rush in.
if you're outnumbered, fall back and return resupplied (grenades).
shooting from the hip is more accurate than you might think.
try to gain good situational awareness. it's more important than to aim good.
don't think about stats all too much. remember; you play to have fun.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
If you're not playing medic on karkand, you're useless to your team.

If you spawn on your squadleader and he's sitting hiding on a roof near a flag, get on the flag, don't attract attention to where he's hiding, cause if he's me, I'll shoot you.
back to i-life

Think! Be smarter than your opponent, learn from mistakes. Try to predict their routes, steps, actions.

Retreat is not a shame, it can save your "life", refill health and ammo and whola - you are ready to kill again!

Stats are life, help your team!
Parcel of ol' Crams
I read a couple ones that say reload when ever you can (outside of combat) but when you play on servers with very few people and sometimes you are the only one defending/capping on that side of the map.

?Conserve ammo, if you have more then half a clip, that is more then enough to get a couple of kills, you just need to be a good shot. Also, if you kill someone, check to see if anyone else is there, then pick up their kit, see if they got lots of ammo.
(this also works if they shot you, but you killed them and they were a medic or support, pick up their kit, drop a medic/ammo pack then go back to your kit)

Using the G3 will help you learn how to conserve ammo

Don't nade spam a flag without checking where the enemy is/where your nades will go, if you don't kill them with you first 2 nades, they could have gotten away and might even come up behind you.
+163|6952|Odessa, Ukraine
Never play BF2 with cold hands, not only will your aiming be constantly off, but it gets frustrating when your brain wills your fingers to move, and they become sluggish.

Use cover.


aslo :

- never play if you are really tired and your reflexes are close to offline , you will end up with kdr of 0.5

- aim for head if possible

- use anything to your advantage, but G36E and rpk
I can haz titanium paancakez?
-ALWAYS reload,even if you have wasted 3 or 4 bullets.These last bullets will make the difference in combat.
-Screw the kiddies who moan about bunnyhopping and dolphin diving.Jump like there is no fucking tommorow.
-Do not just randomly hit servers.Chances are you will come accross stupid admins and pricks.Find a decent one with mature players and admins,and whore it.After all,having friends who admin your favourite server is always a good thing
-Whore BF2S (Trackr)
Keep moving.
Learn how to predict different kits. eg, support will more often than not, prone infront of you, so aim for where their heads will be.
Use dead peoples kits to your advantage.
The claymore is detonated when someone walks infront of the curve. So many snipers but the curve into a wall expecting it to explode when someone walks past.
The knife is longer than you think.
Always be prepared to stab twice.
Switch to pistol after hitting someone with a sniper rifle to finish them before they have chance to heal.
Each map has loads of paths that everyone will use. Learn them, and use them to predict where people will be coming from.
Rank means nothing.
Don't play if you are angry. You will only play shit and end up hitting something in frustration.
Even the worst players get lucky
Just because someone is better than you doesn't mean they hack.
Most snipers will use rooftops, or return to the same place you just killed them.
As a squadleader, try and communicate with your squad as much as possible.
You CAN'T Revive If The Whole Body Is Completely In Water

All I can think of atm

Last edited by ShadowsStrike (2008-07-04 04:37:37)

Hockey Nut
+243|6836|Boston, MA
Play to win.
Real Хорошо
+826|6825|Adelaide, South Australia

If solo-capping as a Medic/Support, litter your bags around the point instead of just under yourself. If the enemy uses his 3d map, he can see the heal/ammo signs. The reverse applies to you, too.

Set traps with Heath/Ammo bags.

Pistols are a threat at all ranges.

Shoot the Medics first.

Use C4 like grenades.

Target the enemy UAV and Radar vans first: they can't Arty if they can't see. Use the enemy Supply Crates to rinse + repeat.

Grenade Launchers are still damn useful.

Stand inside the room, not in the window.

Avoid enemy bodies. They still look up.

Flank. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—   
I took the one less travelled by,   
And that has made all the difference."

Wait until trapped vehicles just reach the front-line before detonating.

Only fire if you know that you (or a team-mate) can kill the target.

Bombers have two seats for a reason. Let your missile-mate shoot.

.50cals are more useful than Stingers.

Jeeps are not good cover.

Stationary guns are deathtraps.

APC gun-ports are useless.

And now, my personal favourite:

When all else fails, Jihad Tank it.
+15|6111|Malaga, Spain
If you can't revive somebody because their corpse is stuck in a wall/rock/tree/whatever, bounce some medkits off the body to try to shift them out of there and get the revive. This can take some time so be careful, make sure the coast is clear first.

Most guns are inaccurate on full auto beyond close range. Shoot in shorter bursts as the range increases to control recoil, and select single shot at longer ranges.

Learn to anticipate mines, both of the claymore and AT variety. They are usually placed in fairly predictable places so look for them (although sometimes looking for claymores will get you killed by them...)

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

When all else fails, Jihad Tank it.
APC work wonder as Jihad Devices.

-avoid tunnel vision between you and your teammate you are about to revive.
-Try to confuse your enemy so that he doesn't know where you will be.
-Do as much camping...huh...I mean Strategic positioning as you can.
-read This guide
-watch famous fragmovies(Duck & Cover, Dogfighter and the thousands of medic-Karkand-Hotel ones.)
-Chuck grenades at enemy corpses, blind enemy medics are your friends.
-Never take a flag in a tank, kill everyone that spawns on instead.
-kill J10s when they go to resupply themselves.
-Use Anti-Tanks coupled with support and medics for the Ultimate Air Superiority Device.(UASD)
-Never prone at close range.
-Bunny hopping = you take less bullets = you survive longer = your KDR rises.
-Never prone against a PKM or RPK.
-Never drop supplies as commander for anything else than tanks or choppers
-Repair your own assets if your main is capped.
-UAV and scan are not necessary.
-When engaged in chopper combat at long range, try at all costs to be followed, you must never follow the enemy chopper(if you are followed you have a relative longer range.)
-use SRAW/ERYX as Anti Personel weapons.
-If you played Quake aim at their feet with the SRAW/ERYX.
-Constantly check your minimap to see if stinger or vehicles are taken(useful in a chopper)
-NEVER and I mean never fire with the tank's roof mg on a chopper that hasn't seen you.
-Use your brain when playing
-Blockspawn the enemy.
Boat sig is not there anymore
Know your limits: If there are 10 soldiers and a tank heading your way, it's probably better to fall back then to try and fight.

Know your weapon's limits: No, you can't snipe with the jackhammer and no, the L96A1 is not a great CQC weapon.

Look at your map: No, I don't have wall hacks, just a UAV. Now stop with the damn kickvotes.

If you are going to hop out of a tank because it is badly damaged, then for fucks sake make sure you have the means to destroy it so an enemy doesn't steal it and repair it.

Just because an enemy is there, doesn't mean you have to shoot them. Wait until you're in a position where the advantage is yours.

Think before you put a mine down. Chances are if the entire enemy team uses a particular route, your team uses the same route too.

You aren't the only vehicle on the road. Leave room to let other vehicles pass.

If you see someone pointing a rocket launcher at you, laying down in the middle of the street probably isn't the best idea.

Use your 3D map: med/ammo bags randomly appearing and your teammates names disappearing means an enemy is nearby. A red skull means a powerup, run straight towards it and then hit page down.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2008-07-04 08:28:04)


Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Know your weapon's limits: No, you can't snipe with the jackhammer and no, the L96A1 is not a great CQC weapon.

No you're right, the M24 is better

Last edited by ShadowsStrike (2008-07-04 08:31:50)

Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6454|San Antonio, Texas
-Single shot often times has better hit reg than automatic. It also conserves ammo, so switch your firing mode soldier!

-When rounding a corner and someone is chasing you, get your grenade ready and right click when you turn. The enemy soldier will be wounded or killed from the nade, giving you an advantage.

-Try to find other spots in the flag radius to cap it. These less known spots aren't the first to be checked, giving you more time to attack the defender or hide out long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

-The crouch key is very useful on mounted machine guns and the tank turret. It gives you time to wait for enemy units to come into your range without getting headshotted by a sniper.

-The tracks of the tank are the weakest point. Always aim for the tracks. One TOW/HJ8 rocket to the tracks equals death. Not many know this, and sometimes the crying tankers will shout out "hacks!!". Screw 'em and keep killing.

-In a tank, it's best to always move to avoid being AT mined or C4ed. Anti-Tank soldiers also have a harder time hitting a moving target. Remember the splash damage on the tank's cannon and use that to your advantage if you miss while moving using the co-axial gun.

-Engineers can defuse claymores and AT mines. If you're in a tank or APC, hop out and remove the mine with your wrench. If a sniper just dropped a clay in your face, be quick and defuse the mine before it detonates. There's a small activation time until it's lethal, and not moving also helps.
+97|6921|Kent, UK
medic tips:

1 bullet from an ak101 to the head kills: if someone's prone at a reasonable distance, odds are you have a better chance of killing them by single-shotting them than spraying madly.

The m16s bursts can be fired extremely quickly, however it is all about timing. Try to follow your next click immediately after the first burst has ended, rather than clicking madly.

The m16 loses accuracy within about three bursts. If you are close range, this is fine. However at long distance, take your time and pick your shots.

when capping a flag with (preferably) more than one sane person, and they are nading you, get some medic bags, put your head (prone with your head facing a wall) in a wall and wait. If medic bags are around you, it is extremely hard for anyone to kill you with nades, as protecting your head reduces the power of the nade.

If you run out of main gun bullets in a 1 on 1/ 2 on 2, and it is a very closed and close area, switch to knife. It is open and distant, switch to pistol.

The pistol is ridiculously accurate when zoomed, never forget this.

Don't forget that if you need more ammo on the middle of a firefight, you can always pick up another one.

Remember it's only a game: It was made to be fun, so if you're not having fun and just getting angry why are you playing.

Last edited by Fosterthelegend (2008-07-04 08:46:01)

+354|6305|Vortex Ring State
You can dodge Eryx and SRAW missiles.

You move slow when prone. Use it to your advantage when knifing Snipers and Supports.

The M2HB and Kord pwn aircraft.

When shooting a DPV as AT, aim ahead of the target.

Flank your enemy. It works.

When machinegunning, don't let out a steady stream of tracers. It attracts snipers.

Before using nades, check your minimap for allies.

Never play BF2 without sound...

Learn to recognize an allied medic's dead body. Pick up his kit and revive him.

When on a ladder, press C to check for claymores at the top.

When confronting multiple enemies, shoot the one with the most powerful weapon first (The G36E)

C4 on dead bodies = EOB.
Parcel of ol' Crams

fermatx wrote:

Never play BF2 without sound...
lol the amount of people that type in the squad chat "sorry, i have music on" or " I have the sound off so i can't hear what you are saying"

i just want to slpa them, i've never play with one of them where they actually got a good score

fermatx wrote:

When on a ladder, press C to check for claymores at the top.
i never knew that could be done, but i always checked for claymores by going up to the top of a ladder, and just peaking over the edge, they only blow if th majority of your body is above the ledge

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