. . .

SpiritofDeath wrote:

Firestorm is some stupid prick.

I just played on Moongamers.Karkand 24/7.I spawned es Mec and get into the tank.After beeing killed i spawned again at the mec mainbase.Our great (MF!) is also there.The tank spawns and i get in first.He said "get out" about 10x.I said "why, just because your an admin, and this is "your" tank?" Logically i was kicked..
omg i hate admins that  think the game belongs to them.
First time and also last time on Moongamers.


Hey sometimes (even: all of the time) somebody else is PAYING for the server you're not paying for you IDIOT.
The software (and the vehicles are "software") do not belong to any of us.I payed 50€ for the game and he payed 50$.He is an admin but it's not his game nor his software nor his right to be so stupid.First come,first serve.If he is not able to deal with it,he must be a really sad person.

There is no server rule "the admins own all vehicles so get the f..k out of'em!"
. . .
How slow are you?

FACT: you do NOT own the ON-LINE game (server) portion - end of story. Someone else does.
At 4$ to $8 a SLOT on MOONGAMERS that's somewhere around ($4-to-8 x 60 = ) $240 to $480 US dollars
PER MONTH lease.

And this TA-firestorm guy probably OWNS that LEASE on Moongamers, YOU DON'T. So if the owner of the LEASE who has both the power and the RIGHT to tell you to get OUT of a vehicle and go PLAY infantry (FOR FREE ON MY SERVER) for right NOW - go do it.

Why should he have to argue with you? He doesn't - KICK! I would do the same.

And I could venture a guess that he's kicked a 100 to 1000 insolent FREE-LOADERS like you (playing for FREE ON  SOMEONE ELSES LEASED-SERVER) who think "hey that pixlated vehicle is as much mine as it YOURS!" You my slow friend are wrong.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-30 15:27:26)


AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

I hope theres at least 5 people playing on that FireStorm account, because on January 27th, he logged 17 hours on BF2, that is disgusting.
its called a lan party and i hold one almost 2x a month sometimes more,
man you nubs never give up LMFAO
get in out TS and play a day its just me 1 person,WITH NOTHIN BETTER TO DO ATM then to play BF2.
as for my life....its my life.........
put up or shut up,join our ts and play you might just find out OMG IT IS ONE GUY!!!
and i dont let anyone on my account so get over it i just PLAY ALOT/ADMIN!
oh and BTW out of a 10 hour log in<---- im idle or ghosting 2-3 hours as ADMIN!
good day
p.s. LMFAO A SCHOOL BOY HAHAHAH! havent seen inside of a school in 18 years!

Last edited by {TA}FireStorm (2006-01-30 19:03:24)

Shoot that guy ->
I know, I saw what you posted about being an admin. But still, 17 hours, thats almost 3 quarters of a day...=\

Last edited by AmBiTiOnZ23 (2006-01-30 19:06:03)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

I hope theres at least 5 people playing on that FireStorm account, because on January 27th, he logged 17 hours on BF2, that is disgusting.
its called a lan party and i hold one almost 2x a month sometimes more,
man you nubs never give up LMFAO
get in out TS and play a day its just me 1 person,WITH NOTHIN BETTER TO DO ATM then to play BF2.
as for my life....its my life.........
put up or shut up,join our ts and play you might just find out OMG IT IS ONE GUY!!!
and i dont let anyone on my account so get over it i just PLAY ALOT/ADMIN!
oh and BTW out of a 10 hour log in<---- im idle or ghosting 2-3 hours as ADMIN!
good day
p.s. LMFAO A SCHOOL BOY HAHAHAH! havent seen inside of a school in 18 years!
I was shocked as well seeing some days you played about 20 hours, then I did realize that you admin/idle a lot.

topal63 wrote:

How slow are you?

FACT: you do NOT own the ON-LINE game (server) portion - end of story. Someone else does.
At 4$ to $8 a SLOT on MOONGAMERS that's somewhere around ($4-to-8 x 60 = ) $240 to $480 US dollars
PER MONTH lease.

And this TA-firestorm guy probably OWNS that LEASE on Moongamers, YOU DON'T. So if the owner of the LEASE who has both the power and the RIGHT to tell you to get OUT of a vehicle and go PLAY infantry (FOR FREE ON MY SERVER) for right NOW - go do it.

Why should he have to argue with you? He doesn't - KICK! I would do the same.

And I could venture a guess that he's kicked a 100 to 1000 insolent FREE-LOADERS like you (playing for FREE ON  SOMEONE ELSES LEASED-SERVER) who think "hey that pixlated vehicle is as much mine as it YOURS!" You my slow friend are wrong.
How stupid are you?

If you own a server you would kick somebody because it's "your" tank? Really pathetic.
Yes i'm a free-loader on the server,but they need free-loaders, aren't they? If just those ppl you payed for the server are playing on it it would be empty.If i join i want to play how i want and not how an admin tells me too.Exept the rules on this server.WHERE IS THE F***KIN RULE THAT ADMINS OWN THE VEHICLES?
The reason i was kicked was "disrupting gameplay" i mean, what  logic is that? If this moron can't press E quick enough it's not my fault.

Last edited by SpiritofDeath (2006-01-31 01:07:38)

Yes, be nice to your clientele.. they might just not come back or boycott.

Personally I have not had this problem on moongamers.

But its true, good servers can die because of crappy admins.

Have a good day.
+4|7046|Hamilton, Scotland

Tyferra wrote:

Blazin. UK's probably not playing BF2 as much now. Bored probably.

I feel great to kow that I have the only relevant comment so far.
btw there hunners of guys frm the UK playing bf2,SF and they will almost certainly b playing EF! im 1 of them!!!

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2006-01-31 09:43:10)

+4|7046|Hamilton, Scotland

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

I hope theres at least 5 people playing on that FireStorm account, because on January 27th, he logged 17 hours on BF2, that is disgusting.
its called a lan party and i hold one almost 2x a month sometimes more,
man you nubs never give up LMFAO
get in out TS and play a day its just me 1 person,WITH NOTHIN BETTER TO DO ATM then to play BF2.
as for my life....its my life.........
put up or shut up,join our ts and play you might just find out OMG IT IS ONE GUY!!!
and i dont let anyone on my account so get over it i just PLAY ALOT/ADMIN!
oh and BTW out of a 10 hour log in<---- im idle or ghosting 2-3 hours as ADMIN!
good day
p.s. LMFAO A SCHOOL BOY HAHAHAH! havent seen inside of a school in 18 years!
a, a LAN party, u must have alot of guys in ur area playing the game (and they must be sick as a parrot because uve killed them so many times) lol!, bang!:there goes the neighbourhood!, lol!!
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

topal63 wrote:

How slow are you?

FACT: you do NOT own the ON-LINE game (server) portion - end of story. Someone else does.
At 4$ to $8 a SLOT on MOONGAMERS that's somewhere around ($4-to-8 x 60 = ) $240 to $480 US dollars
PER MONTH lease.

And this TA-firestorm guy probably OWNS that LEASE on Moongamers, YOU DON'T. So if the owner of the LEASE who has both the power and the RIGHT to tell you to get OUT of a vehicle and go PLAY infantry (FOR FREE ON MY SERVER) for right NOW - go do it.

Why should he have to argue with you? He doesn't - KICK! I would do the same.

And I could venture a guess that he's kicked a 100 to 1000 insolent FREE-LOADERS like you (playing for FREE ON  SOMEONE ELSES LEASED-SERVER) who think "hey that pixlated vehicle is as much mine as it YOURS!" You my slow friend are wrong.
Yeah that's fine for an unranked server but I'm pretty sure that it's Violating some sort of EA rule if it's Unranked also I'm lazy and don't read the guidelines so I might be wrong
. . .

SpiritofDeath wrote:

topal63 wrote:

How slow are you?

FACT: you do NOT own the ON-LINE game (server) portion - end of story. Someone else does.
At 4$ to $8 a SLOT on MOONGAMERS that's somewhere around ($4-to-8 x 60 = ) $240 to $480 US dollars
PER MONTH lease.

And this TA-firestorm guy probably OWNS that LEASE on Moongamers, YOU DON'T. So if the owner of the LEASE who has both the power and the RIGHT to tell you to get OUT of a vehicle and go PLAY infantry (FOR FREE ON MY SERVER) for right NOW - go do it.

Why should he have to argue with you? He doesn't - KICK! I would do the same.

And I could venture a guess that he's kicked a 100 to 1000 insolent FREE-LOADERS like you (playing for FREE ON  SOMEONE ELSES LEASED-SERVER) who think "hey that pixlated vehicle is as much mine as it YOURS!" You my slow friend are wrong.
How stupid are you?

If you own a server you would kick somebody because it's "your" tank? Really pathetic.
Yes i'm a free-loader on the server,but they need free-loaders, aren't they? If just those ppl you payed for the server are playing on it it would be empty.If i join i want to play how i want and not how an admin tells me too.Exept the rules on this server.WHERE IS THE F***KIN RULE THAT ADMINS OWN THE VEHICLES?
The reason i was kicked was "disrupting gameplay" i mean, what  logic is that? If this moron can't press E quick enough it's not my fault.
Are you actually trying to be thick as a brick?

You will not get anywhere with anyone ever by not going along sometimes. . .

I have been kicked/banned for the following ADMIN/or/SERVER rule(s) violations:
Swearing - even though it was framed on the context of humor.
TK-ing - even though it was a TK-er I was TK-ing or the player I Tk-ed was one that TK-ed me for a vehicle.
Using the grenade launcher.
Commanding and artillary striking an uncappable base.
Playing on a European server (I am a US player).
Playing to good.
For no reason at ALL! It happens(!) That's how a paying member or ADMIN gets into a FULL server, by kicking you.
ETC. . .

And an ADMIN has the power to KICK you period.

EVERY RULE, and or request an admin makes, you should abide by. EVERY rule that server has is in FACT not an EA/DICE game rule - THEY are ALL AD-ON made-up server specific rules and/or requests.

A vinegar tasting no to an ADMIN/server rule/request - I wont do want you want me to - equates to a FUCK YOU(!) to what your telling me to do! As far as disrupting PLAY yeah you might have been.

As far as I am concerned vehicles are not a free-for-all, as happens on-line all too often. If a ROUND has already started and someone else has already spawned, and died, in that tank - TO ME - it his TANK for the rest of that round. He may even be a noob or newbie - I don’t care - it is just one round - some/most rounds often only last 10 min.s to 30 min.s anyway. As IF you are actually waiting all that long.

You thinking that you’ll just run over to the middle of a vehicle spawn point mid-round, or any point after the round has began, and wait for that vehicle spawn is JERKY disrupting behavior in my eyes as well. Hang around/on that server, be respectful of the ADMIN and wait until the beginning of the NEXT round. Guess what you’ll have to take your chances to try and get a vehicle then - that’s the way it goes.

By the way I have played Moongamers, and sometimes it is FUN and sometimes it SUCKS.  ALL servers are that way - the level of play/play-ability will fluctuate.

And in FACT I have been asked to EXIT a vehicle by ADMINs on other servers, guess what I did(!) when on Sharqi and the ADMIN wanted the MEC chopper - I had been doing well in - I landed it and got OUT! I went and played infantry.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-31 11:22:46)

I agree with Spirit. The admin should go by the rules of ranked servers, or else he should have to make it not-ranked.

You say that since he is paying for the server he can do whatever he pleases? Also hack or kick people because they play better than him? I don't know if thats your opinion, I'm just saying that that would be in the same league as kicking to get an armor. And if thats ok on ranked servers, then I don't really see whats the criteria of being a ranked server..

Last edited by WinstontheWolf (2006-01-31 12:08:23)

a 40 year old man having a lan party with a bunch of teenagers thats kinda disgusting if you ask me.  Because i know when I have children they will not be locked up in some place with a 40ish year old man over night.  Unless its like a lan party with a bunch of older guys but i didnt think to many older folks played bf2 for 10+ hours a day.
. . .

WinstontheWolf wrote:

I agree with Spirit. The admin should go by the rules of ranked servers, or else he should have to make it not-ranked.

You say that since he is paying for the server he can do whatever he pleases? Also hack or kick people because they play better than him? I don't know if thats your opinion, I'm just saying that that would be in the same league as kicking to get an armor. And if thats ok on ranked servers, then I don't really see whats the criteria of being a ranked server..
Your inculsion of a the "hack" concept is a red-herring I shall not chase and I am therefor ignorring.

I am not saying that at all (that he should do whatever he pleases). . . but in reality YES(!) he can do (and will do) what he pleases.

Kicking any player at any time for absolutely NO REASON does not violate any rule.

Honestly the ADMIN does not even have to give you a reason. You’re in the GRAY area here. Let’s say you get kicked by the ADMIN to let a paying-player in, yet the screen says: "You've been kicked as the result of a successful kick vote." This is not actually what happened - and so what if it isn't, you need to accept that there is nothing wrong with this - that it will happen and forget about it.

What I am trying to impress upon the-dense is that this is a GRAY AREA that does not violate any rule, especially in terms of individual incidents (kicks). How would EA/DICE actually monitor the validity of an ADMIN kick? Not possible - period. I am trying to make the other poster understand he is going nowhere with his type of thinking or perspective. . .   

My son play’s BF2 and he does the opposite of: FUCK YOU(!) admin and your word-filters/Server RULES/request/etc - he befriends the ADMIN instead (if possible) - his time on the server is both more FUN and his treatment is better - he actually gets away with breaking  the server/admin specific rules (he does!) - because befriending someone gives you more leeway than disrespecting some-ones request/rules.

Point: if TA-Firestorm kicked him, honestly he does not even have to give a REAL reason, and you/him/EA/DICE will not ever know the real reason, if none is given - only the ADMIN knows.  Get over the reality of it. And it doesn't actually happen that often - people bitch and moan about a few, or even a single, incident, like it is the biggest deal ever - what a joke - and a sign of utter immaturity.

All I am illustrating to the numb of thoughtfulness/thinking in general are some simple things he/they should already know.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-31 15:16:36)


topal63 wrote:

SpiritofDeath wrote:

Firestorm is some stupid prick.

I just played on Moongamers.Karkand 24/7.I spawned es Mec and get into the tank.After beeing killed i spawned again at the mec mainbase.Our great (MF!) is also there.The tank spawns and i get in first.He said "get out" about 10x.I said "why, just because your an admin, and this is "your" tank?" Logically i was kicked..
omg i hate admins that  think the game belongs to them.
First time and also last time on Moongamers.


Hey sometimes (even: all of the time) somebody else is PAYING for the server you're not paying for you IDIOT.
Ta-Firestorm does not ban (or kick)  for that, I played with him before he was in the top 20 and he never did that to me even though i took his tank many times
Its really quite simple.  If someone is going to ban you for taking 'their' tank, screw them.  They can die, and you should just go play on another server.  I personally wouldn't "befriend" (a.k.a. ass kissing), some asshole who bans because someone stole his precious tank. 

And it probably does violate some rule about Ranked Servers.  I mean, ranked servers are supposed to provide an equal playing field right?  How is it equal if the admin is abusing his privelage to boot people for besting them in something. 

. . .

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

Its really quite simple.  If someone is going to ban you for taking 'their' tank, screw them.  They can die, and you should just go play on another server.  I personally wouldn't "befriend" (a.k.a. ass kissing), some asshole who bans because someone stole his precious tank. 

And it probably does violate some rule about Ranked Servers.  I mean, ranked servers are supposed to provide an equal playing field right?  How is it equal if the admin is abusing his privelage to boot people for besting them in something. 

1.) A kick is not a ban, for starters. . .

2.) AND NO RULE IS VIOLATED PERIOD! Even if one was - it could never be proven that one was violated - you do understand this?

3.) What a moronic idea/attitude. . . "befriend" equates to "ass-kissing", LOL!

4.) No one was bested - he was kicked for probably being a JERK! There is his lame story/little itty-bitty meaningless single incident/and/complaint; and the probable real story; that he was displaying ATYPICAL JERKY BF2-VEHICLE BEHAVIOR. He probably got kicked for doing just what reason was given - "disrupting the game-play/round."

Here is an incomplete list of jerky on-line vehicle behavior, in case your ignorant of such:
1.) TK-ing for IT (everyone is familiar with this one).
2.) Using it (the same vehicle) ALL the time, round after round after round, thus barring others from using it - ever.
3.) Stealing a tank while an engineer is fixing it . . . (and LOL, getting blown up 2 sec.s later most of the time!).
4.) Delibrately crashing a helicopter, when you a are gunner, for all kinds of jerky reasons. . .
5.) Entering a ROUND mid. or late there into. . . and instead of playing infantry, park your jerky-ass at a vehicle spawn point, and do nothing for that round (because it does not respawn) or try to STEAL that vehicle spawn from another player who has been using the vehicle during the round - BECAUSE YOU ARE A LAME-ASS IMPATIENT JERK WHO'D RATHER DISRUPT A ROUNDS FLOW- or do nothing - rather than wait till the next round.
6.) 6-10 players hanging out on a helo-pad (for a whole round even!) fighting/pushing/tk-ing to get into that 1 helo-spawn.
7.) This one is a specific incident: On Mashtur City, I was capping the flag at the place the MEC Tank spawns, and a player drives up and does not help me cap the flag. Instead he parks his jerky-ass on the Tank spawn, I hear a Black-hawk comming, the flag is just about to go up, so I back off . . . he starts doing circles then runs over to the flag and sees me closer to tank spawn point, and refuses to take the flag - I am smiling on the inside now - I hide behind the Tin-shed - Blackhawk cuts him to pieces - LOL! - and takes the flag! I wait then take the flag and the tank! Either dopey was deaf or stupid? If I could hear the Blackhawk so could he. . . While we were both jerks in this incident - I was the jerk who got the last laugh!
8.) I even saw this on Wake once: A player TK-ed an engineer guy for the Tank just so he co drive it to the helo-pad and TK the players waiting for the helo-spawn.
9.) On and on and on; etc. . . etc. . . etc.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-02-01 09:02:50)

If typical BF2 "jerkish" behavior involves taking a vehicle when a poor lil' admin wants it for himself.  Then yes, i am a jerk. 

btw.. Number Five kind of contradicts Number Two, but I won't sit here, quote your post, and tell you everything that is wrong with it.  Have fun responding!

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

If typical BF2 "jerkish" behavior involves taking a vehicle when a poor lil' admin wants it for himself.  Then yes, i am a jerk. 

btw.. Number Five kind of contradicts Number Two, but I won't sit here, quote your post, and tell you everything that is wrong with it.  Have fun responding!
Haha! Nice.
it rite firestrom is admin, but uk been relaxin n now back on the hunt for his title.
i like firestorm
i like bf2
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|7019|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
you guys seriously need to get a girlfriend and realize that this is a game, ment for entertainment, and only for entertainment. 

However, I do agree that if you're not paying for the server then you should do what the admin says, no matter what it is.
Death StatPadder
+228|7074|Human Meat Shield
I love women.
This is my opinion.

Yes the admin has the power to kick you for whatever reason. He has the right to set up some rules.
And thats fine, if he is doing his job, I wont have to deal with TK:ers or noob tubers.
But if he kicks me for taking "his" vehicle, (It is not his, even tough he has payed for a slot in the server)
He is nothing but an asshole.

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