Seem to remember you coming on the server and getting your ass handed to you.DonFck wrote:
Umm.. Read again?..teddy..jimmy wrote:
Well said. TOP owns allDonFck wrote:
As far as being an e-penor orgy, I must disagree. If you post a 10 minute "movie" about an irreleveant flag being raped, which not only is completely unentertaining, but also an extremely badly set up situation, you're pretty much laying your "tactics over principles" on a railroad track waiting for the flametrain. It's clear that the whole thing is framed. Who the f**k would try to cap that flag of all flags on Dragon Valley?
I'd say this thread is more of a "Boris' banfest", and in the words of a clown with yellow overalls, big red motherf**ing shoes and a striped shirt (the clown that should be no.1 on any assassins hit list), "I'm lovin' it!"
My love to |TOP|
I ignored everything except for last part.
Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2006-12-16 14:00:26)