Zukabazuka wrote:

In supreme Commander if you wanna get loads of units , build about 10-20 factories of them and start producing them, then you get 10-20 of them at the same time, If you had 100 and then just 15 left it means their base had a heavy defence in other hand expect heavy losses. So just build a secondary army that will take the missiles and have spyplanes in the party to find the commander easier and then just click on him. He will not survive the first raid. Simple victory.

T3 bombers have supreme power compared to the T2 bombers. It takes 2-3 T3 bombers to destroy a T3 frigate in one raid. ofcourse they will be shotdown before getting close but hell 2-3 bombs is it what it takes to finish the frigate.

I can't play it on full graphic or with max unit limit but when I can I will try the turtle AI.
Try playing humans, its a whole different world.