I just cant see any one playing this game for that many hours in a day dont you get bored / sick of it? The most i've played is 5 hours in a row and thats a few days in row but after doing that for just a couple days i get sick of bf2 and take a break for days.

I cant understand if this was a RPG game you're glued to the tv playing an awesome rpg but this is just a fps so i dont know i couldnt play that much lol.

If i keep playing alot longer when i dont want too and sick of it i play bad.
+0|6985|sverdlovsk-45, russia

Rakasan wrote:

LOL, what's your point?  Try these guys who don't excessive playtime to gain high accumulated scores

Dude, u're goddamned right.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

LOLOLOLZ omg blah blah omg stat pad omg so good omg aimbot {TA}Firestorm so cool omg stat pad omg pre 1.03 lololol bh whoe lolz gl stat pad medic lolz rofl beat him play so long omg ranked pistol server omg lolz kkthxbai~*

but seriously... i started something like this but nooo you had to close it and copy my idea a month later eh?

Mad dawg
The only reason firestorm ''looks" so good is because he is commander. That is also why he has such a high kdr. Every arty kill counts in bf2s. And whatever kit u have at the time gets the kill. Even tho it doesnt show it when  ur playing yes those kills do count. I even tryed it my self. I created a new acount and went commander. And for two rounds i did nothing but art. i had about 45 kills and no deaths. I think personally the only one that should be up on that leader board is Blazin. If u think hes a noob because he gets a whole bunch of points healing people then u must be one of those noobs that cant kill those people because those are the ones that play the game right. Ur soppose to do things like that. Its called TEAMWORK. When u heal somone or revive them ur giving them another chance.
+0|6985|sverdlovsk-45, russia

Coolbeano wrote:

LOLOLOLZ omg blah blah omg stat pad omg so good omg aimbot {TA}Firestorm so cool omg stat pad omg pre 1.03 lololol bh whoe lolz gl stat pad medic lolz rofl beat him play so long omg ranked pistol server omg lolz kkthxbai~*

but seriously... i started something like this but nooo you had to close it and copy my idea a month later eh?

That's called Holy Wars since Jargon File 1.0 )

It's eternal and unstoppable. ,))
I cheat.
+-6|7107|Sydney, Australia

AD_Kensan wrote:

MidlandBones wrote:

i'd get tired too if i played non stop for 6 months, espcially if its the same map all the time.
That is not true. He plays on [PTG] 1 which has the City Maps cycle. *lol*
hes the admin of that server he plays on it 24/7 and he has a reserved spot so no waiting for someone 2 leave
Could you people please read through the entire thread, people keep repeating what others have said, as though it's their idea.

-fart-Boom wrote:

Could you people please read through the entire thread, people keep repeating what others have said, as though it's their idea.
So true, it seems like Nitro92 is the only one who has even read my post which should have shut down at least 2/3rds of the posts that followed!
One player moved past another player in ranking
was his name-o
+0|7009|SE Pennsylvania

I'm not going to read through this thread of minutia, but I will say this after looking at Firestorm's stats...

The guy's a Karkand whore.  Get him on a map with planes and choppers and he probably sucks.  Secondly, all he does is command (most likley his clan members who are probably good) and wins a lot of rounds doing so (probably thanks to those clan members).  He doesn't have my respect - he's a God damn loser who has dedicated 1700 hours of his sad, pathetic life to playing a video game.  The guy is probably some unemployed, crosseyed goober.  Oh well.
+-2|7092|U.K DURHAM
omfg nitro92 how dare you even post on here to me you are scum its guys like you i cant stand cheat you shit bag thats all your good for. i will still kill you with your hacks now go hide your head in shame little boy why they let you back here to post is unreal i would ban your ass if i could.

Bingo wrote:


I'm not going to read through this thread of minutia, but I will say this after looking at Firestorm's stats...

The guy's a Karkand whore.  Get him on a map with planes and choppers and he probably sucks.  Secondly, all he does is command (most likley his clan members who are probably good) and wins a lot of rounds doing so (probably thanks to those clan members).  He doesn't have my respect - he's a God damn loser who has dedicated 1700 hours of his sad, pathetic life to playing a video game.  The guy is probably some unemployed, crosseyed goober.  Oh well.
whats wrong with not wanting to get raped by jets and choppers every 10 seconds

Anima05 wrote:

Bingo wrote:


I'm not going to read through this thread of minutia, but I will say this after looking at Firestorm's stats...

The guy's a Karkand whore.  Get him on a map with planes and choppers and he probably sucks.  Secondly, all he does is command (most likley his clan members who are probably good) and wins a lot of rounds doing so (probably thanks to those clan members).  He doesn't have my respect - he's a God damn loser who has dedicated 1700 hours of his sad, pathetic life to playing a video game.  The guy is probably some unemployed, crosseyed goober.  Oh well.
whats wrong with not wanting to get raped by jets and choppers every 10 seconds
The fact that, if you are a good player you will know how to deal with it.  You can easily choose paths and places that are sheltered form jets and helicopters.

-fart-Boom wrote:

Anima05 wrote:

Bingo wrote:


I'm not going to read through this thread of minutia, but I will say this after looking at Firestorm's stats...

The guy's a Karkand whore.  Get him on a map with planes and choppers and he probably sucks.  Secondly, all he does is command (most likley his clan members who are probably good) and wins a lot of rounds doing so (probably thanks to those clan members).  He doesn't have my respect - he's a God damn loser who has dedicated 1700 hours of his sad, pathetic life to playing a video game.  The guy is probably some unemployed, crosseyed goober.  Oh well.
whats wrong with not wanting to get raped by jets and choppers every 10 seconds
The fact that, if you are a good player you will know how to deal with it.  You can easily choose paths and places that are sheltered form jets and helicopters.
yeah but why does that make you a karkand whore.  If someone only plays Kubra Dam all the time, they won't called a Kubra Dam whore

Anima05 wrote:

-fart-Boom wrote:

Anima05 wrote:

whats wrong with not wanting to get raped by jets and choppers every 10 seconds
The fact that, if you are a good player you will know how to deal with it.  You can easily choose paths and places that are sheltered form jets and helicopters.
yeah but why does that make you a karkand whore.  If someone only plays Kubra Dam all the time, they won't called a Kubra Dam whore
Well that is because Kubra Dam isn't the most played map in the game.  Some people have literally ONLY played Karkand, as though it's the only map there is.

P.S. ^endless spiral of death^

-fart-Boom wrote:

Anima05 wrote:

-fart-Boom wrote:

The fact that, if you are a good player you will know how to deal with it.  You can easily choose paths and places that are sheltered form jets and helicopters.
yeah but why does that make you a karkand whore.  If someone only plays Kubra Dam all the time, they won't called a Kubra Dam whore
Well that is because Kubra Dam isn't the most played map in the game.  Some people have literally ONLY played Karkand, as though it's the only map there is.

P.S. ^endless spiral of death^
so, what is wrong with that? I hate getting killed by jets and choppers, so I play only Karkand, Sharqi and SF maps
Platinum Star whore
+365|6983|Middle of nowhere

Anima05 wrote:

-fart-Boom wrote:

Anima05 wrote:

yeah but why does that make you a karkand whore.  If someone only plays Kubra Dam all the time, they won't called a Kubra Dam whore
Well that is because Kubra Dam isn't the most played map in the game.  Some people have literally ONLY played Karkand, as though it's the only map there is.

P.S. ^endless spiral of death^
so, what is wrong with that? I hate getting killed by jets and choppers, so I play only Karkand, Sharqi and SF maps
I don't see why people hate planes and choppers so much, i mean yeah, they kill you a fair amount, but that's part of the game, so deal with it

if you really don't want to get killed by them so often go on a Wake or Daquing Oilfields 64 player server

you hardly ever get killed by planes then...then it's mostly artillery, but you don't hear people complain about that do you?
but why do people call players who want to get away from the jets and choppers whores?
Platinum Star whore
+365|6983|Middle of nowhere
because they only play on one map
+69|7014|th3 unkn0wn

Anima05 wrote:

but why do people call players who want to get away from the jets and choppers whores?
I agree with Anima05. Why should someone who enjoys playing a certain map be called a whore? Do people not have the right to play a favourite map without being called a whore? Wot is the world coming to these days? Anything you enjoy doing you're called a whore and bitch slapped in this forum.

Examples of such are

I like tanks and apcs = armour whore
I like being a medic and saving people's lives = medic whore - applies to
I like playing on Karkand = Karkand whore - applies to over 70% of us
I like commanding = commander whore - applies to  {TA}FireStorm
I like flying choppers = chopper whore
I like knifing people = knife whore
I like flying jets = jet/plane whore
I like playing with C4 = C4 whore
I like using vehicles = vehicle whore - applies to  <Wkl>Anubis
I like using the support kit = support whore - applies to VISSTICK[HCP]
I like driving around in a buggy = buggy whore

etc, etc, etc....

FFS it's as if nobody can do wotever they enjoy doing without somebody calling them a "whore". I play a lot of Karkand cos of the almost immediate fire fights and the frantic chaotic action. I also play it cos I got pissed off with the mentality on other maps where people tk round the clock to fly the chopper or jet.

If that's not enough you get the crap bombed out of you if you choose ground combat on these maps cos the AA is wank and some dumbfuck is joyriding in our jet. Are those not good enough reasons for people who opt to play mainly Karkand? If not then all I have to say is one thing and that is


Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-15 23:18:15)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

IMHO all that 'I hate getting pwned by chopper or jets every 10 seconds' reeks of bullshit to me. There're only MAX 2 jets on the opponent side, 2 attack helis if they steal yours. If its a big game I don't believe there can't be a decent pilot anywhere to be found. If its a small one cap them out and win that way,

Sure play Karkand all you want, if you find it fun, its your right! But you have no right to call non CQC lovers n00bs for their lower SPM etc just because they DONT play karkand and have to travel what, 4 minutes to the next CP.

Every single BF2 player has a different style of play, BF2's scoring system is such that you're either an all-rounder, or a specialist...whoops, I mean whore.

Every single BF2 player also has a different life, and different amounts of time that they can dedicate to their gaming.  In 2003 I would easily spend eight hours a day playing BF1942, and I got pretty good at it.  At the moment I work an 8 hour day, and have more of a life than I did then, so I don't game as much...I often go for days without touching BF2.

If I had the time to spend on gaming that I did back then, I'd have easily made 200,000 by now.  As it happens, I don't even have 20,000 yet.  Frankly, I would LOVE to have that lifestyle again; get up, shower, eat, game, sleep...but I don't, so too bad for me and good on those who do.

My biggest bitch with the top 10 is that EA forces us to see american rank insignia, I'd much rather see a diamond than a rectangle
+69|7014|th3 unkn0wn

polarbearz wrote:

IMHO all that 'I hate getting pwned by chopper or jets every 10 seconds' reeks of bullshit to me. There're only MAX 2 jets on the opponent side, 2 attack helis if they steal yours. If its a big game I don't believe there can't be a decent pilot anywhere to be found. If its a small one cap them out and win that way,

Sure play Karkand all you want, if you find it fun, its your right! But you have no right to call non CQC lovers n00bs for their lower SPM etc just because they DONT play karkand and have to travel what, 4 minutes to the next CP.

I'm afraid but I'll have to disagree with you on the "reeks of bullshit to me" part cos I've seen members of the BSF clan (all of them being 2nd Lt so we know who they are) raping the shit out of people on the aircraft carriers on Wake and the other sea/oil refinery map involving the Chinese and USMC.

With two jets (and a chopper) raping and bombing the crap out of anything and everything that tries to get off the carrier - be it in a jet, chopper or even boat - I don't blame people for being put off from these maps.

And on another note who are you referring to when you talk about "But you have no right to call non CQC lovers n00bs for their lower SPM"? It would be nice to know who you're referring to or quoting cos I, and other people, can't be arsed to search for the noobs boasting about their higher SPMs, etc.

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-16 01:00:05)

Kensan Get A Grip Of Ureslef.i Read Enuf To Form An Opinion On The Subject Go Write A Book If U Feel The Need To Correct Irrelivent Oversights U Moron>

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