Completel unorthodox to my previous thread, but I'll add it in anyway. Let people (constructively) criticize it but if you don't like it, well that's just your style!
So go for it, post your art and have it rated! I don't have any on hand, so the next person who gets their art posted is the first one heh.Okay here's the jig;
A lot of people don't enter the SOTW, or don't post their art, because they think it sucks. Well listen to me, it doesn't suck. Everyone has their own style of art! Story, just to show you:
- I had to do art for 3 years. I thought my art was great. I solely used lines that I wanted to use, paid no attention to detail and made it look like a sort of authentic theme. Many agreed that it did look good, I really liked some of it too;
- My art teacher on the other hand, disagreed. She said (in a polite fashion), that it sucked. This scarred me from ever doing art again.
But the point is, even though my art teacher is wrong, I can't tell her that otherwise I'd get in some serious trouble. But this is a forum, you aren't face to face, you aren't going to get in trouble (assuming you don't take it too far). So please! Post your art and let people constructively criticize it! Try it, but if you don't like it, that's just your style then! Don't be discouraged because some people's art is "better", your art rocks too. It's just not many people think the same way.